A good boy just out doing his daily plumbing routine was shot dead by police. Police have released video and the 9-1-1 call.
Let's see how Jow Forums will defend these murderers.
A good boy just out doing his daily plumbing routine was shot dead by police. Police have released video and the 9-1-1 call.
Let's see how Jow Forums will defend these murderers.
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This was a huge victory for white supremacy especially on the day Dr. King was murdered.
Democrats should have already given him free mental health care so he would know not to draw a pipe when approached by police officers
Mental health is very serious, especially among men. Even though they'll say mental health affects more women.
>Undercover cop: hey dude we'll give you $100 bucks to wave and point this pipe at people
if these faggots want a power keg to go off, they need to do better then killing the dregs of society
He didn't even have a gun. He was just pointing a pipe at people. Wtf is wrong with cops?
Pretty obvious case of suicide by cop.
>power keg
That isn't a gun? Could of fooled me. Why was he pretending it was one if he didn't want to get shot.
Ask and you shall receive. Black CDC worker found dead in an Atlanta river. Just read the comments, the 900 IQ brother mustaa been had a currr fuh Dat Der cancirr so da whitey kill him.
looks like he wanted to commit suicide
Not gonna lie, I probably would have drawn on him, and probably shot him several times too.
>2 inches of cuff showing
Nigger doesn't know how to dress.
I know right? It's like cops just want to kill black people
This guy only had a finger and still got shot!
He can get away with that because he can be confident that no one is Brooklyn is carrying, so he might be able to "prank" (rob) some people with no resistance.
But then the power trip went to his head and he thought his imaginary gun would work on da fiyve owe
>on da fiyve owe
No, it was absolutely suicide by cop, he was doing this same thing when police arrived.
I thought it was a gun in the thumbnail.
I thought it was a revolver in the close up.
Fuck niggers.
>so he might be able to "prank" (rob) some
That seems like a great way to get shot.
The people can't defend themselves. How would he get shot?
It seems like he was trying to get the cops called on him so they'd shoot him.
By someone packing anyway, or cops, or one of the few people who get concealed carry anyway.
Even when I watch the video, it looks like a gun.
That was one of the cleanest shoots I have ever seen.
and the niggers were bitching about it?
I doubt the people who have concealed carry permits in NYC walk the streets of Brooklyn.
Seems like suicide by cop.
Why are Jow Forumsfags such boot lickers?
Delete this goy!
The cop looks like he was in the right
What was the dumb nog doing advancing on him?
>he have a gun
I read that in an elderly asian voice
Jesus fuck those comments. Only a subhuman would have a gun pointed at him and think pretending to pull out a gun is a good idea.
cops can carry but you're not allowed. bad user!
*fines 1,000 dollars a day*
>Not using a baton
>Or taser
>Or spray
Boot lickers need to neck themselves.
Tariq the Diq
He wanted to get shot and be a martyr. Nig went around pulling and pointing that pipe that looked like a gun at people, and you see people react to it like it is a gun. Who the fuck does that? Guy did it multiple times to multiple people.
>pulling a non lethal tool out when someone advances on you and makes like they're drawing a gun
I know you're joking but it's sad how many dumb niggers say shit like that.
I carry every day, but I also don't live in NYC.
Fuck off nigger
I mean I get that waving a pipe shaped like a gun at people to try and make them think you have a gun isn't technically the same as threatening someone with a deadly weapon.
But yelling the word 'fire' isn't a legal until your intention is to use it to cause some kind of panic.
I can't blame cops for shooting the dude. Honesty fucking black people are always up to these kinds of clownish antics. I've run out of sympathy for them. They can talk about MLK all they want, he never threatened people or pretended to threaten people.
Blacks in America need to stop being such fuckwits when they deal with an understandably on edge police force who are very prone to fatalities when it comes to dealing with an armed population.
But it's like blacks can't fucking help themselves. Maybe it's a Low IQ thing. I dunno. I've exhausted any sympathy I had for them long ago.
>nigger advancing on you quickly acting like he has a gun
>hurr why no baton??
Nigger apologists are worse than bootlickers, anyday
I know you're a retarded Jow Forumsfag but you're using the internet pretty efficiently so I doubt you're blind, little piggy had his gun drawn long before he was reaching back.
Suicide by cops. waving a torch around like a gun.
Looks an awful lot like suicide by cop to me, or severe mental illness.
he wuz a gud boiy
he wuz doin the lards work
he jus din no betta
we need mo money fo dem programs
>man makes overtly life threatening gesture at you
>do nothing
Darwin would be sad you are still alive.
Low IQ nigger detected.
Yeah, that looks to be a pretty fair statement. But the real question is if the police already knew they were going to kill him before they even arrived.
We despise people who carry to just to wait for the day they get to kill somebody and go looking to get in trouble. But it is also true that policy enforcers can make that same decision "I am going to kill this guy" and just wait for an excuse.
It’s both
Looks like an old revolver honestly
>waste precious seconds putting gun away and pulling out nonlethal
>as the nigger advances and notions like hes pulling out a gun of his own
i genuinely hope this isnt real.
>Looks like a Makarov from far away.
Can we exterminate blacks yet?
Obviously mentally ill or just wanted to commit suicide by cop
>He didn't even have a gun. He was just pointing a pipe at people.
It's almost like you could make an improvised firearm out of common pipe fittings...
this man thought that is the way to act like one of his gangsta heros.
he knew it looked like a gun and he presented it like a gun
>could of
This reminds me tho, a lot of smart/ambitious young men have been "going missing and then being found killed" lately, usually found with some kind of roofies in their system. It's very weird. (has nothing to do with race, just makes me noided when I hear cases like this)
Funny enough I live around the area and travel up that area (since practically I can remember) and go to the Crunch gym
before it too.
That area is like 15% Jewish (Hasidic), 75% West Indian/Carribean SCUM and like 10% illegal immigrants working for the Koreans who own the grocery stores.
>this man thought that is the way to act like one of his gangsta heros
How would you know that? What gangster heroes? How would you be in a position to know that? You sound like a know it all trying look smart.
>he knew it looked like a gun and he presented it like a gun
Yes, that we can tell is apparent from the actions he ordered and the way he behaved.
>would of
Oh boy thats like 2 blocks from me
>Could of fooled me
too late it seems
And the problem is what exactly?
it's either a it's a prank bro, or he is practicing for misdeeds
>The body was found with odd skeletal mutations, indicating an ability to carry bigger muscles. The teeth also appeared to be bigger and sharper than his dental records indicate. His ears were pointed and the body was covered in hair.
>America has a black problem
Black people are not the problem. Criminals are the problem.
>Black people are not the problem. Criminals are the problem.
That's what he said.
Yep, you're dumb.
Yep, You're a nigger
Blacks are disproportionately violent anywhere in the world. It’s their problem.
for real, even UK cops can't shoot that clean
It was just a pipe. They had no reason to shoot. No one hurts people with a pipe!
Unless they're Col. Mustard in the Kitchen.
>using compliance tools with an extremely high chance of failure against a suspect with a firearm
I want to see you niggers decorate the tree like Christmas again.
>I mean I get that waving a pipe shaped like a gun at people to try and make them think you have a gun isn't technically the same as threatening someone with a deadly weapon.
By law, technically it is.
to be fair, most people just mag dump a target to make sure.
mfw I live in brooklyn
should I wait for the chimpout?
Get the barbed wire ready