American Civil War II

So Jow Forums, red pill me on what are the current political movements in the west right now and would there be a actual war between these factions?

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no, in the next civil war your skin will be your uniform

Communism and Socialism. Both will win and coexist peacefully, then the Socialists will become Communists.

this russian professor is fucking stupid as fuck holy shit

>under Canadian influence
so the chinks really get it

There's battle lines being drawn

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Pretty much.
A lot of US states are too politically diverse to neatly fall into one side of the spectrum.
For example, California is often stereotyped marxist SJW capital of the US, but there are millions of conservatives and republicans that live all over the state, outside of socal and San Francisco bay area. NorCal could be a red state if it were independent.
So in the case of a state like California, it would devolve into its own mini civil war.

I'm a socialist but I'll never become a filthy communist.

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White beauty vs 56%er mutt
You can't make that shit up

>most nuclear weapons in history
>lose territory and sovereignty to four separate sovereign nation states
lmaoing at your dumb prediction

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The central north american republic will still be too powerful for us canadians to even control it lmao what is this professor smoking thinking a bunch of snow people can control more than our population

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This doesn't make tons of sense.

"Central North American Republic" AKA White land, would still have like 80 million people, so I doubt it would fall under Canadian influence. It may invade and annex Canada though.

Also, more likely the West would splinter more. Mexicans/Mormons/Other. Who knows who the Chinese would ally with, or if they would have any influence. More likely it would just be chaos from waves of migrants coming up from Latin America.

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>Pic not related
Just asking a question, also these are not my predictions, I'm asking for your predictions if a civil war were to happen.

Care to extrapolate?

Neither Canada or Mexico would have the military manpower and equipment or political influence to levy any kind of Authority over those balkanized regions.

Texas alone has more military manpower than Mexico, and all those midwest states combined have Nuclear Weapons and a larger population than Canada

From what I understand this prediction was from the mid-90's

Literally the dumbest map split I've seen, then I looked. Figures a Russian prof who knows nothing about USA would draw up a retarded map like that

US Civil War II will be left-wing cities vs the right-wing country.

>Texas republic has a nuclear warhead manufacturing facility, a nuclear weapon storage site, and multiple nuclear reactors. As well as most of the military land force infrastructure of the USA.
>But it's supposed to be controlled or influenced by Mexico

The midwest contains all the ICBM silos, a healthy amount of air force bases, and a population larger than Canada. It would be an instant threat to Canadian sovreignty the day it was established

NM would go with cali by the time we actually get there. and the northeast is it's own beast, i highly doubt anyone who knows what the Chesapeake Bay is would willingly side with a bunch of faggot nycniggers. the cut off is the mason-dixon. watch philly fall inside a week.
>when you finally realize why there's so much money in maine

>The Carolinas and Tennessee
>Ever doing the same thing New York does

Fake and gay

majority by race

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There will be a DMZ a half mile wide between the North and the South. It will be both mined and patrolled by drones. Anyone crossing it in either direction, except on a few official checkpoints, will be found and killed by one side or the other. Immigration, trade and travel between them will be strictly controlled and regimented and frequently done through neutral intermediaries. The South will become a socially conservative agricultural and energy-producing power. The north will pursue relations with Canada and the EU.

It would take 2 military divisions to basically police one major city without it's metropolitan area. That's not even getting into a megacity like Chicago.
That's the entire Canadian military

The idea that Mexico could control Texas when Texas has 2 major metropolitan areas is fucking insanity, esp. considering a metropolitan area could raise enough arms on its own to outnumber the occupiers

thats still retarded

I see a lot of white girls act like the one on the right. It disgusts me.

Same shit different brand.

>more than the entire canadian population
>virtually 100% white
>literally all the american nuclear ICBM silos

Naw, the end has already come and gone. I understand where people like trump and those who voted for him are coming from, and while you're free to have hope that the country can be fixed or at least implode in on itself, it won't.

Things will slowly and steadily just get worse for the next hundred or so years, boiling the frog slowly and all that. we fell into the pot decades ago, and at this point there's no way out. it'l likely be like the fall of rome, not with a bang or a thud, but with a whimper.

I want to fuck her mouth with my dick, if ya catch my drift.

Tennessee and the Carolinas join with New Jersey, New York, DC, CT, MA, and so on?


Guy is retarded.

Wait for the civil war, propose for a unified fascist movement with regional support in the many regions and a view of a Pure, yet undemocratic United States.

