Is this true Jow Forums? My bullshit detector tells me it's not, and that they're hiding some hidden factor. what is it?

Is this true Jow Forums? My bullshit detector tells me it's not, and that they're hiding some hidden factor. what is it?

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you have to go back

>If you're a criminal defendant, it may help—a lot—to be a woman. At least, that's what Prof. Sonja Starr's research on federal criminal cases suggests. Prof. Starr's recent paper, "Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases," looks closely at a large dataset of federal cases, and reveals some significant findings. After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted." This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity that Prof. Starr found in another recent paper.

white men serve 60% longer sentences than black women with similar backgrounds and for similar crimes

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>Female offenders of all races received shorter sentences than White male offenders during the Post-Report period, as they had for the prior four periods. The differences in sentence length decreased slightly during the five-year period after the 2012 Booker Report for most offenders. The differences in sentence length fluctuated across all time periods studied for White females, Black females, Hispanic females, and Other Race female offenders.

whatever fags, I want to figure out the statistical reality which is why I posted it. take your meds and focus on the topic here

Probably because they act like a dumb nigger in the courtroom

Repeat offenders is why.

this is what I was thinking. if not their similar criminal history, it's gotta be how they behave in the courtroom, which wouldn't be accounted for in these (((studies)))

This is another reason.
Attitude. Niggers don't understand quitting when you're ahead.

Reminder that black men are 19:1 more likely to be illiterate savages who bring skittles to a gun fight and dindu nuffin. Don’t let anyone tell you that they are your equal.

The gender gap in sentencing is six times the race gap.

Now control for Courtroom behavior and appearance.

Is having a good lawyer racist, or is it just having a good lawyer?

So what is the stupid whore arguing for?
Longer sentences for Whites or releasing violent Blacks back on the streets early?

i wonder what the stats are on who gets reduced sentences for good behavior.

key word "serve" they probably both get the same sentence but white men get out early for good behavior or some shit.

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Repeat offenses

Nope. Sentencing Analyst here. They forgot the most important variable that reduces the disparity to 2%... CURRENT OFFENSE. Criminal history and plea are the other two. Age and education history are extralegal factors that do matter, but not much. The biggest one in every state with sentencing points is the current offense. You can't give a white burglar the same sentence as a black burglar if the black burglar had a weapon or they attacked a homeowner, or they fought the police. Focal Concerns theory research has finally gotten to the point where they can't get away with these lies anymore. The best studies clearly show that 1/3rd of judges over-sentence black defendants, 1/3rd have no difference, and 1/3rd under-sentence black defendants. There is a non-significant washout in the end with a 2% increase overall.

When white people get picked up, the police run their record. The record comes back clean, the white kid says “I’m sorry officer, I won’t do it again”, the cop lets him off the hook, confident that the kid will avoid breaking the law in the future.

When black people get picked up, the police run their record. The record comes back... 2 counts of assault, multiple drug charges, and an armed robbery charge. The black kid says “fuck you pig, you’re only arresting me cause you be racist and shiet”, the cop proceeds to lock him up, confident that as soon as he gets out he’ll pretty much immediately re-offend.

That’s why blacks get longer prison sentences than whites, and why a white is more likely to get let off with a warning than a black.

>blacks and whites with the same criminal history [...] and education history
where lies this legendary land?

ask her for the econometric study showing that

statistical controls
>IF there were a white offender that was situated similarly to a black offender...

she made that up

This. SJWs are actually right about racism in the justice system. But feminists are dead wrong about male privilege and they need to admit that men of any race are the ones that get fucked the most.
Not quite. White men serve 60% longer than white women and black men serve 60% longer than black women. White men serve longer than black women, but it's a smaller gap due to white privilege (which is a real thing despite what Jow Forums says), but white privilege doesn't fully cancel out the female privilege so white men still do have it worse.

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America is a slow motion race riot on purpose, you have to study why the romans used these same tactics in their rule, then you have to look at the relationships between the US and royal families of Europe.

the vatican gets 1.3 trillion a year tax free in tithings from the USA?



It's bullshit.

>But feminists are dead wrong about male privilege and they need to admit that men of any race are the ones that get fucked the most.
but, they argue, the rate of women's imprisonment has increased at a faster rate (please don't look at the intercepts)

Yeah, they typically have many more priors

Blacks shouldn’t even serve that long of time. They should be executed even if it turns out they are wrongly accused

kek, I remember Hillary Clinton actually brought that up as evidence of how women were being oppressed, and she said we need to stop sending so many women to prison. Like wtf? No wonder she lost, how could any man vote for that?

