I went to Jordan Peterson's book tour event in NYC

A lot neckbeards and kids there with their mom. Also a surprising number of people over 40 and 50. These guys were weirder looking than the younger crowd. They had on fedoras and trench coats with long hair. I think they were adult neckbeards. It didn't take long for me to be embarrassed that I was at the same event as these people. I almost left, actually. Once I got in, everywhere I looked someone was reading Jung, Solzhenitsyn, or some other Peterson meme book. One kid was reading Maps of Meaning and another kid, for some reason, had three books. It was weird. A lot of them were dressed like total slobs, but they had on scarves in what I'm guessing was a failed attempt to look like an intellectual. Just a complete cringefest. I expected to see some shit like, but it was worse than I expected.

One kid asked him a question that was kind of about Jews. I'm not 100% sure what it was because I pretty much stopped paying attention during the Q & A because the question were so fucking stupid. But the kid said something about the JQ (there was zero reaction from the crowd because I think they had no idea what he was talking about. If he said "Jewish question," there definitely would have been some kind of collective gasp or other reaction) and something about how instead of talking about it, why something or other about nepotism.

I'm pretty embarrassed I went to this thing. I literally told no one in real life, and I don't think I ever will.

Attached: Jordan_Peterson_sea_1200x627[6].jpg (1200x627, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"Fox news" "peterson"/page/1/

This is why we need a second wall.

I don't blame you. If you haven't noticed yet, Peterson has started being critical of Trump and his populism, and he's showing up on Fox News more and more often. To be fair, you guys trained him in his quackery since he's a Harvard graduate.

>I went to Jordan Peterson's book tour event in NYC
>book tour event in NYC
>event in NYC
you expected anything else?

Hey, those are the kind of people that need some kind of purpose in life OP. I get where you're coming from, but Peterson's fans mainly consist of discontented people devoid of any higher purpose. My dad listens to his lectures and interviews all day and it makes me happy that he's finally suspending his agnostic nihilism and finding some peace of mind.

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at least you can see through the bullshit.
the others will have their time as well.

Why are you surprised? He openly admits most of his fans are losers.

I knew some fat neckbeard lolbertarian autist who sucked this guys cock so I was naturally turned off ever looking into him.

Let me guess, he's basically pre-redpill Molymeme liked by horseshoe theory Sargon loving incels?

>Daily attack thread

Fake quote

yes, the arch 'race has nothing to do with The West' guy, currently the favorite acceptable opposition to 'SJWism and collectivism'

>fedoras, trench coats, long hair

fake news. I was there and nobody was dressed like that.

Can you blame the neckbeards for being there? They realize they have problems, and then theres this guy who says he can help them. Of course they will show up.

If Jordan Peterson could actually help losers stop being losers, I'd like the guy. I get the feeling that he's just a scammer, pontificating on trivial matters to get attention to is patreon.

Look at this.

Attached: peterson_cult_takes_anons_friend.jpg (1392x800, 377K)

Did you see anyone wearing this shirt?

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I read the intro to his new book and the explaination of why he embraced individualism, despite it contradicting maps of meaning, is the dumbest fucking thing--I can't even describe it. He had a highly symbolic dream and half ass'ed explains it away into some lightning bolt that the world can be saved if we all just focus on ourselves. It is dumb as fuck. So I didn't read the book much more.

>He had a highly symbolic dream and half ass'ed explains it away into some lightning bolt that the world can be saved if we all just focus on ourselves.
I haven't read the book, I wonder if this is the dream that he claimed during a speech was prophetic.

My dad really digs him now, just lent me the 12 rules book, looking forward to reading it.

This is a bad attempt at bait.

>A lot neckbeards and kids there with their mom. Also a surprising number of people over 40 and 50. These guys were weirder looking than the younger crowd. They had on fedoras and trench coats with long hair. I think they were adult neckbeards. It didn't take long for me to be embarrassed that I was at the same event as these people. I almost left, actually. Once I got in, everywhere I looked someone was reading Jung, Solzhenitsyn, or some other Peterson meme book. One kid was reading Maps of Meaning and another kid, for some reason, had three books. It was weird. A lot of them were dressed like total slobs, but they had on scarves in what I'm guessing was a failed attempt to look like an intellectual. Just a complete cringefest. I expected to see some shit like, but it was worse than I expected.


You have no idea what you're talking about.

Attached: peterson_fan.jpg (1072x1440, 320K)

Probably. It was dumb as fuck. He was suspended in some Cathedral in a dream which meant he could ignore all his other work and knowledge and conclude that individualism could save the world. It was really, really fucking dumb.

