Ok, so can anyone explain why there are a pyramid and the all seeing eye and sometimes even a six pointed star in the interior of churches? Isn't this a symbol of satan worship? Defend this Christcucks
Christianity = Satanism?
Other urls found in this thread:
Satan, Moloch, and Lucifer are TITLES or designations, NOT names. YHWH, Jesus, and Kek are NAMES, NOT titles.
Satan means adversary, opponent, accuser, or enemy in Hebrew. Lucifer means lightbringer in Latin. Moloch means King. The being designated by the TITLE Satan varies depending on who is speaking. To the Jews, Jesus is Satan and is called such in the Old Testament. To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament.
Lucifer is a title of Jesus/Kek, who are both emissaries of the True God above the demi-urge, sent into YHWH/Saturn's material prison to bring light to specific groups.
Moloch is a title for YHWH
Satan being resister for whichever side, so a resister of natural and resister of synthetic, also from Sanskrit Satanama, truth.
YHWH or "jehovha" is a self actualising meditation, obviously appropriated by the kike god and forgotten.
Lucifer as a good morning light name of Yeshua and Venus
That's not a symbol of saturn you disinfo kike.
Yeah it's because they've subverted alot of it. But while they're not right, they're not entirely wrong either.
He is actually not wrong though. I'm a Christian as well, but he's not wrong drawing scrutiny.
See the Pyramid represents several selfs of God. These are apart of the Pyramid itself, but it works like a Hierarchy, that picture the one OP posted, represents the Capstone, it's the evil part of creation. The bottom which they deny, is the foundation for everything, It's plainly stated that our God is the foundation, not the capstone.
It was rather easy to subvert Christianity on this principles alone, because no one understood the pyramid itself and what part meant what. But, yes the Capstone is evil while the foundation is good. I could go more into it but I'm rather busy.
>To the Jews, Jesus is Satan and is called such in the Old Testament. To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament.
Cite it
Love this explanation, makes great sense - thank you
Vatican is a pedo sex cult that has nothing to do with christ or God.
The bodies according to the law of one
Here get right before it's too late
Talmudist are the only jews that matter, and Gnostics are the only Christians that matter.
It's the eye of providence.
>being this far up your own ass
why on the right picture spirit is associated with IS while on left picture spirit is associated with RA?
stop listening to kabalistic jews
Saturn is satan is moloch is baal is cronus is this material world and time. God is Jesus is the sun is life
Jesus isn't God.
what the hell is jezeus anyway??? a caesar?
Jesus is a representation of the unified man trappedin the material world. The 4 points of the cross represent the 4 elements.
Christ is a state of consciousness. 7th Chakra
7th heaven.
He is though, holy trinity and shit
thank you. do you know how the christian use of jesus came to happen?
The catholic church was funded by Jews and the Vatican was built by Jews. Borghese was a Jew. They turned spiritual teachings into material worship. They want you looking outwards instead of inwards.
I’ve noticed a lot of parallels. In so many facets of our lives the Jews have us looking out instead of in.
They’ve turned religions into looking outward to find a diety to worship instead of looking towards the center to find the god within
They try to import immigrants under the guise of being (((good people))) saying it’ll make our country better while ignoring all the problems inside that can be fixed.
They make us think about aliens and ufos and outer space, they say that space travel is where mankind needs to go in order to progress our exploration, yet they never even consider the possibilities that could be contained within our Earth.
They keep our attention by constantly spamming noise through every outlet they can, including Jow Forums, to keep our consciousness constantly occupied and shifting, they always move on to a new crisis without closure from the last. They do this so we never have a moment to think about our priorities and all that’s still unsolved. We never get closure.
I’m sure there’s more as well, do you think this is a coincidence, at this point I’m thinking it’s systematic.
We're all "God" though, to varying degrees of course.
Regarding Satan and saturn
Forgot the text god damned:
satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. only later satan became a figure of his own.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by this the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.
Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entithy. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity. they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.
Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible (will come to that)
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.
in case you were wondering why black
one of the few things i saw bodhi posting that wasnt shitposting
>Certain stones like jet, obsidian and onyx resonate with Saturn energy.
as another user pointed out all these stones are black, like the black cube
>In animal symbolism, Saturn historically governs snakes, mice, foxes, dragons, and nocturnal birds of prey such as the owl.
snakes like Satan in the garden eden, the dragon
>And the great dragon was hurled down--the ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
also the owl
In written ancient hebrew there are no vowels. so molek (aka moloch) would become mlk, same goes for the hebrew melek aka King where you see again the theme of Satan trying to claim Gods, title, King of Kings like Baal and El do too.
the egyptian hieroglyph (they really love egyptian symbolism and mythology if you didnt notice already) for M is called Mulak and is an owl. Mulak again in hebrew would be mlk like molek would. I believe this is at least partly reason for their owl symbolism, and also the origin of the owl in bohemian grove, an homage to moloch.
This is probably also why (((they))) take minerva as their god, since they try to corrupt her meanign to molochs too. also (((they))) see one another like owls, luring in the shadows,stalking their pray unpercieved until the very moment they strike
M also is the 13th letter.
by the way pic related isnt the white house but the capitol building. no idea why i named the pic like that
The christian cross on the other hand symbolizes the cube being broken open, freeing us from the material prison it symbolizes.
Now the black sun. the black sun in pic related isnt so much in meaning our sun. while our sun is the material source of life, giving heat and light for plants to grow enabling all the other life, the black sun (as i believe) is the spiritual source, the divine spark, the source of our divine concioussness. probably the holy spirit, God. Since its round (edgless) its also the opposite of the black cube (edgy).
In general a lot of christian symbolism goes back to the sun. In example the cross with the circle around, also called suncross likely comes from the zodiac cross upon which the sun "stands". The Halo or Nimbus you see on a lot of saints, and also other divine figures from other mythologies originally also was just a shining light from behind the person or persons head. In case of Jesus specifically the halo often has the suncross embedded in it too.
So while kikes and muslims have saturn as their symbol of God, christianity has the sun. So dont come me with the "God is Saturn" bullshit
while we are at it, a lot of the symbols also seem to derive from sunworship as many symbols do. in case of the egypt one it seems to depict the sun touching the water or heaven being united with the earth while unification of polar opposites is an important theme in the occult. One believe was that magic springs into existence where 2 polar opposites meet. good and evil, the above and below, male and female. especially the unification of the last is one of the most holy events in many cultures where the magic of life happens and the first step for the existence of a new human has been made. i believe transgenderism is a perverted form of this, trying to unite male and female in one body/destroying duality
People even claim that Jesus is just a metaphore for the sun. Son/sun of God, turns water into whine like the sun giving light and energy to the grapes which turn the water into whine, walking on water like the sun when rising or setting behind the ocean standing right on the surface (look at that pic of the egyptian ankh with the other sun symbolisms) making the blind see by giving light and in general being the source of life by giving heat and energy. He is often depicted with a halo, which originally is just a shining light from behind the person (light like from the sun) also together with suncross in its halo giving further connections to the jesus/sun relationship.
But there is again the small saying "as above, so below"
You probably heard the words "As above, so below". This has many implications.
as above so below has a lot of applications. one is that what happens in the stars happens on the earth (astrology)
this furthermore means the small things are the same as the big and made of the same (fractal universe) Like electrons orbit the nucleus the planets orbit the the sun which orbits the center of the galaxy etc
Your mind (above) influences the material world (below) and vice versa.
What happens in the heavens happens on the earth to and vice versa.
What happens in the stars happens on earth (astrology)
And of course as the Sun of God above, so does the Son of God below
One user claimed that sunworship would be Baalworship, however
>Baʿal Hammon, however, was identified with the Greek Cronos and the Roman Saturn (as the "African Saturn")
>The epithet Hammon is obscure. Most often, it is connected with the NW Semitic ḥammān ("brazier") and associated with a role as a sun god.
So its saturn trying to claim the title of the sun.