These studies adjust for priors though.

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Ive seen this posted a dozen times and never read it until now.

Holy fuck, start reading.

More factors are taken into consideration than just history, plea, age, and education.

A white defendant might be more likely to acquire good character references, for example, because a white defendant probably has better connections in the parts of the community that give good character references whereas a black defendant lives in the ghetto and is only connected to gangs.

A white defendant might have a supportive family that shows up at his sentencing, whereas a black defendant might not.

The sentencing Magistrate or Judge has to take into consideration pretty much the whole of the offender's circumstances. Alexis Isabel's tweet reduces all of this complexity down to 4 factors.

People without law degrees should literally and unironically be banned from having an opinion on the criminal justice system.

it's crazy hysteria
200,000 women in prison after getting a thousand chances
2.5 million men in prison
women increase by 10% over 10 years, men increase by 8% over 10 years

Let us see... could it possibly be that the blacks are using court-appointed attorneys who basically just take the first deal offered, while whites have money to spend on attorneys who don't do that stupid shit?

does this also take into account previous arrest records?

Ever hear of snitches get stitches?

Are you daft, user? It says right there
>same criminal history

When you spend most of your day loitering/scheming outside of a convenience store and not working at a job, you tend to get into a bit more trouble

yes it does, but I doubt that's true, give me source

This is what I came for. Nufags should be required to actually read this

>muh white privilege

fuck off commie. I'll just assume for a second that the daft cunt in OP isn't lying or citing bullshit sources. What you think is white privilege is just the fruits of not acting like a retarded nigger. In all of these supposed instances where the black guy had identical criminal history, education, plead, age, shoe size, and red blood cell count. I guerentee you the black guy was being a dick head through the entire legal process and judge decided to snap the gavel off in his ass just for the fuck of it.

I'm not about to try and tell you cases of "black while driving" don't happen. But to try and claim that the reason for blacks astronomically high, non proportional crime rates, incarceration rates, and what have you, is absolutely pants on head.

Interesting post user
I want to hear more so I can BTFO people when they say whats in the OP

>Resisting arrest
>Being belligerent and loud
Leaves a bad impression on judges

I have no idea if it’s true I was just trying to encourage you to read more carefully. You need to be meticulous when you hate on niggers.

Racism in the legal system does not exist.

Why not both white boy

long day

serve more time or sentenced to more time? there is a big difference. black people get into gang shit in prison.

dindus are repeat offenders. you have a dindu who's been in and out of trouble with the law since puberty. it's natural he'll receive a longer sentence than someone who doesn't have a record.

tell me about how much time all your female teachers are doing for fucking all your school boys

that's not white privilege, it's black disadvantage. If all black people were gone everything white would remain the same. So that's not a privelige, it's a standard. Black people don't meet that standard in terms of treatment, so it's a disadvantage

white privilege isn't real but black people still suffer from historical institutional racism

debate me. you won't win.

>even with the same criminal history

Yes the system is racist but it's not good because in 1966 LBJ banned involuntary prison labor making it optional and I'm sure you can guess what demographics are most and least likely to do unpaid labor voluntarily. Niggers can work hard if they're forced and that's why enslaving them worked so well. Nowadays prison is like a vacation at taxpayer expense and it doesn't reduce recidivism or make them at least contribute anything if they don't even do prison labor.

Of course you'll get all those things if they're committing more crime. It's not like crime committed is equal and there was a decision to dole out unequal consequences. Iif a group is committing crime more often and often caught multiple times the severity of the crime will also increase along with other factors to consider such as severity.

And what about if said nigger chimps out whilst serving time in prison?

I will never understand why prison labor isn't a thing anymore. I don't understand at how how it's a human rights issue. This isn't even torture or war crimes which are still subjective... it's just completely wasted labor that is perfectly ethically justifiable.

then he will have a different criminal history compared to the white man

it should be double that

No it’s not true lol.

Only right answer.

Most blacks are repeat offenders and that's taken into account when sentencing.

Criminal sentences are based almost solely on a persons record. If you have a history, you will serve a longer sentence.

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Three strikes rule and other factors, ex:
>cop pulls over white kid, finds weed in the car
>terrified kid complies, gets community service or a fine
>cop pulls over nog, finds weed in the car
>turns out Tyrone already had 1 count of possession with intent to sell on his record, plus random other petty crime
>and he has a glawk fawty shoved under the passenger seat
>ends up getting a harsher punishment

>why a white is more likely to get let off with a warning than a black
Not anymore. They’ll nail you now to try and balance out their statistics and avoid shitlib abuse.

