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Well with 40% of your staff being green's voters being non-partisan sorta goes out the window.

His father was God.
So, he was fucking blond and blue eyed Aryan, like Odin. Cuz god.

If I was a christian I would be really mad at faggots using Jesus for political agenda, hope it backfires horribly.

And it's beautiful...

They aren't insulting aboriginals or jews, so whatever they put out is fine.

>Ancient Levantines
>Arabian Jew

>tfw you looked like a Medean Greek but because of the Seljuks and Arabs there are no Medean Greeks left in Anatolia to compare yourself to

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>here's why that matters
>Fuck white people

(and that's a good thing)

Jesus was slav

I dont even understand the """Scientific""" evidence of this mysterious case of racial politics
He is the son of god, born of a virgin.. how is he being white so far out of the realm of possibility when """scientifically""" he may have never even existed?

Odin is a lame comic book character

jews really trying hard to pretend jesus was a jew lel

A lot of Christians I've met from Lebanon look 100% white. The region wasn't especially dark until the brown Arab invaders came in to force Islam on the people.

GEE who should I trust, anti-Christian, anti-white atheist KIKES or centuries of historical depictions by the people who lived closer to his era and region?

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The evidence comes first from acknowledging that Yeshua never existed as he is portrayed by Christianity (a divine being who preached proto-Marxist filth) and then looking at the Qumran Zealots to whom his supposed brother, James, belonged. They were Semitic Israelites, staunch followers of the Law of Moses which made it blasphemy to declare oneself god. The image of Yeshua as Christ is an invention of Saul; for James and the Zealots he would at most have been a candidate for being anointed as a high priest or possibly king as per the political goals of the Zealots stretching back to the Maccabean revolt. Yeshua, if such a being ever existed, was a subhuman Israelite.

Jesus was a light skinned, green eyed Jew like me :^)

Anyone who titles an article like that obviously has no credibility whatsoever

Ancient greek recognised the ancient jew god as cronos

>believing Jesus was real

bc different races never visualize their God as looking like them

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>trying hard to pretend jesus was a jew

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What kind of retard thinks jesus was white?

and the Celts as Beliar (Belanus)

it's impossible for this to be true unless the current Jews are Khazars

>His father was God.

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>Born to a woman named marry
>an arab named marry

He was white\

So what was a Hebrew ? A Hebrew was from the line of Moses. Descendants of Moses.
12 Tribes. 10 were lost to time. 2 Survived; The tribe of Judah and Benjamin.
Jesus was of the Tribe of Judah. David was from the tribe of Judah. Jesus came as the Messiah for the Tribe of Judah. Jesus was a Direct descendant of David. So do we know anything about them ? Well King David is described thusly in the Bible.

1Sam. 16:12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.
1Sam. 17:42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.
Song 5:10 My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
Lam. 4:7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

They were Fair and Ruddy. Fair as in Fair Haired, skinned. What's ruddy ? Ruddy means that red shows through their skin.
So they were white, unless any other race shows red through their skin and is fair.

Jesus was a Nazarite

>being a godless degenerate

Does this mean they're going to stop pushing the meme that Jews are White so that all White people are held responsible for their misdealings?

Ah yeah I read that article. It literally says Africans depicting Jesus as negroid is good but Europeans making him look white is racist.

They don't even have a coherent principal, just fuck whiteness.

You need to defund that shit.

Nonwhites, apparently, since they won't ever shut the fuck up about it

>if they don't follow my beliefs they must be atheist

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How the fuck could they possibly prove this? First, there is no proof that modern Jews descend from ancient Israelites. Second, Jesus himself repeatedly condemns “the Jews,” which obviously differentiates himself from that group. Third, there are many Mediterranean and Levantine groups - even up until modern times - which have light hair and light eyes.

>Rabbi Yeshua was White


This, Ethiopians paint Jesus quasi-dark, the copts make him look like some lighter shade of middle-eastern.

what exactly do you believe in user

>not knowing Jesus was a historical figure

I couldn't care less what Jesus looked like, he our lord and saviour. Why are leftists wanting to push racial politics on Jesus though? He most likely was tanned and had a similar skin tone to those in the area currently which aren't black anyway. Not that it would matter..

only people who care that Jesus wasn't possibly white is kikes.

That's it. Literally hundreds/thousands of churches have depicted Jesus as black, no problemo, once white's portray him as White it's the end of the fucking world.

