UnArmed black man shot and killed! Mistake pipe for gun. He was just doing his job as a plumber!

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classic misunderstanding

Don’t point pipes at police

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>see innocent black person with what you think is a gun
>shoot him fatally instead of disarming or confronting him
>people wonder why black people hate cops

>that get

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>be a nigger
>wonder why people hate niggers


>nigger with a job
fuck I hate fake news

Maybe don't brandish ANY weapon, be it a gun or a pipe, and you won't be shot.

Don't try to tell me he was fucking doing plumbing on the sidewalk either, there's no reason to be carrying fucking pipes around let alone not dropping it if a cop shows up.

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Maybe try acting live civilized people for a few decades so others aren't so jumpy around you apes?

It's been a while since we've had a good riot.

Rioters hate cold weather.

No, it's not the mans fault. The problem is that Israel trains our police forces and makes them extra violent.

What about a scaffolding pi...err..aaa, leprechaun flute?

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>bootlickers will defend coward police because they were SCARED about imaginary weapons as usual

why would cops ever think twice if there's no consequence for killing people

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Aww shit
Link you lazy jew

Post a link, faggot. Let me guess. The dindu used the pipe as a weapon.


Racist cops patrol racist cities. Racist cities are governed by Democrats.

so ur blaming the unarmed victim who was shot by a police officer instead of apprehended or any other measure that takes place before fatal shooting for being a group of people that this happens to all the fucking time. im white btw dont call me or any black person an ape you degenerate.

>Mistake pipe for gun
Maybe they though he was a suicide bomber. It could have been a pipe bomb.

Leaked footage of hardworking college boys Myrone and Luigga performing plumbing service for their community shortly before the evil white devils came and shot them for being non-white.

The colors may be a bit messed up, making them look white, but rest assured they are proud People of Color.

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I don't think they have it in them anymore, but a NYC chimpout sounds comfy.

>act surprised when people treated like animals for literally hundreds of years in this country don't immediately civilize themselves in 2 generations

civil rights era was only 60 years ago, fellow burg

Blacks aren’t people

There are no chimpouts in NYC we have a literal army police force. At most there will be faggy protest at Union Square. This is a nothing burger.

>crack pipe.

Did he have his poipe license?

Nothing will happen... I watched 7 cops empty their clips into a black guy who had a knife in his hand near Times Square...

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Or maybe they thought the guy was coming at them with a fucking pipe.

another black man lost to the pipe baka

It's the individuals involved faults.

>I’m (((white)))
I bet you are fellow white person

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Q predicted this

Cowards won't do anything. They barely did anything over Clark.

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They weren't scared of the weapons, they were scared of the niggers as they should be.

You never know.

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>be hyper-liberal city
>do everything democrats dream off
>still not enough to placate niggers


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Justifiable homicide
Plumbers charge too much money

I don’t blame the officer because (1) the nigger was most likely acting sketchy and not complying with orders (2) Brooklyn is a nigger/gang infested area known for its high gun crime so obviously the officer is extremely paranoid and cautious so he doesn’t get his head blown off

But the MSM and their nigger minions will ignore these facts and continue to cry racism and fuck white people.

Wow I love Jews now

>brandish a weapon
>get shot
wow no way

>utica avenue
wow its fucking nothing

Fuck off KIKE

>Police say three people called 911 to report a man pointing a silver firearm at people on the street.

>Police say when responding officers approached the man, he “took a two-handed shooting stance” and pointed the metal object in their direction.


It's like that boy in Cleveland, mistaken 911 info

No u

>hold a shower head
>cop flips out and murders you before doing literally anything else to de-escalate what they thought was an armed black man
>blame the black guy for not being placated
the cops are actual unhinged killers and yet you still defend them over an innocent black man who had his life taken from him because its a liberal/democrat city.

I wish I had a pupper im depressed rn.

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Hey. IF THEY DON'T LIKE IT. They can go ahead and just stop being black. Race is a social construct right?

oh wow a shower head, what a weapon. also since when is it police protocol to fatally murder innocent people before oh i dont know, disarming or arresting them to diffuse the situation.

>innocent black man

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>shoot him fatally
There is no such thing as "shoot to incapacitate", stop believing hollywood myths where they get shot in the shoulder then act as if nothing happened.

