I worked a summer job to pay my tuition
Just give em a firm handshake boy
>I survived with only 200 dollars a month, WHY CANT YOU YOU SPOILED BRAT
I left school at 16 and worked fulltme during college, while also being in officer training in the royal navy
I'm not a boomer, just not a lazy NEET
its called white privilege, check your privilege
Nobody cares you sperg, fuck up faggot. Now.
People ratting on boomers when it's Generation X that is fucking with the job market, inflating the price of education and driving salaries down with immigrants.
Literally never had a problem with a boomer, Generation X has tried to scalp me at every turn.
Fuck up you little homophile.
Bro, I call it as it is. I have never yet been scalped by a Boomer whilst working, Generation X are tech illiterate vermin that have no real skills in the workplace.
They're mostly middle-managers that get in the way of things.
>it's everyone else's fault but my own
Nigga you have the internet, how are you not making $250,000 a year at least?
at every workplace i've been, it was always the boomers who fucked me over
well desu.. I got my job while I was yet to graduate.
What industry may I ask? I work in tech and there's practically no Generation X people that legitimately have any relevant skills, all admin and marketing bullshit.
I've met a couple of super senior programmer Boomers which helped me reform my coding, couldn't say a bad word about them.
I fucking hate them so much
>What industry may I ask?
Boomers are the most ugliest and most vile people in the world
Mexicans. The 'Republican' Chamber of Commerce and the Satanist 'Demoncracts' promote mass immigration for different reasons, but the results are the same. Add feminism and women in the labor force since the 70's. What was the population of the US when you were born!? What is it now?! What about your parents?! The US is easily the most welcoming place in history. What does this do to wages of middle class working people already here, and voting patterns for new, poor immigrants that want gibs?! The results are a backlash against immigration. I really wish people would look the population explosion of the the 100,50, or 20 years up; its telling a story.
Because you didn't fucking plan. Because you didn't spend countless hours preparing, sending applications, or honing your skill in your time while you were in college. Because you sat on on your ass and did nothing, expecting the job to come to you just because you have a fancy piece of toilet paper.
Don't say it's not possible when you didn't try.
Fuck off Oil Nigger. You get free money handed to you during college
Fuck boomers. They're still stirring up shit even today. Ever notice those pink pussy/feminist/liberal protests are always comprised of Boomer women and their spawn? Every difficulty we're facing today in society is because of the direct result of greedy, selfish boomers who have not only raped and scarred the earth, but also continue to destroy the Western world just so they can squeeze a few more dollars out of it.
Because manufacturing jobs left and you won't fucking retire.
no it's not commie, it's your kryptonite, hard work
you don't decide who cares, fatkin
They've been in the business since before your parents were born. They're hardened and cruel from decades of seeing some of the worst shit imaginable. You'll end up there too one day, if you're at all cut out for the trade.
>free money
Scholarships are not free money. And with that said, I don't even have one.
It's both.
>hard work will make you rich
>They're hardened and cruel from decades of seeing some of the worst shit imaginable.
yeah but no reason to be cunts to newcomers and make our lifes harder
Toughen up
Just did, faggot. Permanently. Proved you were gay too. So fuck you, bitch.
Finance is not a hard industry.
>They're hardened and cruel from decades of seeing some of the worst shit imaginable.
you wouldnt know, your entire world view is to run away from it
Fuck up bitch, you've been shit stained.
Tbh at this point the job market seems so bad. We were sold a lie. At this point it makes more went to invest in something passive, lucrative and unethical like online gambling or camwhoring.