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i think you mean germany
That makes me feel pretty unsafe.
youll be safe as long as you bin the knife
>lesotho is safe
how ??? it s literally surrounded by south africa aids
they are literally a nazi state
france has a lot of african immigration because of all the colonies they had there
France doesn't have a lower tier for their far off territories. French Guiana is included with France.
You do know you can own firearms in the United Kingdom right? Although, they can only be legally used for sporting and hunting purposes.
do you ever think the UK will mass deport the non-whites and slavs
You can't have malaria without tropical swamps, it's French Guyana
when the bantz are just right
the eternal anglo btfo
I doubt it, we're pretty screwed from a demographic point of view. I mean, whilst much of the rural areas are still almost entirely white, and will probably remain so for a few generations, the cities will be minority white within a few generations.
Not really sure what I'm going to do, might move?
owning guns doesn't really matter if you are surrounded by blacks because they can shoot fast
don't forget most of our blacks have military training and can kick a lot of ass that way.
That's not right, we get a several hundred malaria cases a year in the US.
Not a lot, given over 330,000,000 people, but still enough to register on that map.
would you really want to leave your homeland though? I guess it is a big question not to be taken lightly, but i guess it's going to depend which place you feel your descendants would have the best life.
as for moving i'd say australia is probably your best bet demograpically if that's a decision you make. i wouldn't come to america because it's a hell of a lot worse here if you are wanting to avoid non-whites. canada is not as bad as here, but they are extremely liberal and will probably be a chinese puppet state one day given the immigration going there.
i do feel horribly about this because the UK had the greatest nation and empire on earth at one point, and we owe your nation a lot for the philosophies that our american founders went by such as locke and blackstone.
I don’t think that’s true at this time
Hardcore Alaskan homesteading, using old 1800s books about cabin wrighting, blacksmithing and husbandry.
not a bad idea. alaska is only 60% white, but has a low population density so i'm sure some whites could carve out a piece for their own.
it is always a good idea to study the old trades because those will definitely be useful should shit hit the fan. best of luck to you and yours.
>alaska is only 60% white
What're Alaskan natives like?
>it is always a good idea to study the old trades because those will definitely be useful should shit hit the fan
I just think it'd be pretty neat to do it the old pioneer way and see if I've the grit. Not to mention, if you pull it off, you've truly earnt the land.
>best of luck to you and yours.
Likewise, user, thanks.
i've never been to alaska so i couldn't confirm what the alaskan natives are like. i do know some natives here in nebraska but they tend to keep amongst their own. lot of drinking and drug problems on their lands but at least whites don't have to deal with it too much. though i hear our natives in the continental 48 are different from the ones in alaska, those up there may be better behaved.
the old pioneer way is definitely a strong american and western tradition. my ancestors on my dad's side settled this very land i live on in nebraska. i truly feel a strong connection to it in all of the work they've done to make it what it is today.
>those up there may be better behaved.
I hope so, hostility would be one of my main reasons for emigrating. I can't stand pointless drama.
>the old pioneer way is definitely a strong american and western tradition.
Certainly, sadly one that is now demonised in lieu of cultural Marxism. Despite many, like myself, doing so to find a better (or freer) life.
>my ancestors on my dad's side settled this very land i live on in nebraska
That's an impressive feat and truly worthy of household veneration, stay strong.
>i truly feel a strong connection to it in all of the work they've done to make it what it is today.
Precisely, it is that house-proud nature that the past few generations have lacked, that has lead us astray.
most people in the uk are for gun control
even on Jow Forums brits are for gun control
it's gross
the first statement is stupid and your second statement is blatantly false but ok
>most people in the uk are for gun control
>even on Jow Forums brits are for gun control
>it's gross
I'm not. Heck, I want to gunsmith as a hobby, but it's mostly illegal.
They are on high mountains where mosquito no can fly. Control water of sa too
most alaskans from what i understand take a live and let live perspective, so i imagine you'd face little hostility
you'd definitely have a lot more freedom up there. gun and speech laws would be an instant upgrade and you can go miles without seeing a single soul. it's a beautiful place.
i do agree with you that many have lost the house-proud nature that we once had. i think when we had a people who were proud of the land they owned and could look back on their ancestors work it really was something they'd never let go of. but america today is a land where people have lost their identity and we are yearning for a revival of that.