What if I told you blacks can't muster up ONE credible character witness? Would it make more sense then?

There is no way that they could find that many people with the same education, age, and criminal history. I call bullshit.

It's just forced labor that's banned, prison industries and work release is very much still a thing though it's just optional nowadays. Until 1941 convicts could be leased out to people for work which would be a great way to decentivize illegal immigration.

From what I've read, blacks tend to be poorer so they can't afford to be placed in front of a lenient judge.

They looked at whether or not judges were biased on race, but they found nothing.

The discrepancy in sentence length is there, but it's not a whitie conspiracy, it's an economic one.

Lefties shoot themselves in the foot all the time by elevating class problems into racial conspiracies.

Niggers can't afford Jewish lawyers.

Doesn't surprise me but shit like this makes me boil with rage. There was a case where a woman got drunk, went to her husband's house, shot him and he dragged himself to his next door neighbor. The only reason she didn't finish him off was because his elderly neighbor struggled to drag his bleeding body past his doorway and hid him until police arrived. She tried to kill him and got 3 years.

The injustice drove me to become a feminist. Equality for men in the justice system. Equality for a father's rights to see their children. I fucking hate western feminists who prefer to bitch about the STEM field gender gap or the wage gap.

Catholics don't tithe you stupid fucking protestant

the very same thing can be said of women vs men

the modern white woman is the most privileged social group that has ever existed on this planet

Serve or sentenced? Sentencing is different from time served. Good behavior and other avenues can get you released early. Sounds like more liberal bullshit cherrypicking only fooling their own already retarded voter base.

Have a You

Jewish lawyers just flock to their aid though.

That's what I meant. How is it unethical to force a prisoner to labor if you're forcing him to be in prison? Why aren't they building roads? why aren't they cleaning shit up? I don't get it. Why do they just sit in compounds and kill eachother. It's fucking retarded.

Are the crimes actually the same? Are they repeat offenders?


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Point me to this paper

This was what i was thinking, niggers tend to fucking chimp out a lot in prison as well as outside of it.

it's true but usually because whitey can afford a better lawyer

why deny evidence that multiculturalism doesn't work?

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"Unfair Sentencing
Another common argument purporting to show that the justice system is racist states that Blacks get longer sentences than Whites even when they commit the same crimes. This is true, but is fully explained by factors other than racism.
When a criminal is sentenced for a crime there are more relevant factors than the crime he just committed. Other variables, such as how he presents himself in the courtroom, and the likelihood that he will commit another crime in the future, also play a role. If we hold these things constant, we see that Blacks and Whites gen the same sentences for the same crimes.
This was the finding of Beaver et al. 2013. In this study, researchers compared criminal’s sentencing time after controlling for their verbal IQ and their self reported history of violence. They found that holding these variables constant completely eliminated the racial cap in sentencing."

Blacks truly are cancer.
Good God.

>Is having a good lawyer racist, or is it just having a good lawyer?

Whites are willing to drop a ton of money on a lawyer. Blacks typically aren't, or aren't able to. And when they do, they often get off. See: OJ Simpson.

I'd imagine it goes something along the lines of something something muh legacy of slavery and racism something something we're supposed to rehabilitate all these people and kill them with kindness so they'll change yada yada yada.
Everyone knows niggers can't be rehabilitated without the kindness of hard and regular flogging. Literally when is the last time you've seen a successfully rehabilitated nigger?

>Is this true Jow Forums?
always has been
>A street kid gets arrested, gonna do some time
>He got out three years from now just to commit more crime
>A businessman is caught with 24 kilos
>He's out on bail and out of jail
>And that's the way it goes

wow alt hype really has all his bases covered

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He's based.

> don't go to your preliminary hearing
> only use a public defender, no criminal defense attorney
> no one willing to bail you out of jail, demonstrates support network
> juvenile record
> are you in school or not
> do you have a job
> being respectful in court
> violating probation
> violating parole
> leaving the state
> confrontational with the police
> demonstrate no remorse
> lie under oath

all of these reasons compounded with the fact that in most criminal trials the judge is willing to REDUCE or DROP associated charges if you are cooperative, plead guilty (not wasting resources), show up to court presentably, and say you are sorry and it won't happen again. that's all they want.

The hidden factor is that the acts themselves may have been different to the extent that different times were warranted. Also some courts lean towards harsher penalties than others, which will of course lead to disparity. The assumption that any gap must be due to racism is fucking stupid.

I really enjoy his videos. Shame he’s gay