The message is the most important part about Jesus but kikes don't want this to be true.

There is also no historical proof Jesus ever existed.

so jews are actually niggers? who knew?

we can try. unfortunately their main viewerbase is old boomers and labour gov loves the free propaganda

Is there anyone who seriously doesn't think jesus was Mediterranean in appearance?

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That Jesus was White is nigger-tier arguing.

>why do we continue to allow

Because go fuck yourselves, people paint Jesus in whatever color they want but only leftists get all autistic about it because he's not brown enough. Eastern Orthodox icons have him pretty brown- since that's the style, but God forbid some paintings have lighter shades

Also, he was not a fucking Jew. He was an Israelite Hebrew, "Jew" is a perversion that allows foreign ashkenazi khazarian imposters to pretend to be similar to Jesus when in reality they are talmudists while Jesus was a Hebrew and rejected the Talmud of the pharisees


God the creator, not man-made corrupt religions that offer nothing but mind control and power for a few people.

>Virtually all New Testament scholars and Near East historians, applying the standard criteria of historical investigation, find that the historicity of Jesus is effectively certain[4][5][6][7][nb 1][nb 2][nb 3][nb 4]


>He most likely was tanned and had a similar skin tone to those in the area currently which aren't black anyway

But the ORIGINAL semites wuz Black Kangz n sheeeeit

if jesus was black there'd be more stories of him stealing stuff.

maybe its more the whole "your religion is only valid when i can use it in my racial politics against you to destroy your beliefs" that irks me the most about this garbage

funny how blacks are always complaining about cultural appropriation yet they literally are trying to steal Egyptian culture as their own

Adam was white according to the Hebrews.

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A middle eastern Jew has brown skin? I'm fucking shocked.

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>Jesus was a historical figure
oh plz offer proof since no one in the world has done this yet

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definitely user. when it suits them Christianity is demonised as it is the traditional western religion that everything good in our society was built upon

>everything is corrupt and religions are just mind control brainwashing organizations
this took me back to middle school

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The story of Jesus Christ was invented as a system of mind control to enslave the poor.
Christianity did not begin as a religion, but was actually a sophisticated government propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of the Roman Empire.

It's where you belong apparently.

we used the same wojack lmoa

That's not what Mediterraneans look like, you dim wit Kangaroo.

Put down the Marvel Comic Book. You're listening to Jews again.
All well and good the Greeks were red pilled. We're talking the Christian mythos as believed by the Western Europeans, not "reality".
Irrational beliefs are party of any good solid religious belief that is the basis for a successful civilization. It helps to determine who is, and who is not, a member of your people and culture.
That's the religion. You don't have to belong to the religion, but the culture as the right to and should expel the heretic for the good health of the culture. You're a fucking cancer on Western Civilization. Atheists think they're so smart but they're killing the only culture in the world that puts up with their bullshit. How fucking stupid is that? The Moslems, for example, would burn you alive.

It's pretty hilarious, yeah. Being a self-aware Black must be just about the worst thing imaginable.

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Adam was the first White Man. All men before him were other colors. That's why the Sumerians always show their Gods with blue eyes.
Abrahams father was the lead Priest in the Temple of Babylon, which was made up of Sumerian blood lines.

The New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats and that they entirely fabricated the story of Jesus Christ.

Acts of insurrection by Jewish sects, who were awaiting the arrival of a so-called 'warrior Messiah' in Palestine, were a perpetual problem for the Roman Empire and that after the Empire had exhausted all traditional means of dealing with the problem they resorted to psychological warfare.

based on what grounds exactly? For believing in a religion and not being some edge lord cynicist who has such an uninformed view of society and it's groups choosing to instead make broad statements generalizing everything?

>foreign ashkenazi khazarian imposters
Khazar theory is not supported by genetic evidence, which shows instead that the Ashkenazim are descended from Israelites who left following the destruction of the second Temple.

Instead of inspiring warfare, this Messiah urged turn-the-other-cheek pacifism and encouraged Jews to 'give onto Caesar' and pay their taxes to Rome.

Its widely accepted by countless credible historians that Jesus did exist

This is true, user. It started as a slave religion.
It was also wildly successful as it morphed over 2000 years. It stopped being a slave religion with the rise of the mercantile class in the middle ages.

and it's also disputed by countless ones as well, there is no historical proof, any of those historians will admit that

Although Christianity can be a comfort to some, it can also be very damaging and repressive, an insidious form of mind control that has led to blind acceptance of serfdom, poverty, and war throughout history.