A shot anywhere on your body is fatal.

touche leaf, touche.

Niggers rioted in Crown Heights decades ago. They were egged on my Sharpton.

Time to get comfy.

i was saying shoot him fatally as in shoot him at all instead of being actual civilized policemen. these cops just killed an innocent man.

that good boy cured my depression after I tried to an hero, he's truly a gift. Maybe you could foster one?

means spread out.
The word you're grasping for is defuse.

If you point something that looks like a gun at a cop you're going to get shot.

auto corrected defuse

>metal pipe
he surely did what the officer told him to do and never provoked him

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they should've shot the metal pipe out of his hand, or shoot him in the little toe

>mentally ill nig chimping out and acting threatening enough for someone to call the police
>cops show up and nig points what others already thought was a gun at them
>gets shot

Yeah man, let's just calmly walk up and hope it isn't a gun. You're a memelabber, right?

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>Cops be shootin black folk for no reason
>Be black and provoke them
I mean, if you believe your narrative, there's some simple steps to lower the chance of becoming another dindu down

and so holding a shower head is not a criminal offense that calls for being shot to death

i like how htey havent released the name or pic of the nigger cop that shot him but are already revving up the dumb niggers

Don’t point it like a gun at cops you dumb nigger

So the niggers are going to riot and attack hassidic Jews. Get your popcorn ready!


a fucking shower head they thought was a gun? did they try to disarm him at all? i bet they just shouted at him and shot him to death seconds later. stop supporting blatant government disregard for civilian life.

yeah yeah he was a good boi he dindu nuffin!

I'm not blaming them, but there's a reason this happens. Blacks are overall more prone to violence & commit a disproportionate amount of crimes to the point where if a police stops one, its almost a guarantee they've done something. Even if that something is what they're being stopped for.

What it to end? Try not acting like animals. Cause if they don't give a fuck, we sure won't either.

And I'll call you what I want, you apologist cuck fuck.

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Who's ready for Nigs at Nite comf?

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fugg i live here but nothings happening

been there done that, they shot some immigrant dude 48 times through the bottom of his feet and got off nobody did shit


I'm feeling a cenus coming on

>The victim has been arrested 17 times before

Someone called the police about a man pointing a gun at people. If they couldn't tell the difference why would the cops have any reason to believe otherwise upon arrival? You just go to a place where you think someone has a gun. This isn't the movies bud.


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what kind of dog is that?


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Anyone got any info on the race of officers using deadly force. I remember reading that a large portion of blacks shot by police were by black officers. Anyone got an actual source for that claim?

so because of a statistic that they commit more crime, every single cop killing of an innocent unarmed black man should be considered justifiable and not at all blatant misuse of lethal force by unhinged police officers.

Based police cleaning up the city.

I live in NYC, you have no idea how it is here. Cops look the other way all day every day, they ignore blatantly violent and illegal behavior from blacks because it simply isn't worth their while to get involved. They aren't in the disarming business, and if in the year 2018, you don't know better than to point something at a cop like a weapon, you are stupid enough to get yourself killed from anything. The cops just got to you first.

>and so holding a shower head is not a criminal offense that calls for being shot to death

Execution on site. Did he even have a permit? (Not wait that one only works in bongland)


nah but it would help if you could find one single instance of a nigger that didnt deserve it getting shot which has still literaly never happened
should be easy if it happens so often as you say
i can show you a white dude that fialed at simon says as an actual example of out of control cops
and a white woman shot by some inbred somali garbage
you just bring me guilty niggers over and over for some reason

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Except guns are literally metal pipes?

It’s not that blacks are shot by black cops more but black cops are more likely to shoot black suspects at a much higher rate

>mistaken 911 info
More like fake news.
Guy in Cleveland was doing burlaries then led the police on a chase

>carry a pipe and pointing it at people
>just a plumber
>he was a good boy
No just another nigger antagonizing people with a weapon

You came to the wrong neighborhood if you want any sympathy for nigs who get shot by the cops.


so because someone might be holding a gun according to a 911 call, the police death squad should be sent and immediately resort to deadly force? how would you feel as a black man if the police law enforcement got away with killing black men falsely accused of something with no proof and with no actually crime commited

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