Holy shit Jesse flips out

Holy shit Jesse flips out

>Tells kid she's an idiot
>She says go away
>He race baits a ton and said black people can be where they want
>more arguing and race baiting
>cops called


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Jesse just seems so slow in the head.

Like if you agree

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He's afflicted with Negroidism. He can't help it, it's a legitimate handicap.

the only ebony American i like or would trust in my house or country

I think it has more to do with his tongue. He always sounds like he has peanut butter(Spit) in his mouth

He's half retarded with flashes of genius.

His editing is great, though. Last video too.

children of the lie
hold the negroes high
They hang themselves with rope
And the believed barry's hope

Hahahaha what the fuck was even his point

Did Jesse just chimp out?

>when he’s talking to the girl and the camera shoots to his face and he looks terrifying

I fucking died

>Did Jesse just chimp out?
I think he did. But to be honest, I would probably chimp out too around all that ignorance

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Yo y da fuk dis corn ball ass nigga talk like someone caved his head with a stapler when we was five hahahahha

That'sh rude

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funny shit

slut walk is the best though

That was meh compared to this

Our /nignog/

Fucking LOL
This just proves inside even the most based black man, there is a nigger. I thought he was nigh unflappable.

respect and thanks to jlp. a true voice in the wild world. this is the kind of black man that can move into my neighborhood.

I saw an interview where he said that God took the spirit of anger away from him

A few months later he’s chimping out at a bunch of libfags at a gun control rally

I’ve never seen a nigger do a right-wing chimpout. That was a first

I was about to post this shit. I love this BASED nigger's Socratic passive antagonism.


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fyi he has a cleft palate that's why he sounds retarded although he could also just be retarded

>Socratic passive antagonism.
Are you referring to Socrates? Can you give me an example?

He was trolling and it was brilliant
These radical activist don't know what to do when he starts pulling the race card.
You know that I'm not racist baffled look is funny.

Whoever does his intro and editing is spot on. It's a weird juxtaposition with the BASED boomer black guy, kek. I feel bad for Jesse, I sort of wish he would just hate whites like all the other niggers.
>video related

Wasn't he just handicapping the Lefties with their own weapons?

I made that post before I watched the video. I kind of thought the same thing.

>Are you referring to Socrates?
>Can you give me an example?
of what? the socratic method? if that's what you're referring to, he does it by asking questions intelligently to shed light on people's ignorance and show how retarded they are for the audience. nuancebro does it too. you can't even call it going for low hanging fruit since it's his aim, anyway. it's too bad those retards probably don't have to watch the footage later of how stupid and ridiculous they look/sound

I wish AJ was black so he could race bait like this.

Fucking kek

If he's being ironic,this is fucking gold

He's literally jewing the jew

he is level 90. other people here don't know him well enough. thats /ourblackguy.

No I think he just chimped out

He saw that dumb white bitch and had the first right wing chimp out in history

I’m at a loss for words. Did those libshits just get redpilled?

We must harness the power of chimp outs for ourselves. They'll never see it coming.

I never thought there are decent black people. Is he mixed?

Smarter than 99% of liberals

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Jesse is a good guy.

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>He's literally jewing the jew

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bumping with some cocaine

he literally was born on a cotton plantation, so probably no.


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this is an actual black American. this attitude existed only for only a short time and then liberals realized they would never get votes again if black people weren't an angry mess demanding gibs. now our capable friends are scattered and hide their power level, doomed to live among blind retards, in this regard they are no stranger to redpills. this is the type of black person the 1950's "racist white people" were ok with, and not the angry civil rights niggers, but they were not articulate enough to explain it. this is funny because its relative to us not understanding that 1 black person in our ranks is worth 10 "white nationalists" specifically because we are dealing with retarded people brainwashed to think they are black advocates. despite not appearing to represent our cause, and a shameful thought to some here, when we learn to call on the real black Americans we will watch half the liberal horde vanish over night.

Fuck off back to the donald dipshit

This nigger looks weird, he doesn't really have white features but he still looks like a white guy with black face make up.

now explain how im wrong without saying: "theyre all big stupid animals".


