Color shop

Can this pic be shopped to realistic colors?

Attached: o1uymahvcdxzf0rge1.jpg (640x480, 34K)

This is her, so you see her real skin tone

Attached: 1291930017867_f.jpg (314x500, 57K)

Also if nudeshop is possible in this one, would be great.


Did not look at that second post before trying so winged it

Attached: 1553552573775 - 2.jpg (640x480, 274K)


Bump to see if nudeshop is possible

Attached: 1553552652696.jpg (314x458, 117K)

Man thats amazing! Thank you!

Sure. Post more of her if you want more done ;)

Txs! , hope the se are doable

Attached: IMG_20190326_055432.jpg (492x370, 70K)

Attached: img_20845351416558.jpg (720x540, 26K)

Attached: img_20160902_211014.jpg (480x817, 89K)

Attached: img_20799795309892.jpg (640x480, 41K)




this is good work!

IKR? I'm OP bumping for the kind user shopper who did it to see if he can do another. The quality wasnt the best but he nailed it.

well if he does then show gratitude because a lot goes into 'shopping properly like that

I totally agree, one of the best shops I've ever seen. I wasnt expecting that kind of quality Shop in a pic with that res.


Great work

Agree, really want that user shopper to show up again.

Still hopebumping


Based on the first attempt, I came up with this.

Attached: 1553560257876.jpg (640x480, 206K)

Thank you! Looks pretty good

Bump to see if the kind nudeshopper shows again