To this day, especially in the United States, it is used to create support for war in the Middle East.

That’s a neat theory, but what proof do you have? Virtually all modern historians disagree - see my other post. Tacitus and Josephus write about Jesus as a legitimate historical figure, and there’s even an ancient headstone for Caiphas (the high priest who ordered Jesus to be killed) in Jerusalem

>The New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats and that they entirely fabricated the story of Jesus Christ.
They didn't entirely fabricate it... they used other religions like Zoroastrianism. But yes, the whole virgin birth, son of god, miracles and all that from other religions.
Still, greatest religion the world has ever seen, because later on, the Romans made it Roman.

what are brackets meant to imply? more than just Jewish academics support that belief

>also disputed by countless
no you brainlet, they are an extreme minority. almost all believe he did exist. lots of evidence also.

only on Jow Forums will you ever find someone claiming all historians are wrong/bias to serve a jewish agenda (unless the historian proves their point right)
this gave me a good kek

>it's impossible that a Jewish dude who believed he was the son of god, formed a cult and was excuted for heresy by local religious leaders.

Jesus may be the only fictional character in literature whose entire life story can be traced to other sources. Once those sources are all laid bare, there’s simply nothing left.
The biography of Jesus is actually constructed, tip to stern, on prior stories.

>claiming all historians
not saying that at all, plenty of historians who think Jesus never existed

Jesus tug-of-war is so much fun.

Jesus was Chinese, and it 1000% matters.

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Jesus was a nigger, goy. Now let in more immigrants.

The authorship of the NT is certainly questionable, but the fabrication of the story of a divine Yeshua likely traces back to Saul, a heretic of the Zealots who may very well have been a Roman agent.

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what a disgusting creature

>lol i'm not an atheist i'm just against ORGANISED religion

>The New Testament was written by first-century Roman aristocrats
That's not true for sure because they write about areas that Roman aristocrats would never have been and talk about small details that would have slipped by anyone not living in the area.

If you read my posts, that's what I believe happened.

I ask you all, does it matter if he really did exist?
What if none of it was real and was just a lawmakers' attempt to keep people in line and moral for centuries to come? Would that really have been a bad thing?

Stoning active homosexuals and adulterers was a good thing because of the terrible, incurable STD problem. Cultures that didn't do this DIED OUT.
Why the fuck do you advocate for a culture that dies out? That's a literal kys.
>To this day, especially in the United States, it is used to create support for war in the Middle East.
The meme of "Christians must kiss Jewish ass" started well after the Jews re-secured their banking system in the U.S., controlled our media, and infiltrated many Christian sects.
The Roman Catholic Church, for example, was anti-semetic until after Vatican II in 1962-65.

you literally put the triple parentheses on the word historians lmao

Very few Australians legitimately care about Jesus to begin with. Why would they even bring up this non-topic?
Just seems like a shallow attempt to push a pro-globalist and anti-Christian narrative 2bh.

>The Roman Catholic Church, for example, was anti-semetic until after Vatican II in 1962-65.
That's true and VERY VERY anti-semetic

its the
>im spiritual but not religious meme
all over again

There literally aren't tho m8, maybe internet historians like yourself but any genuine historian who studies in the field agrees Jesus existed

daily reminder that if our ancestors had not have let the U.N and the U.S fuck up the partition of palestine then the arabs and muslims wouldnt hate us so much and wouldnt refugee'ing up europe

I'm not saying Jesus was as pale as a nordic man, but Levantines can be pretty damn white looking, probably even more so before Arabian conquest. It is entirely possible for a man born in the Levant to have light skin/hair/eyes.

Case and point, Assad family.

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>I ask you all, does it matter if he really did exist?
It Absolutely does not matter if he really did exist.
Religion is the cement that keeps culture together. It sets the ideals of good and bad behavior.
Western Christianity as practiced before Luther was a big boost to human civilization and achievement. It created universities, valued learning, encouraged work and gave people peace in far worse times than now - think dark ages. It's principles allowed human achievement to thrive.
And then come some low IQ morons who piss on it because of some Jewish meme; as if the Muslims who replace the Christians aren't going to put these atheist in a cage and burn them alive.