I miss BJF. Who else is with me? Share your saved pics

I miss BJF. Who else is with me? Share your saved pics.

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I miss bjf. It was fun

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What was BJF and what happened

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I remember this one


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nice one

Anyone have more of her?

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Anyone have more of her? I remember multiples.

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Awesome blow job faker. He’d shop your dick and others into the girl of your choice. Had a few done of my ex wife. Sadly don’t have those saved anymore.

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the threads were fun, waiting to see if anyone chose your girl.

bump for others

He was doing well on a tribute forum before it was taken down, he told me he quit cuz you faggots keep spamming his thread and didn't tank him for his job, sadly this is a recurring thing with all fakers that post in here, they come and go and some never come back

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excuse my autism

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Nice try, bjf.

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If only...

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How many meme pics do you have? Just curious.

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Yo I think that's my dick ahah
I remember really liking that girl around bjf times and I requested her.

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