Tell me what you think about his dream and its analysis.

Found it online:


>I dreamt one night during this period that I was suspended in mid-air, clinging to a chandelier, many stories above the ground, directly under the dome of a massive cathedral. The people on the floor below were distant and tiny. There was a great expanse between me and any wall—and even the peak of the dome itself.

No, he really said that during one of his talks. Don't remember the exact lecture but it sparked lots of controversy.

I remember you, you're an annoying asshole. Why would you post your own picture? Don't bother replying, this is the last (you) you get from me.

Nice story.

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HAHAHA! As if his book tour in Oklahoma would have drawn THE REAL PETERSONIANS!!!

NYC is in driving distance to metro areas - this is how you sell shit. sorry you need your adult diapers delivered by a drone.


>I have learned to pay attention to dreams, not least because of my training as a clinical psychologist. Dreams shed light on the dim places where reason itself has yet to voyage. I have studied Christianity a fair bit, too (more than other religious traditions, although I am always trying to redress this lack). Like others, therefore, I must and do draw more from what I do know than from what I do not. I knew that cathedrals were constructed in the shape of a cross, and that the point under the dome was the centre of the cross. I knew that the cross was simultaneously, the point of greatest suffering, the point of death and transformation, and the symbolic centre of the world. That was not somewhere I wanted to be. I managed to get down, out of the heights—out of the symbolic sky—back to safe, familiar, anonymous ground. I don’t know how. Then, still in my dream, I returned to my bedroom and my bed and tried to return to sleep and the peace of unconsciousness. As I relaxed, however, I could feel my body transported. A great wind was dissolving me, preparing to propel me back to the cathedral, to place me once again at that central point. There was no escape. It was a true nightmare. I forced myself awake. The curtains behind me were blowing in over my pillows. Half asleep, I looked at the foot of the bed. I saw the great cathedral doors. I shook myself completely awake and they disappeared.

You almost got me.

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in Denver and considering it. Not as keen if its going to be about his book. would like to her him talk about archetypal stories more.

Welcome to all book events all the time.

Do you still worship ho chi ming btw?


>My dream placed me at the centre of Being itself, and there was no escape. It took me months to understand what this meant. During this time, I came to a more complete, personal realization of what the great stories of the past continually insist upon: the centre is occupied by the individual. The centre is marked by the cross, as X marks the spot. Existence at that cross is suffering and transformation—and that fact, above all, needs to be voluntarily accepted. It is possible to transcend slavish adherence to the group and its doctrines and, simultaneously, to avoid the pitfalls of its opposite extreme, nihilism. It is possible, instead, to find sufficient meaning in individual consciousness and experience.

>How could the world be freed from the terrible dilemma of conflict, on the one hand, and psychological and social dissolution, on the other? The answer was this: through the elevation and development of the individual, and through the willingness of everyone to shoulder the burden of Being and to take the heroic path. We must each adopt as much responsibility as possible for individual life, society and the world. We must each tell the truth and repair what is in disrepair and break down and recreate what is old and outdated. It is in this manner that we can and must reduce the suffering that poisons the world. It’s asking a lot. It’s asking for everything. But the alternative—the horror of authoritarian belief, the chaos of the collapsed state, the tragic catastrophe of the unbridled natural world, the existential angst and weakness of the purposeless individual—is clearly worse.

user was right , this dream of Peterson's and his interpretation of it is at the foundation of his ideology. His plan to stop the Marxists from destroying the West and the White race is to convince people to adopt responsibility.

This is one of the most asinine things I've ever read.

Some people need direction in life. They need encouragement and help. Many, many people do not come from backgrounds where they were ever given encouragement or assistance.
All too many never had role models for both daily living and for expanding their horizons. They yearn for a fulfillment that they have not yet found without help.

Yes, I am aware that Peterson does not pass the Jow Forums purity test and for many good reasons. While his message is not perfect, it is better than 99% of the advice being proffered to lost people by popular psychology.

I am not a fan of the contemptuousness that OP has for people who are trying to get their lives together. What, should they stay isolated and never seek answers or help?

Also, it is good to see that people young enough to have to attend with a parent are interested in what Peterson has to say.

I know Peterson is not the perfect messenger, nor is his message perfect (race/JQ). If you wait for perfection, you will be waiting until you die. So many of you make Peterson out to be some devil. I'll take Classical Liberalism over "Progressivism" and social Marxism any day of the week. I do not get it.

