What would it be?
Official firearm of /pol?
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Anyone going to claim MG42?
Whatever is the best for mowing down hordes of mutt ankle-biters, dumbfuck.
if it was chambered in 14.88
now THAT would be fun
....dick so hard, that and fall in 50.
Enchanted Spoon of Bin that Knife +1 (+4 against Anglos) here.
with an extended mag this is still a great gun. The normal mags run out fast af though
Well do ya, punk?
dragon dildo
>not deploying a double fingerbox
Nice choice, but too small.
And it's down Along Lethbridge, that's where I long to be,
Lying on the snow with the Ca-nuck company!
A comrade on my left and another in a dress,
And a clip of Russian surplus for my little SKS!
I was stopped by a Mountie, he said: "You are a swine"
He hit me with his rifle and he wrote me up a fine!
I begged and I pleaded, but he left me a sorry mess
But all the time I'm thinking of my little SKS!
And it's down in Gatineau that's where I long to be,
Lying on the snow with the Ca-nuck company!
A comrade on my left and another one in a dress
And a clip of Chinese surplus for my little SKS!
A RCMP man came marching up our town
Six hundred CF soldiers he had gathered all around
"Come out, you cowardly Canucks", "come out and Confess!"
But he cried, "I'm only joking!", when he heard the SKS!
Sure it's down along Vernon, that's where I long to be,
Lying on the snow with the Ca-nuck company!
A comrade on my left and another one in a dress,
And a clip of Yugo surplus for my little SKS!
Sure, the CF came to visit me, it was in the early hours,
With Gators and Grizzly's and Bison armoured cars
They thought they had me cornered, but I made them second guess
With the steel-cored surplus bullets of my little SKS!
And it's down in Iqaluit that's where I long to be,
Lying on the snow with the Ca-nuck company!
A comrade on my left and another one in a dress
And a clip of Roma surplus for my little SKS!
When Trudeau came to Trono, he said, The battle's won
Said Goodall, "We're winning sir, we have them on the run!"
But constables and privates call out quickly in distress
"Send for reinforcements! it's the god damned SKS!"
And it's down along Gander, that's where I long to be,
Lying on the snow with the Ca-nuck company!
A comrade on my left and another one in a dress
And a clip of Czech-O surplus for my little SKS!
CQC capable
High ammo capacity
common ammo type
easy to maintain/field repair
multi role
and most important : it must have a history of killing communists...
There is only one choice that fits all listed criteria.
I present the Stoner 63
Cant tell if this is copypasta, but Bretty gud either way.
>no StG so far
This board has truly come to shit
Yeah, it's from the Canada General on Jow Forums.
Honestly, the StG44 is really obsolescent a design. The originals are all NFA items in the US and quite worn. It was not a particularly sturdy firearm. The more "faithful" semi-only models on the market have a really bad reputation of falling apart/being unreliable. There are some less "faithful" variants coming on the market soon (in the original 8mm Kurz as well as 5.56x45, .300 BLK and 7.62x39), but the aesthetics changed a good bit.
"Distinguished by a girlish face on the body of a truck driver, Heines was an elegant, suave, and impeccably groomed killer. He liked to shoot his victims in the face with his 7.65 Walther automatic or beat them to death with a club."
If you don't know why you should leave. You must be 18 to post on this website.
Isn't that a fake quote?
CQC capable
High ammo capacity
common ammo type
easy to maintain/field repair
multi role
and most important : it must have a history of killing communists...
There is only one choice that fits all listed criteria.
I present the Stoner 63
FNFAL for maximum floppy slotting capabilities
Right arm of the free world, full calibre semi auto battle rifle.
AR-10 > FAL
Fight me.
fuck off mutt
>canacuck ar10>c1a1
No not even once.
I will forever be salty that so many C1's were scrapped, but the AR-10 is simply a better designed platform.
Hell, due to legal shenanigans in Canada, we have a number of branching designs based on the original AR-10 platform as opposed to the more modern AR-10B which is a scaled-up AR-15.
The Alberta Tactical "Modern Hunter", for instance, uses an FAL-ish non-reciprocating left side charging handle.
Mossberg 590a1 special purpose with 9 in the mag and one in the chamber.
>STG is for removing outside borders
>MP is for removiwn within borders
Sounds good, so long as parts and ammo dont run out.
the tree of justice is fueled with blood
Singin "Oh, Lord, this Earth was meant for us."
Singin "Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain't enough."
So well take a stand,
Because we must protect our land.
Keep you rifle by your side.
These good for home defense ?
Since I live in shithole Australia and can't get this cool shit, I'll be using my cricket bat and some stern words. If shit gets real I'll bust out the crossbow or sword. FML Ive become a walking dead parody.
They're cheaper than the AR you should be buying, less scary too.
Depending on the range and rounds used, yeah.
Get yourself a levergat in .357, user.
M252. Shake n bake.
pic related. Do it for the children, user.
The 28-2 is a great gun. There’s a picture posted a lot of someone aiming one at a maple leaf.
>That patrician taste
I appreciate you
Bottom right looks like Dylan roof
Leftist neocon gun grabber detected!
Smart dude
AK-47 obviously.
has to be that new snakebite AR-15
I love the BHP, I really do (Need to get me a nice Inglis with matching stock!), but it's really obsolescent at this point. The CZ75 family is a better choice.
Ded gun is kill
Something to do with Hitler? Can't find anything on the net.
The Turks are still producing them. Handled one at GoTenda a while back. Surprisingly good craftsmanship. The action was nice and smooth and the trigger crisp.
Fite me
*tips fedora*
Unapologetically a MANPAD
the next one wont be fought symmetrically.