Why do American cops like shooting black people so much?

Why do American cops like shooting black people so much?

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Why do black people love shooting black people so much?

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fun to shoot?

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I imagine it's a good time.

They give off a pleasant odor when they expire

Maybe they need to stop running, pulling something out of their pants, pointing something or acting like they are going to cap a mofo!

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>Jaccbot Hinds, 40, who witnessed the shooting, told the New York Daily News that the officers got out of their unmarked vehicle and fired at Vassel without warning. “They just hopped out of the car. It’s almost like they did a hit,” Hinds said. “They didn’t say please. They didn’t say put your hands up, nothing.”

it probably was a hit. more fuel for the fire.

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They don't shoot nearly enough of them, iwbchwoamd.

Why do blacks like committing crime at the rates they do?

Have you seen the footage of what the guy was doing with the pipe?

blacks have low IQ and fuck with the cops.

Cops are trained to deal with white people of moderate intelligence with some sense of preservation.

My granddad came from a crypto-fascist country. Told me stories of the cops coming into town and beating up drunkards and violent peasants.

Everyone knew that when the jackboots arrived, you split.

The average plebs were violent, poor, and alcoholic but there was peace usually because every bad dude feared getting fucked up by the cops. Kids were safe.

Dude who go into knife fights in the street would get hunted down by the cops, hung upside down and beaten.

that was one of his lessons... never fuck with the cops anywhere. Cops are in their own brotherhood.

He thought Americans cops were easy on criminals and were pretty chill compared to the ones where he grew up.

It's a doggie dog world. Do whatever you need to do to survive an encounter with a black

Blacks should watch this more often


You would think if this was an epidemic, black people would be dropping anything and getting on their stomach whenever a cop pulled a gun on them. They all resist and point whatever is in their hands at the cops. I'm not saying that it's warranted, but it's a bit interesting every single time it happens they aren't complying with orders or just doing the thing they should have learned by now and laying face down and waiting for arrest

There is police cam footage of a black cop going easy on a nigger because of his race and he gets shot in the face for letting his guard down.

He's following the nigger, begging him to stop saying "please."

Black cop in on the niggers right side tugging at him like a child. Niggers takes a gun from his left side and shoots him over his shoulder.

Black cop should have bum rushed the nigger or drawn his gun, kicked his ass. Got shot in the face for going soft.

Fuck niggers. The problem is cops aren't killing them fast enough.

Because they are black

Got the video?

>shill OP
>thread going to be full of "niggers" etc shill posts

The real question is why are all these cops white where all the citizenship is black or non-white. There needs to be a shit ton more black cops. Whites have no business in hell being police over blacks. There needs to be more black cops, real black men and not some klanfag beta orbiter black guys, and not some black coons who are racist against blacks and wishes they were white, and not some niggers or establishment fetishized gay-tier trash.

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>doggie dog world

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as much as i hate bait threads, i think it's a good idea to have these, because there's always a couple of anons to drop the truth pills which will mos likely redpill normies clicking on such an unambiguous titled thread

>niggers commit crime
>get shot
Oh wow, such a mystery.

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Just imagine if this nigger had a propane bottle attacked to that torch head and that nigger was going around torching people with the high intensity of that flame?
Trust me, I use my turbo torch daily and it is no joke when you burn yourself even the slightest.

White americans are nigger killing jews

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Bro wtf doggie dog?

that's a big crackpipe

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.

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Because black kids are being brainwashed by #BlackLivesMatter to believe they'll be famous if they commit suicide by cop.

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My eyes user, you’ve blinded me
This is top quality shitposting

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Because you need to pass a drug/criminal/credit background check and we all know that’s a 1 in 300000 chance of them having all 3 come back clean

>gay faggot shill posting some race baiting bullshit complete with some fake and gay backstory

Black people commit exponentially more crimes than anyone else, which puts them in more confrontations with the police, where getting shot by the police becomes a possible outcome.
It’s not really complicated at all.

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>it's a doggie dog world out there

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If you would like to pretend that there is some systematic conspiracy that keeps black people as criminals in America, please show me one single example of a country where blacks have a low crime rate. Just one will do.


Ayo nigga hol up so you b sayin u carry a colt peacemaker n shiet

You gotta have some target practice every once in a while, or you'll just get rusty

Maybe it is their idea of fun? Just like shooting Palestinians is the Israeli idea of fun?

