This is for "White Left" hate threads. Post some hateful reply about white liberals

This is for "White Left" hate threads. Post some hateful reply about white liberals.
"White Left Liberals" I hate everyone of them. Fuck them all
They are nigger lover,hypocrite,double standards and biased. Here in district 1 of Saigon city, one nigger he broke some items of traditional store. He don't indemnify that item he broke, when the lady shopkeeper said he must paid back. He insult her, call her is chink,fucking gook and push her around. When local Vietnamese come to rescue her and call the police. That nigger whinning and crying how Vietnamese they are racist to him and some "White Left" tourits go to help that nigger and they insult our native Vietnamese and our culture. That nigger is clearly wrong here but what I hate is fucking White Liberals trash, they're biased and they are nigger lover. They'll cover back wild nigger and insult or fight back native Vietnamese people. They are alwlays said about human rights,call us don't be racist people but they're the one who call us gook or chink in my Vietnam land, when they protect black criminal toward my Vietnamese people in Vietnam country. Fuck them all, I'm fucking tired everyone of white liberals. Those White liberals always push people on the edges, they make me hate black people with white trash liberals too. Vietnamese don't own white nothing and don't own black people either. You need respect native people on their own land. Stop act like you control and everywhere is your homeland.The police arrest that nigger for violent. Camera in the shop filming all happen. That fucking nigger can't lying anymore !!! They make me fucking mad.
Fuck these stupid asian liberals in america, they don't care about you at all stop support them. They're the one who most racist people on this planet.

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did your media label the guy an "american" instead of mentioning he was a nigger? they do that in south korea all the time. any time a black person commits a crime they just say american and dont explicitly say he was black

yes,I hate it
Everytime they always label the guy an american istead of mention he was a black guy. Black are the one racist and violent one, but they always act like they're victim. Fuck them all, I'm tired of their bullshit

You. I like you.

Vietnamese going through many war and slavery.
We build our country back from rubble city to modern city present.
We don't own everyone, White liberals stop act like we're have guilt or some shit.

Thank you
I'm so angry right now because of how unfair when we have treated by those foreigner treating us. We treat them in respectful but they never respect us back

Niggers dont belong out of africa and that is where they should be genocided to make the world a better place for everyone else.

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yes black for Africa
White for Europe
Asian for Asia
When Vietnam back in 1976-1986, we're living poor, not enough food to eat. Nobody will help us because USA bans after Saigon fall.
When Vietnamese people living in poor and pain, nobody care. But right now Vietnam is number 3 fastest growing GDP and Vietnam has over 300 billions GDP right now then many black immgrants coming and white left coming act like they're the one who help us or act like they lived with us thourgh difficult and painful times. They are nothing to Vietnamese people but they are treat better because Vietnam love western movie and their pop culture.
Fucking sad about new world we living

Aww look a gook groveling for the attention of rednecks just like your mom groveled for the attention of white soldiers in the Vietnam war. Asians are fucked in the head, blacks are the real problem, not the crackers that have been fucking you in the ass for over 100 years.

Can you upload the video for us? Also, based VC. Glad the nigger got taken away, hopefully he got gookrage’d in prison

Can you explain how your country went from being violently communist dominated to... pretty chill?

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The white left is the only reason for white genocide. All conservatives of all races should participate and aim for the high score.

I'm sure we can liquidate New England Anglo-WASP slaves within a year if we all try hard. The White Left is nothing more than a slave-class to the Hebrew Banking NWO.

First the slaves then the masters, if you catch my drift, boys.

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stfu, your nigger can't act innocent anymore
Stop whinning about slavery, asians are been through that time to.
Rebuild your damn country and go back, we don't need nigger here. Fuck you nigger, always crying and whining bullshit. Fucking useless race

man after man
great book, truly fucked

You're fucking problem of asian people right now not white people.
You act like savage animal. Stop lying, stealing and violent you fucking ape.
Asians don't own you shit

>implying I'm black

Keep bending over for the white man gook, you'll take white dick up your ass for over 100 years and enjoy it because you consider yourself inferior. Picking on blacks is an easy target because you think you'll look better in front of whites if you pick on someone who has had it worse than you.


*endless empty virtue signaling*

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Yeah a single black guy chimping out in the market is your countries real problem, not the system of white imperialism that has left your country eating rats and shit for the last century. Bend over Nguyen!


Based chink. Keep redpilling the tourists if you can it's all you can do.

nah you fucking stupid nigger
I don't like you because you're the one who violent of my people first. You act like you're the new master race.Fuck your bullshit "Black Privilege" from Western.
Your Black Privilege are nothing in Vietnam. Fuck you nigger. Your race are enemy of all civilization people.

"White Left"
Why not just call them race traitors?

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That's all karma. Keep act like this more and when race war happen no one will alie your fucking useless race. If you try race war with asian when you feel you can't win to asian, I'm pretty sure you will begg white to save you.
Fucking pathetic, ungrateful people.