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What ideological factions in this war would arise?

In my opinion, it would be like ww2, but in America.

>Communism vs Capitalism vs Nazism

This. Tennessee would ally with Texas long before it'd ever ally with New York.

>would there be a actual war between these factions?
Yes, there has been dehumanizing language used by multiple sides for about 20-25 years now, the left wing has been using dehumanizing language ever since Bush's reelection at the least. The right started doing it about half way through Obama's first term, but it didn't really get going on the right until near the end of Obama's second term.
When the left started using language that turned the other side into a non-human entity, it blossomed among that side without any limitations, there was no one that tried to tap the brakes, in other words. When it started on the right, the right kept it among the fring and viewed their opponents as naive rather than non-human... which changed with the runup to Trump's election where a lot of the right simply sees the left as an enemy now and the numbers that see the left as an enemy are swelling.

What is likely going to happen is an uneasy stage of the left keeping on taking liberties and properties from those "right-wing hicks in fly-over country, who are racist misogynists who probably fuck their cousins"; while the right continues to buy more guns and ammo and world record pace. (Not even Trump's election slowed down gun sales, check the FBI's NICS records if you don't believe me.) Nothing will happen for another five to ten years except buildup, because while the right still sees the left as the enemy, they are now in power and enjoying using the legal weapons in the US government right now (Most of them created by the left; which goes to show, don't write a law that you wouldn't want an ax-murderer to enforce against you.) That is unless a leftist does something stupid, like if the Bernie Sanders voter was actually successful in his mass shooting on Republican representatives. Or if that guy who broke Rand Paul's ribs actually killed him, at which point, game on.
After that, it will be as Noam Chomsky said: the right wing holds all the weapons, the left dies

States rights over Federal
Federal law over states right
Probably Caste system too, since california basically has it in everything but name right now

Same with the South. I am down for this to happen

None of California's bordering states want to be allied with California.

Just wait till you are pushed against the wall with a gun pointing at your head to become a commie or be shot dead right and there,

You morons have no idea of politics do you ?

Personally I see the map more divided than this. I'm from northern New England and if shtf, I know we would not want to be shackled to whay would most likely be a liberal elite Boston as the capital. I think we would ally ourselves with our northern Maritime/Quebec neighbors. Then the greater noreast area. Midatlantic. Midwest a bit more divided than that, especially round the lakes. Deep south. Texmex. Pacific Norwest.

>Midwest being part of Canada

In the next war, state boundaries really aren't what you need to be looking at.

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The (((Blue))) in the blue states wont go beyond 20 miles east and west of I-5.

Once you get that far from the freeway it's all hardcore gun owners and conservatives.

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That's a confusing color scheme why not use white to circle the white land fuck that red circle

If shit gets violence we got the Aryan Brotherhood types to join up with. Yes, we have idea of politics, commie dipshit. National socialism will win the popular vote when shit gets realllllly bad. And there are lots of people willing to fight to the death for their beliefs.

Yellow wins, it wouldnt even be close.

>half of the south is going to join with the north east and join the european union
lost really fucking hard.

No one is allying with commiefornia. Try again Ivan.

This is the most retarded map Ive ever seen. Kill yourself for posting it.

>texas will be under mexican influence
>the central north will be under candadian influence
this guy was fired, right?

pretty much this

if there's ever another it'll be major liberal cities vs rural militias and armies

most military forts are in the south and west, they would act quickly to shut down the highway systems going into the enemy zones

prob the liberal cities would have a portion of military support, or adhoc communist cells creating their own army like in russian civil war

quick war you'd have to starve the cities quickly and then move in to minamize damage

>Thinking idaho would align with cali
fucking russian retards

this guy doesn’t know anything about this country.
>Florida wouldn’t be split between white southerners in the north, blacks in Orlando and Cubans in the south

It would be less of an organized conflict in the style of the first Civil War (i.e. opposing conventional armies duking it out) and more an absolute quagmire of balkanization, banditry, warlordism, and generic famine.

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>Russian professor
That's all I needed to know to disregard this map as bullshit. Russian """""""""""""""""research""""""""""""""""" is inherently low quality and unreliable.

He posted Otto Strasser, a Natsoc third positionist. Nationalism can absolutely coexist with Socialism, though the economy may differ.

>New Confederacy anything but a great Texan-Floridian Constitutional Republic minus 13A

>Southern Florida wouldn't be purged, the brown tide driven beyond Cuba, which we conquer and control

this. The next war will be purely racial like the balkans after the mongrelized soviet union broke apart.