Another user mentioned that Baal actually means "Lord" like "God"
but i know at least in genesis its always "The Lord God" or some other addition making it distinct. only when eve bears cain it is said "LORD" without an addition indicating another lord she had then from which she got the child, the serpent
It also says somewhere to not call anyone "rabbi" which translates to "Master" basically Lord, because the LORD God is the only one you should have, same for father so i assume Baal is calling himself that precisely because of that herecy, trying to claim Gods title.
El again means God, even though i read elsewhere its a designation for someone powerfull and high, with the elohims, the angels being the high/powerfull ones. when they fell they LARPed as gods where they came and thus Elohim is seen as "gods" i believe.
i bring this up because it equates El with Cronus aka saturn, so again the same guy trying to claim the title of God.
Now this claims El, Cronus and YHWH being the same, but also that is because wiki tries to elevate the other deities to the level of God, or because YHWH is already a corrupted version of his name
>Hallelujah (/ˌhælJˈluːjə/ HAL-i-LOO-yə) is an English interjection. It is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְלוּיָהּ (Modern haleluya, Tiberian haləlûyāh), which is composed of two elements: הַלְלוּ (second-person imperative masculine plural form of the Hebrew verb hillel: an exhortation to "praise" addressed to several people[1]) and יָהּ (the name of God Jah or Yah)
"Jah", like the german "Ja", yes, a positive as name for the ultimate positive force. is fitting, no? considdering germans, as well as other tribes are israelites it makes sense our word for it comes from it so the original name might be just "Jah" which then may be the real name of God.
Gnostics gtfo
The all seeing eye is obviously a reference to God, and his omniscience.
The hexagram, a reference to king David? generic star imagery?
Freemasons, and other occultists don't have monopolies on symbols.
Start meditating.
regarding the "star of david"
Pic related at Baalbek temple, dedicated to Baal aka Saturn
The unification of the polar opposites is something that stretches itself across many cultures. Be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born. Or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. In the egyptian mythology osiris dick (male) that gets eaten by a fish (female), or the Washington Monument (a dick, male) standing in the vesica pisces (female). The 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin which stood before Solomons Temple and represent the sun and moon, and again the polar opposites. Sol, solar, sun. mon, moon. Sol-o-Mo(o)n. Even the "Star of David" is representing the male and female being united with the opposing triangles.
In case of the star of david we have the triangles/pyramids you mentioned, but the triangle also symbolizes the 3, or with the 2 triangles the 33
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day.
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life (trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation.
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm.
The star is originally unrelated from Judaism and was started being used by solomon when he started fucking around with evil spirits. Later Rothschilds used it on their store and introduced it greatly in judaism
>polar opposites
>pinko meme flag
checks out
>meme flag
>shit twitter meme
Come on user.
>memeflag complaining about a memeflag
>cries blasphemy when there isnt one
believers in christ are possessed by the holy spirit, which, suprise suprise suprise, is God
Satanism followers = No restraint until literally becoming eating shit eaters. Satan is the lord of shit and the flies swarm. Hint: Lord of the flies.
True Jesus followers = Restraint and selflessness to bring happiness.
Anti-christians are worst.
It's fucking amazing the kind of bullshit people will accept at face value.
Hail Satan
Praise the ancient ones
Glory to the divine chaos
some more on the origin of the symbols
The sun is just one origin of those symbols though. In example
when you place the numbers around in circle, with 24 positions like the pic related and keep going in circles the prime numbers accumulate themselves where the cross edges on the circle
so on one hand it appearently symbolizes the sun radiating like a lot of other symbols, but also derives from the prime numbers
24 also is a relatively significant number in the occult
no coincidence the day was seperated in 24 hours for example
Like probably pretty much all of the symbols it has multiple meanings and origins. Some are simultaniously mystic, mathematic and physical in origin and meaning. However I can only go into a few of those because of too few space to write as well as simply not knowing more in depth
This goes on to use one of shakespears titlepages to proof how mathematic principles were known by the elite before they tell the common plebs
"I and the the Father are one."