He bought into the based black guy stuff too much.

this is jokes though 10/10

He’s a pro-white black guy

Kinda weird but I’ll support it

I have a gay black friend that voted Donald Trump. He catches shit about it constantly from other negroids or faggots. He's surprisingly alright.

bump, are fatso americans asleep?

No sweedcuck.


look at the creepy pedo handlers from 18:00

Nnnnnniggggga niiiga niga niggor!

its weird, ive seen it and didn't believe it. a lot of people are actually starting to understand the marxist poison. even if blacks were only 3/5ths, that's 3/5ths more than a commie..

I always pronounced ebony as eBony.

kek, same.


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Total genius how he used the "do you hate black people" shit against them
Black or not, this guy is smart

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He is using the race card against them, and they freak out. Wise man.

Hahahaha a bunch of white liberals highwiring because they don't know what to do because they can't call him uncle Tom nor they can be racist towards him but they don't want him to keep pushing his agenda.
They probably were thinking about just sacrificing the white girl and let him rape her so they could go on with their shit but it was plain daylight.

Gotta love JLP, he gets so much shit for defending whites yet there he is.

> children of the lie

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He won that exchange like a champ. Those coddled faggots didn't know what hit 'em.

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He shit stained those retards. They were paralyzed by him because he's black lmao.

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No, I'm forced to be up right now, working on this elliptical machine and reflecting on my life choices :(((

tpbp friend
yeah I was almost there 30 seconds in. I'm glad I don't interact with the general public though (liberals), existense is bleak and depressing everywhere you look with them, every one of those people has a deck they have stacks with all victim cards. and when they run out of the deck or just don't work they just chimp out and flip the table..fucking fluorinated cattle, marching to the coming culling with enthusiasm

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This shit had me laughing till I was in tears.
>you're not black, you're Mexican!

this is delightful

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you fags calling this a chimpout are dumb. petersen never raised his voice or lost his composure. he simply and rightfully called these leftist zombies stupid. you sound like a bunch of cucks.

he handled the whole crowd effortlessly
he sounds half asleep

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I like when he goes to those places and interview dumbfucks, top tier fun.

holy shit you guys are usually faggots but that shit was pretty funny
>the way that faggot steps up to defend m'lady then immediately steps down
>the way they fold for the race card immediately
fucking pathetic

no way. the white dude got in in his face and didn't back down

Nah, I think he's legitimately retarded.

He has the debating and argumentative capacities of an elementary school kid.

>Does your mother know you gay?
>Well I'm not g-
>No, just a no or a yes.
>But how can I answer that if I'm not
>No no no, just give me a yes or no response.

>1min later
>are you telling me to go away because im black

>implying you wouldn't let pastor manning in your country


nignog chimpout, so what?

Because of his speech impediment people think that and he gets good interviews.

I like how jews make it look like niggers can be conservative aswell.
I am into preserving my people.
I don't want to have nignogs in my gene pool.
No Jesse, No manning, none of them.

A nigger (Jesse)
A homosexual (Milo)
A childless career woman (Lauren)
A jew (Ben Shapiro)

What is this shit show?
Don't you faggots realize that the jews are making an implication, a strawman that way?

What is "conservative" or "right wing" if you include niggers, jews, faggots, femenists and everything else what is wrong with the society?

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While the trolling was more or less entertaining, it was trolling right? Otherwise he seems mentally retarded. I guess it would have been virtually impossible to have meaningful dialogue with anyone there given the circumstance. So much butt hurt for being accused of hatred while they were all virtue signaling.

Based mountain jew

He does some of the best interviews.

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>i know these kids
>theyre from a wealthy, jewish, white neighborhood

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Classic here. Cruel man.

1. she's a QT
2. he totally trolled them with the "is it because i'm black?" routine.
3. 20:25 white knight tells him "we are in solidarity with BLM" as if every black person loves BLM and should be grateful for it.

it's all very comical.

I'll bet Jesse gives amazing slow head with that weird ass mouth of his.

I guess that's why they call him "Mad Dog" Jesse Peterson.

>the look of fear in her eyes when he calls them racists
lmao, america is fucked

>white dude

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This desu.

brilliant. he used their own shit tactics against them.
>is it because i'm a woman
>is it because i'm black

Our black people...dare I say.../ourGuys/???


That thing looks like jew wearing spraytan