I'm beginning to frame Peterson as a classical liberal to Centrist reactionary.

His opposition to the left is a smokescreen and his actual opposition is to the Far Right.
He opposes the left on methodation and the far right philosophically. The only idealogic tenet he opposes on the left is Identity Politics - but this again is methodation because the right can use Identity politics as well and that is what he is truly scared of

While this is true in the certain cases you look at, the bigger picture is still there, and in the bigger picture Peterson is the enemy of anyone truly trying to save the West. That requires a collective identity, which he actually has studied quite a bit. Then he had a fucking dream

I think you're absolutely correct.

Peterson was clear from the beginning that he is stepping into the limelight because he fears the rise of the far Right. He said that the careless pushing of the Left is leading directly to the rise of the Right wing, and that when he took a look around and saw young men turning to the Right, that's when he decided to take action.

He's been in academia for decades, watching the Left assume total control and brainwash students, but it's only once he saw the Right growing that he thought he needed to personally intervene.

>this again is methodation because the right can use Identity politics as well and that is what he is truly scared of
Peterson's entire argument against the Left engaging in identity politics has now been totally aimed at the Right. He keeps saying that the Right wants to "win the fight" versus the Marxists by beating them at their own game.

>I'm beginning to frame Peterson as a classical liberal to Centrist reactionary.
Please continue to share your thoughts and observations on the matter. What do you think of his comparison of the Left playing identity politics to the Right doing so? Do you think it's even valid?

The people who are calling out Peterson (or trying to) get the wrong idea about him. They're either shills or people who expect him to be some alt-right savior. He isn't any of these things.

Peterson doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who follows any specific ideology, nor is he trying to pull anyone into an ideology. His mission, his goal is to get more people on the right path as INDIVIDUALS before anything else. And in fairness, I suspect this is an aera in which a lot of us fail (both on the right and left). Ideology is a nice thing to fall back into, but ultimately it claims you as it's pawn.

Yeah, a lot of "cringy" people flock to Peterson, but at least they recognize some disorder within their lives. But thank God people are finally looking for a solution, and thank God someone is offering a path to find that solution. Don't make the assumption these people will never fix themselves, and don't make the assumption that you aren't one of them.

If the goal is self improvement, and if Peterson is offering that, stop hating on him. We need more. He's not perfect, and he's not the only option for anyone trying to get there, but he's doing what he can, and for that I commend him.

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I wonder if he's banging groupies on the tour bus.

What he is saying is not wholly incorrect. If each individual did transform him or herself into a virtuous person, strove to give up vice and selfishness, sought opportunities to be generous and helpful, the world would be a better place. If each and every individual made such a transformation, governments would not even be necessary.

What we all know, however, is that most people will never make such a transformation and that some races and cultures are not even inclined to have such transformative introspection and, in many cases (JQ) actually act with intentional malice. This is where Peterson's argument falls apart, as you know. If whites all become individualists and eschew collective identity, we will be overrun and destroyed by the people who do.

This does not make Peterson wrong, however, that social transformation begins with transforming yourself into a better person.

>Peterson doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who follows any specific ideology
He describes his ideology as classical liberalism and radical individualism.

>nor is he trying to pull anyone into an ideology.

>If the goal is self improvement, and if Peterson is offering that, stop hating on him.
Peterson's self improvement message is one and the same as his political ideological message. In fact he preaches that the only reason people are not radical individualists like himself is because they need to apply his self improvement tips.

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The 12 rules blows the 10 Commandments out of the water.

Yeah, fuck forbidding murder. That shit is for collectivist plebs.



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>strove to give up vice and selfishness, sought opportunities to be generous and helpful

*I should have added physically and mentally stronger, courageous, and industrious to that list. I was in a Sermon on the Mount mindset when I wrote that.

Wow, if everyone became saints overnight there would be world peace.

What a profound revelation.

I bet ya Hitler had a classy book signing event.

How many young kids were there? I think it's a good sign if there were a lot regardless of how cringy the event may have been.

Well? Where are the photos?
It's 2018, there's no excuse not to have photos.

Sounds like your regular reddit meetup, or at least what I imagine it would be.

>following a spiritually wrecked man and his 12 rules for life instead of God's 10 rules for life

Most people what grown up with the YOLO, if it feels good, do it attitude ingrained in them by years of media brainwashing. The idea of self-improvement is entirely foreign to them. The idea that they aren't perfect just the way they are is considered an insult by many. After all, they were just "born that way". Do you think that most people even think about the virtuous life?