White Left and Asian Left are self hating and they are all traitor to any race

The one who keep support your race are White Liberals if they are not support black anymore.
Half your race population will die because of starved to death. So when you are the one who crying for white left help you but you still hate white people and want their race genocide. Your nigger truly ungrateful people, Why asian need help your race anyway??
Asian Genocide next?? Fuck you nigger

Not even sure if slide thread but it is funny.

>relatively recent war with America
>still recover and do fine both in our country and theirs
>mostly small business owners and high end professionals
>have some crack heads over here but they usually are employed and at worst they offer you to join them on their fishing boats and do crack and go out and fish

>been here for ages
>still don't work in our countries or theirs
>all criminals
>offer you all the drugs because that's all they do, god forbid they work anything other than a court clerk job that they got from AA

I fucking hate niggers so much and am so tired of them. I'm tired of cat lady mafia, I'm tired of white guilt, no one likes this shit can we just man up and get rid of niggerdom? Spics becoming a big player does also sting thing, fuck that shit too.

Sorry we abandoned your country to the communists, bro.

The white left in this country was brutal to everyone before, during, and after all that, spitting on our troops and calling them baby killers when they came home; even throwing literal shit at them.

If we'd fully applied ourselves immediately to full scale war and sent in 500,000 troops instead of piece-mealing for years and years, many many people would have been spared murder, torture, and communist oppression.

Based charliebro sees all of you niggers for what you are.

I've unironically smoked crack with charlie

In white liberals mind, Africa sucks a lot therefore the whole world is guilty for Africa and Africans...yes I hurts to understand

many nigger from Ghana and Nigeria come to Vietnam become thug and sell drug. Vietnam deported many of them. They are fucking lazy
Vietnam become capitalist ecpnomy more, we open our border and globalization market.
So we have face more and more immgrants come from many countries.
They will ruined my country depend of the time.
Yes these niggers fucking whinning and crying shit. Vietnamese don't own their shit, we should deported every lazy ape

This too. Dont even hate the Vietnamese one fucking bit it's all history, I am sorry that there are niggers there now and it's our fault

real problem of White liberals, they are using asian guilt to us. But they don't know what is asians being through in colony's era. Fuck them all asians don't own every race shit. Fuck White Left and Nigger Privilege bullshit

baizuo, dipshit

don't u see, it's all cuz colonialism that only white people did, cause that's what we learned in our Prussian-like schools

I've unironically smoked crack and fucked with a viet and fucked some white girl he was kind of seeing because he asked if I wanted to fuck her. They have a degen side but they are pretty nice about it and also kind of chad'ish frequently. I actually want to talk shit but they really are so nice even as criminals you can't hate on them, I've never had an issue with a viet even with the lowest most criminal mother fuckers they just do their thing and pay taxes meanwhile niggers are an actual scourge in my city all selling drugs and claiming disability at the same time, fuck niggers.

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How did Vietnam end up with a nigger problem? There are probably not many of these monkey-men, right?

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This is for 8 years before but this even worse more in Vietnam present.
Many niggerian come to Vietnam trick our women and sell them make them become prostitute.Vietnam has deported many of these nigger. Nigger can't be racist and always innocent huh?? Fuck nigger lying and bullshit
They're thug and gangster everywhere they come

The White Left started the war to destroy your young nation by utilizing the military industrial complex to turn killing you into a business while simultaneously killing off an entire generation via war and slavery in disguise as socialism.

One day we will meet again on the battlefield as friends and our ancestors betrayed will find peace, together. Our founders both knew of the revolution but time bastardizes us all.

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I was raised to believe Asians were fucking evil and that Blacks just had a rough time under whites and were just like normal people.

Now after years of analysis I've concluded that we should have gone Leopuld on the entirety of Africa and that most Asians are alright.

>still not a fan of China though, fucking commies in disguise

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many nigger from Ghana, Nigeria.... in Saigon Tân Bình, Bình Tân and Tân Phú district right now. They're scam thug and gangster. It's their natural. Look at asian they're hard working and study immgrants not like these animal

you're right. I hope that day will coming soon

Roppongi in Japan is full of Drug selling spooks too, fuck I hate niggers

>many nigger from Ghana and Nigeria come to Vietnam become thug and sell drug. Vietnam deported many of them. They are fucking lazy
I actually read about that when I was thinking of taking some time off for a working vacation (I'm a tradesman and was going to do ESL just to get out for a bit and read a lot about niggers being an issue there in a lot of places). It's annoying, Vietnam is for Vietnamese, blacks have no place there. Funny to hear even in Vietnam they are just criminals. Wish your country luck because I've had some good friends from over there. Would rather you guys go the way of mainland China though and actually be nationalist because that actually works.

It's not our fault but god damn is the spread of niggers a plague.

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Me too, user.

yes, these nigger sell drug in Vietnam too.
We don't need them, they're nothing to us, only come here for wealthfare and sell drug

in the faucet

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Niggers are niggers and will never change it seems. Across the world they are known for leaching and drug selling.
It's happened many time but only little case police can arrest.
They are running back their country before they are arrest by police.t

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This reaction is why I have that image saved.

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Always Nigerian. Fuck these thug

Trust a nigger get the trigger.