The white will kill off the browns and either make a separation settlement with niggers or kill them outrite and the Asians will likely ally with whites or stay neutral. Asians are intelligent, insular and sociopathic. These qualities will prevent them from being retarded enough to work with beaners and niggers because they know full well that if whitey is gone then asians will be the only high IQ high productivity ethnic group for the spics and nignogs to Rape, murder and steal from.

Also you can physically remove all the fail-safes on our Nuclear ICBM's and reprogram them if you control the silos and can physically open the missiles and tamper with them. After that you can launch a world ending strike and MAD doctrine protects you from conventional threats.

No foreign army will come within a thousand miles of you if you have a credible nuclear deterrent.

How’s this map?

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Leave it to the convict to out shit a Russian.

This map is retarded. It's like you just arbitrarily divided it up without understanding the states.

Colorado would join the republic if this shit broke out

T.former Colorado fag

90s or not, this map is retarded

Not as retarded as proudly displaying the flag of sodomy

Georgia, SC, FL would be republican

I think you mean the flag of progress.

>Texas Republic
>majority of its territory isn't Texas

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A lot of things are progressive. Cancer, for example.

The next civil war will be predominately centered around the Southwest due to Hispanics viewing the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo as being politically invalid.

This will leave the southwest, as well as portions of neighboring states (such as southwest Kansas and much of Colorado) in a state of conflict for years.
The rest of the country will have intermittent uprisings from the blacks and Hispanics, but they won't amount to anything, since in most places, they could easily be cordoned off, due to being concentrated in specific cities or even specific neighborhoods of cities.
Most of you here probably think that the blacks are the ones to be afraid of. But that's only when they outnumber you by extremely high ratios. Blacks do not have a high enough average IQ to organize a successful rebellion. They will fall into disorganization very easily. It is the Hispanics that are the threat, since they are indeed able to organize themselves.

fuck the slavic shit skin squat open mouth and all white girl clean smile and legs together

This map doesn't take in account the ideologies of voters (except commiefornia). There are going to be smaller states sprinkled between the large ones. I doubt there is going to be a united middle american republic

>This, fuck New York
T. North Carolinian


>Generic famine.

Sounds like a hell of a party, user! Count me in!

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This. What he said.

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>under canadian influence
>may join the EU

Some fine keks you've got there comrade.

>Alaska will go to Russia
but why?
>Russian professor

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>A Russian "intellectual" plays Kaiserreich.


Literal gem vs le 56%.

No there will never be another kind of civil war. It's all talk for the insecure an wishful thinking for the cowardly. Ones scared, the others glad.

Who will connect your Maine brethren with the rest of the glorious New United Empire?

Ohio would never join the cuckolds of Canada where the 100% real American men where we fight Wars and kill people you think we'd ever listen to a leader like Justin Trudeau

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>Idaho, Utah and Arizona
> part of Commiefornia "Republic"


>Roman Republic
>majority of the territory isn't Rome
What did he mean by this

It's a mystery

You're fucking stupid. The south doesn't produce anything but cotton, corn, soy and tobacco and it only does most of those with HEAVY government subsidies. I've lived in the south and know for a fact that farmers there are stupid, inbred, hicks that have gotten by mooching off free money from the government. They talk about independence and hard work but they wouldn't know either of it came up and slapped them in the face.

Nat-soc is not the same as socialism as we see it today.

>Will go to Russia

Less than 2% of the people in Alaska are Russian or claim Russian ancestry. Why the fuck would it go to Russia?

>Will go to either Japan or China

Why would it not be part of California? California alone accounts for 10% of the total GDP of the United States and is by itself the seventh largest economy in the world, nevermind giving it all the states it needs to make a serious go at independence.

>Under Mexican influence

Texas alone has a greater GDP and more firepower than Mexico. It would be more accurate to say that Mexico would go to Texas or be under Texan influence.

>Central North-American Republic

I doubt it, the ideological differences are too huge across most of it, and I can't see a circumstance under which Canada would want any of it anyway.

>Atlantic America

The closest thing to reality the professor has put forth, and it's still nonsense; first, because it's doubtful that anything much further south than Pennsylvania would want to join with anything north of it (or vice-versa); second, because the New England states are more likely to petition to join Canada, and even then it's unlikely - what's more likely to happen is the creation of a Atlantic Republic incorporating New England and New York that then exists as an independent nation.