Good for you. The idea of improving yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually is not a revelation to you. You are aware of and comfortable with the notion that you are not perfect and need to improve. Many are not...and if they are, have had no role models on how to do it.

The very idea of a Saint is scoffed at in modern culture. We are starting near square one with regard to both personal and cultural transformation.

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Agreed. I need pictures, although OP was pretty descriptive. Pictures are still better though

>Most people what grown up
*Most people HAVE grown up

>If whites all become individualists and eschew collective identity, we will be overrun and destroyed by the people who do.
>This does not make Peterson wrong, however, that social transformation begins with transforming yourself into a better person.
It makes him wrong that any of us should become radical individualists. Yes, try to be a Chad if you can, but you have to have the bigger picture in mind.

Fuck you, Dad. Peace was never an option.

>shitty attempt at creating some pasta

checks out, jordan peterson is the only good thing to come out of your shithole country.

>A lot neckbeards and kids there with their mom. Also a surprising number of people over 40 and 50. These guys were weirder looking than the younger crowd. They had on fedoras and trench coats with long hair. I think they were adult neckbeards. It didn't take long for me to be embarrassed that I was at the same event as these people. I almost left, actually. Once I got in, everywhere I looked someone was reading Jung, Solzhenitsyn, or some other Peterson meme book. One kid was reading Maps of Meaning and another kid, for some reason, had three books. It was weird. A lot of them were dressed like total slobs, but they had on scarves in what I'm guessing was a failed attempt to look like an intellectual. Just a complete cringefest. I expected to see some shit like, but it was worse than I expected.
So , you mean the sort of people that need Peterson's help . I see why you were there - You're a retard too . Too bad you didnt get anything good out of it because you really need it .

>the great stories of the past continually insist upon: the centre is occupied by the individual. The centre is marked by the cross, as X marks the spot. Existence at that cross is suffering and transformation—and that fact, above all, needs to be voluntarily accepted. It is possible to transcend slavish adherence to the group and its doctrines and, simultaneously, to avoid the pitfalls of its opposite extreme, nihilism. It is possible, instead, to find sufficient meaning in individual consciousness and experience.
Lmao, I thought the "radical individualism" was mostly a meme. I guess not.

Who the fuck goes to book tours and asks about the "Jewish question?" Are you purposefully trying to make anybody critical of Jews look retarded?

were you expecting normal people to need kitschy self-help bullshit from a surrogate internet daddy?

but radical individualism doesn't necessarily indicate a particular thought process or set of rules to live by. It's purely at one's own discretion.

Given that he follows that ideology (rather than a collectivist ideology) you're right to say I'm wrong about him not pulling people in. I think it'd be more proper to say he pushes people away from such radical ways of thinking but I'm sure there's a counter to that.

And lastly, he doesn't necessarily consider his tips as "his" tips. Just rules that will help you better yourself in life, a lot of which are pretty hard to really discredit

>Literally 0 proof or pics
Doctor_Sage _and_Mr._Hide.jpg

Yeah, this is becoming more and more apparent. Shame.

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>but radical individualism doesn't necessarily indicate a particular thought process or set of rules to live by.
Yes it does, it's explicitly anti-collectivist and denies the primacy of racial and ethnic groups.

>I think it'd be more proper to say he pushes people away from such radical ways of thinking
He pushes them away from those radical ways of thinking into his own radical way of thinking: Radical individualism.

>a lot of which are pretty hard to really discredit
They're hard to discredit because they're basic common sense.

What's easy to discredit is his claim that radical individualism can prevent the destruction of the West, as well as his claim that those who are not radical individualists like him have simply not properly applied his common sense life tips.

Why are you so obsessed with this guy you post thousands of times a week about him in fake stories of fake discussions.
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What is it about jbp that incites such blatant shilling as this?

>What's easy to discredit is his claim that radical individualism can prevent the destruction of the West
I've never heard him say that anarchy would salvage the west.
Oh, you're just a shill.

Religious zealot of the church of peterson detected.
Or a paid vigilant, no diff to me.

Nah his opposition is both against far right and left. It's tribalism he warns and talks most about. Be it leftist SJW authoritarian cultism where you have a few hardliners and heaps of cucks with some repentance fetish. Or the right or alt-right or some other bullshit terms which has grown considerably and which is often focused on ethnocentrism, which is understandable with the heaps of migration we are getting now and the left censoring everything.

