Can we start the race war soon?

Can we start the race war soon?

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Hi there

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Why would we want to do that? just love eachother user.

Dude... that shit was rude.

Dp, you fed?

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Just a concerned citizen.
Do you know him?

With what? Upper and middle class whites consider white supremacists to be trailer trash (true) and will have no qualms about putting you down. You will be fighting and killong other whites as they slaughter your retarded uprising

>le race war!!!

In the event of a "race war" the first to bite the dust will be the pasty overweight hicks who despite owning a small armory are so fucking retarded they know nothing of real survival

>Whites are 6% of the total global population

Yeah .those rednecks living in the woods cant even compare with the amazing survival skills that a hipster feminist from berlin achieved during his 15 min of shark week youtube browsing.


Race AND political ideology war. All white liberals need to get gonzoed as well.

I'm ready. Praying for it to start.

you cant be that stupid

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You act like a bunch of racists killing minorites will enjoy wide spread support
The key problem that white supremacists have is the fact the vast majority of whites consider them whitetrash and will have 0 compunction selling them out.
If a race war didnt happenin the segregated 1960s it sure wont happen now that the white population is aging and men and women of every race are fucking each other.

fuck you shlomo, is your fault. You are next

Lmao i am a white guy from alabama married to a black woman. No onecares about this shit aside from dirtpoor hicks in traiker parks mist of whom have kids who are fucking hispanics and blacks

Do you have a discord server we can discuss it on?

T. The guy that sends a bunch of blacks to a discord server telling them white women up in derr

the M16A1 is such a sexy rifle.
look at all those ugly bitches below her with their complex parts, then look back to that sleek and smooth rifle.

just a concerned citizen here

Fuck yeah

Your foregrips are way too far back. Poor thing, you must have little Jimmy Dean sausage arms.

no thanks

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Asks permission to tart a race war.

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Did you know that only 1 in 5 arsons are ever solved?

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Never fired a gun before, and I just got a huge raise (extra $10K/year, bros, couldn't be happier). Going to invest in some home defense. Anyone have any recommendations? I want to get guns for myself, my wife, my parents, and my sisters (whole family redpilled, despite living in Jew York). We all have relatively narrow hallways, so I'm thinking long guns wouldn't be a good idea if someone breaks in.

Also not looking to leave anyone alive to sue us afterwards.

Guns must obviously be legal in New York. Have $15K available to invest between guns, lessons, and regular range visits, so the sky is kinda the limit here.

we wont have to, they will first