Image enhancement removal of noise hase ect

I will attempt to fix your images.

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (1410x1356, 815K)

Please sir try this one

Attached: 6495825.jpg (720x960, 57K)


Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (720x960, 330K)


Attached: IMG_20190325_161715.jpg (498x663, 169K)

That was fast! Ty

Hope you can help me with her

Attached: smile.jpg (720x990, 54K)

Try this one.

Attached: 12.jpg (480x640, 32K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (869x651, 272K)

Please make it look better

Attached: 11892032_10207173220789458_2994073546800498533_n.jpg (960x960, 72K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (820x1092, 468K)

Attached: tetse.jpg (1280x1024, 74K)


Attached: 1013983_10152064789439778_1008764501_n.jpg (960x960, 68K)

Looks a little blurry. Can you improve it

Attached: DSC00104.jpg (3072x2304, 2.17M)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (720x990, 323K)

Great. Thank you

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (627x836, 248K)

Thanks user.

Thank you user

Can you remove the noise for smoother skin?

Attached: image002837.jpg (1080x1095, 1.96M)

Attached: 0F04C01A-7C48-4D3E-B8A0-837BEB1DCD74.jpg (1334x676, 147K)

Attached: bin.jpg (1280x1024, 602K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (960x960, 395K)

Please can you make it more brighter and smoother?

Attached: DSC00817.jpg (600x450, 13K)

I need to see her in 4K! Naa just kidding, but if you can smooth this would be awesome. Txs

Attached: screenshot_2016-09-05-01-29-10.jpg (480x854, 32K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (1080x1095, 601K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (774x581, 133K)

Please brighten this op

Attached: 491BA19C-8C82-4415-A530-3712BBCD316C.jpg (1792x902, 146K)

Thank you user

Attached: bin.jpg (1792x902, 647K)

Dont want to be greedy, can you help me with another 2? Your doing it great.

Attached: DSC00815.jpg (600x450, 15K)

Attached: DSC00807.jpg (600x450, 13K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (756x1009, 295K)


sorry it was to large of a image to run my enhancement process on had to reduce size...

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (1460x1095, 562K)

Attached: 1446074593412.jpg (2048x1536, 1.31M)

No prob dude, TY!

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (746x1015, 156K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (600x450, 42K)

Looks great thanks!


Attached: 15-33-26.png (480x854, 276K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (1593x988, 686K)

Not sure if possible, its kinda messy

Attached: 1743526_10152202900481726_1202741401_n.jpg (554x554, 16K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (644x1146, 233K)

Nice, Thanks!

This is what I got...

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (932x932, 242K)

I actually have a different GAN I want to try on it .. let me see..

>Mfw 2019 and you faggots act like you need to learn Photoshop

Attached: 1492819577094_1.gif (212x176, 925K)

this actually made it look pretty cool.

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (932x932, 252K)

Woa thank you!

Let me put your comment in my bag of things I dont give a shit. Look! it fits perfectly now GTFO


Attached: IMG_20181220_210112.jpg (1280x1196, 100K)

Attached: 1059007_679072582109697_1007872138_n.jpg (640x480, 61K)

Attached: 01rDrFf.jpg (1944x2592, 313K)

Brighten, pls

More smooth possible?

Attached: Estefania Luna - (13).jpg (960x718, 164K)


Attached: 51877595_818543738485189_3420309470656825743_n666.jpg (830x1139, 225K)

Attached: Screenshot_20181005-181346~2.png (1080x1920, 1.77M)

Attached: 1553641263364.jpg (1080x1095, 1.32M)

Attached: 1553648289683.jpg (640x480, 363K)

Attached: 1553648353306.jpg (1944x2592, 2.44M)

Attached: 1553648632806.jpg (960x718, 209K)

Attached: 1553648790948.jpg (830x1139, 691K)


Attached: 1553649033595.png (1080x1920, 1.41M)

Please user

Attached: 899632.jpg (448x604, 19K)

Attached: outfileworking.jpg (1280x1196, 538K)



Attached: 20171118_053628 (1).jpg (4160x3120, 3.63M)


Attached: 20766309_514028692270289_5594240884959870976_n (2).jpg (931x983, 135K)

Attached: 1553437189647.jpg (680x1310, 391K)

in case you come back OP

Attached: 12768016_10201560174764168_2031129026_o.jpg (1280x800, 52K)

can you fix that pls?

Attached: 18251587_137436653464884_8469621103361261568_n.jpg (960x960, 82K)

make boobs a little bigger please

Attached: 2014-03-01 01.59.04.png (720x1280, 948K)


i aint op but this is an easy one lmao

Attached: 1553695458589.png (720x1280, 1.02M)

best you will get i think

Attached: 1553689064634.jpg (1280x800, 716K)

dont know what this is but here you go

Attached: 1553662727661.jpg (4160x3120, 6.81M)

Try this one maybe ?

Attached: 13266000_1011255358956738_8365014978273421886_n.jpg (540x960, 64K)

better colour, tried to dehaze and sharpen the pic but it is quite pixelated. best i could get it to look

Attached: 1553703990094.jpg (540x960, 417K)

granted it possibly looks worse lmfao

Maybe clear the image up? Or make her tits bigger?

Attached: 20190327_135948.jpg (1440x2384, 1.35M)

Could you make the colouring on the face match the rest of the photo better?

Attached: 1525711011477.jpg (1600x1067, 252K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1553711976481.jpg (600x450, 20K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1553711937480.jpg (956x1278, 71K)

Attached: 1553711019922.jpg (1600x1067, 440K)

Worth a try?

Attached: 88DCA815-038C-46B6-8D16-F95F952B2C1F.jpg (2048x1736, 1.29M)

jumped the gun. didn't see the subtle saturation throughout. heres a better one.

Attached: 1553711019922.jpg (1600x1067, 437K)

Attached: 1553710250367.jpg (1440x2384, 1.17M)


Thank you!

Attached: 20190327_144933.jpg (328x960, 175K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190316-113120_Instagram.jpg (1440x2560, 213K)


Attached: VideoCapture_20190120-215408.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

Attached: 1553710250367.jpg (1440x2384, 1.81M)



Attached: 1553711019922.jpg (1600x1067, 655K)

could the coloring around the neck be fixed?

Attached: xxxfake5kl.jpg (680x960, 184K)

Please make her tits look like d's

Attached: dwqts2m.png (800x1200, 1.12M)