Pol also went from a very edgy libertarian view to what it is now. But then the left does ask for a counter-reaction. Peterson just tries to stop both movements and get more people back to the centre, but to a centre that is more libertarian in free speech and where you have the ''lost boys'' happily wage slaving for society again, maybe even make some children. It's not that bad all together.

>op posts 3000 times a week
>"durr I'm not a paid shill"
Get off your discord daddies dick. Maybe people just don't like spammers.

>but radical individualism doesn't necessarily indicate a particular thought process or set of rules to live by
Stopped reading there. It means becoming an atomized individual. "Don't mind what's happening, goy"-tier shit.

>he's showing up on Fox News more and more often
Fucking lol

He says right in the intro of his new book that his ideology of radical individualism is what can save the world.

What brand of autism is this?

>What brand of autism is this?
I asked first

I'm so sleepy, OP. Don't you feel sleepy, too?

>atomized individual
care to expand upon this?

This may be the most transparent post I've ever seen

Peterson is Tony Robbins for neckbeards

Sleepy AF tbqh.

>care to expand upon this?
It means abandoning your race and seeing yourself as an individual.

You collected a bunch of posts and claim it's a discord team making them and posting in this thread? Yes, you have a rare form of autism.

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Hey man, first he tells men to clean their rooms
but wait, just wait
he'll tell people to take out the trash soon enough

Obvious LARP. Nice try though leaf.

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Boomer+sectarism is a bad combo.
Peterson needs to be stopped.

It's not even debatable that it's all the same people. It's provable in the very evidence itself. You make these threads all day long sometimes several times. You have a problem.

And they're extremely bad at it... I cringe. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SUBTLETY

>A lot neckbeards and kids there with their mom. Also a surprising number of people over 40 and 50. These guys were weirder looking than the younger crowd. They had on fedoras and trench coats with long hair.
That would explain why he bursts out crying in a lot of interviews lately when asked about the people that approach him.

i'll go to Canada and vote for him illegally if he runs for office up there.

Show us your evidence that this secret discord team is posting in this thread. Not agreeing with Peterson's book or philosophy does not count.

Please do this. Our only choices are (((Scheer))), Current Year man, and a Sikh who is actually a communist. Oh, and a Lesbian who LARPs as an environmentalist but who is actually also a communist.

>Went to Sydney Peterson talk
>Sat next to interracial couple (White male, Black female)
>On the other side were 4 blokes smashing down beers during the talk
>Everyone well dressed
>Honestly was probably the worst dressed in the room because I came from work and my uniform is terrible
>All questions were from pretensious people trying to wank themselves off in front of peterson/audience
>One girl brings a fucking Kermit the Frog and starts talking about how she is fighting feminism at her university
>Peterson basically says "And? What do you want from me? Keep doing it, good work."

Honestly stopped bothering with him after, the guy has points and I am glad he is helping people out. But he mainly just rambles on and has zero solutions. He talks about the issues but no solutions. There are so many people out there right now just slapping about bringing up all our problems but no one say he we have almost limitless solutions to them. I think this is mainly an audience issue though, everyone wants to hear the problems because finding any solution is obvious. So the audience feels like they're smart as fuck. Everything these days is about wanking off the audience, social media just promotes that. This is why everyone feels "betrayed" by Facebook. Everyone with half a fucking brain knows they were jacking your data and selling it, how else were they making fucking money. Everything is about pandering to egotism and keeping people in their bubbles.


Get help faggots.

What did he talk about during his talk? Did he just sort of reiterate his youtube lectures?

So a meme was reposted by some user, that's your evidence for a coordinated conspiracy?

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Pretty much just went on about the first half of his book, primarily in a rambling sense. I had read the first part of his book and it was just him repeating himself. So yeah, his book is mainly stuff from youtube. I guess it was to be expected because it's a book tour but he needs to crap out some more content.

Images saved off Jow Forums don't come up as names, but numbers. In most images posted by you in anybody can see you use the same_way_of__labeling_images.

Though clearly now that I've educated you on this you'll probably be more careful. Like when you were using the Nazi flag.
By the way, lets see how many Canadian/Nazi flags come up when I do a quick search on some commonly used words in these shill threads you always make.
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"Fox news" "peterson"/page/1/

>but we can't let him near the nuclear codes

>lobster guy tours to make even more money off of retards
>is suprised to see target group in all its glory at book event

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I smell a shill post

You got too much free time. Next time you have so free cash go spend it on a hooker instead.