>Cop pointing a gun at you
>White people: Oh fuck, better settle down and comply
Why tho? Like, does anyone look at that video and say "wtf how could that cop shoot that aggressive man who is advancing towards him despite verbal and visual warnings and reaching into his waistband"

Because they are unpredictable, operate on no fucking logic, and are often violent for no fucking reason. When you work in a neighborhood where you come across these kind of cunts on a daily basis, you tend to get a bit jumpy anytime you are forced to deal with them personally.

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can't find the exact one but here are ones of cops lowering their guard or not going in hard enough.


Cops see videos like this during training and don't want to be "that guy" who gets shot.

Watch the Louis Theroux in some black community in USA. Killing each other constantly and cops say that they regularly get drive by's taking pot shots at them.


Just the boys in blue doing their civic duty as Peace Officer

I have substitute taught in-between jobs in the past. Try walking into a high school class full of niggers who think you are only telling them to be more productive because they are black.

That's a leftist lie, OP. Cops kill twice as many white people as they do black people in this country

>please show me one single example of a country where blacks have a low crime rate

Obvious fake. Blacks can't swim.

I understand that this definitely doesn't encompass all black people across the board. I've professionally worked with several that are able to think rationally, maintain a cool head when shit gets serious, and be productive human beings. Granted, they also usually had both parents present growing up or had people around them that actually gave them some direction in life. However, a large portion seem to adhere to some shitty gang culture that seems to think attacking random people gives them some kind of street cred.

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politically correct cop who wouldn't shoot unarmed nigger twice his size and has to get rescued by partner who would.

Almost gets killed by unarmed nigger.

It’s a numbers game, when one group commits a huge chunk of crime, over 50% for large cities, and lives in close quarters (cities) they encounter more cops. It’s the same as asking why do bees sting bee keepers more than couch potatoes

Read because only subversive agents like to imply that it's not the blacks who kill the most blacks (with illegally acquired guns).

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somebody has to

Shouldn’t cops be held to a higher standard?

If they would stop chimping out every second and learn to behave

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The absolute police state of America

Who runs police unions ? What is the symbol used by these unions ?

How long until nigs try to disarm american police or call for laws to disallow cops from shooting nigs?
>Yfw even being white and being near nigs becomes a misdemeanor

knew this story would end up on pol

he was absolutely pointing it around like a gun and scaring people. either suicide by cop or psychotic break, either way the cops were not in the wrong.

Black people commit crime at the same rate as white people but get convicted way More

Sounds like a jew I can get behind



Can someone recommend me yt channels with raw bodycam footage like police activity? It seems like it’s only msm cuts about innocent negroes or clickbait shit as alternatives.

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Another video of a nigger trying to take out cops.

Race baiting shill faggot posting fake and gay shit. The video exists (probably fake) but it's not how you say it here. And you are nothing but a nigger.

>should have bum rushed the nigger or drawn his gun, kicked his ass
Or he should have simply arrested him.

>Got shot in the face for going soft.
Not being a rude or violent genetic nigger how gay establishment fire-stoking faggots such as yourself like as long as they're cops, is not "going soft." He should have arrested him when the guy was ignoring him with his hand in his coat pocket. He wasn't shot in the face either. Video probably is staged shit anyway.

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really turns my gears

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nice fake news u got there

There’s a lot of raw chimp out footage but idk about police footage. People should check out “no dumping in the D” that’s not the name but it will find it.

Not nu you fag

just go to liveleak. youtube tries to censor all that shit

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Then why don’t white neighborhoods have drive by shootings and gangs on street corners, does a judge have to convict someone before their actions can be viewed ? Come the fuck on

why do black people like shooting cops?

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It's just proof that in some countries 100% of criminality is white. Jow Forums btfo.

>when blacks are less than 1% of the population they behave
really activates my almonds.

so are you saying that white and blacks should be separated from each other? segregation if you will

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It’s always people who’ve never been in black areas who say this shit, go to your nearest chimp town and see for yourself, if someone walks out in front of your car definitely stop

Why do so many black people break the law, then cry, "B-but, I/he dindunuffin!"


Because they're still mentally in the 1,000s.
They don't understand that they don't need to band together and chuck spears at people.

I already had enough reasons to hate niggers.

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They are, cops have to pass literacy tests

I highly doubt that. If you can find as much footage of white people doing this shit as I have of black people (which is a fuck ton and I know other anons have more), then maybe I'll start to believe you. I know white people are capable of some fucked up shit too, but it's nowhere near as frequent.

Attached: pullover body camera footage.webm (318x240, 2.04M)


That's absolutely not true at all.

Bull. A lot of blacks wouldn't qualify, sure.

But there's many more who would.

No faggot shill. You kill yourself.

You posted in the wrong neighborhood, boy.