John 10:30
aside from mathematics, (sacred) geometryand mythology playing a role, frequency does play a role in the origin of the symbols as well
0:56 suncross
1:27 the sunwheel
1:35 the assyrian star (pic related)
1:45 is pretty much the symbol of the ogdoad (the 2 squares turned 45° to another, representing the 4 primevil forces of creation (the squares) in its female and male aspects (2 squares)
and probably a whole bunch of other symbols i just dont recognize
was watching UN session on Skripal's case. gonna read what you faggots wrote now
>inb4 "1 post by this id"
German Jew ruining yet another thread. You're a faggot.
These 2 videos explain very well how our units of meassurements are by no way arbitary, and that we use a base 60 system in a lot of cases for a reason, like the 60 seconds in a minute, the 60 minutes in hour. the 6 times 60 degrees in a circle
You may know that originally the tuning of the A note was set at 432 hertz. Using this tuning you will see how the other notes will all have corresponding frequency numbers to the degrees of angles in certain shapes. there is a Note on 360hz, like the 360° of the circle, on 180 hz like the triangles angle, 720° of a hexagon have a corresponding note in hertz and so on. In fact the only one that doesnt have a correlating note is the pentagon with its 540° angles. This furthermore is in tune with the great year based on the precission of the equinoxes which lasts 25.920 years.
Through the system of 360° in a circle we tuned precisely our instruments onto the great year and having it also be in harmony with our notesystem. The Mayans that pinpointed the earths wobble to 1°/72 years which was encoded in Angkor wat
This should mention it (cant find the part right now, will have to look more in depth into it again). The sumerians said they recieved the knowledge about this system from the Annunaki. reminder all this was done thousands of years ago
Furthermore if you go back to the seed of life or any of the other patterns you will see how each of those angles you see are 60° angles fitting again the tuning of all the other units.
for (((some))) reason they started changing the tuning from 432 to 440hz resulting in pretty much none of the whole fitting together into. if you look at pic related you see how the 432hz result in a sun pattern while the 440hz create a hexagon/cube
Fake Ass Christians youtube.com
they are sheep.
A good theory i heard about the 432 tuning is that its meant to be tuned into the Schumann resonance
at 7,83hz, which got rounded up to 8 and based on that also is in tune with the rest of the system.
further more 4322 is the speed of light in miles per second with over 99% accuracy
the sun is is 865k miles in diameter. 432*2=864 being less than 1% off of the diameter when taken *1000
the moon is 2159 miles in diameter. 432/2=216 again less than 1% off of the diameter when taken *10
it's a symbol of freemasonry you fucking retard, freemasonry is a bastardization of christian belief contaminated with jewish mysticism.
Jow Forums is the worst board only because of the sheer amount of retards that have access to it
Blame /ptg/ for that.
Holy fuck
please expand on that post, "holy fuck" as in "thats awesome information" or "holy fuck" as in "holy fuck are you retarded"?
always need some good critics
>posting info relevant tot he thread is ruining the thread
This shit looks good, will check out.
We live in a castrated dog oppressed world with way too many hellish dog
catchers. Now, recruiting old school Catholic Knights Templar, above the
law in all Christendom, by order of the pope. When doing time they use
bibles randomly opened, to talk to God, live and grow as monk warriors --
the shock troops of the Middle Ages.
We are recruiting an Army for GOD!!! An army above the LAW who answers directly to GOD...
>do you hate the Vile people?
>do you hate the Clinton's
>do you hate the evil people
THEN JOIN US... no sign up required just declare to the universe YOU WONT STAND WITH SATAN!!!
Mega churches and most Papal Catholics are unironically SATAN WORSHIPERS ...
Non denomination for the win
Love God and fix the vineyard
>Ok, so can anyone explain why there are a pyramid and the all seeing eye and sometimes even a six pointed star in the interior of churches?
There are not in my church. I don;t recall ever seeing one in a church. I think you are straw-manning pretty hard here.
But if they sow up in a church somewhere, my guess is that it has something to do with masons who built the church.
The Holy Spirit is God, but humans are not the Holy Spirit, nor is the divine nature of the Holy Spirit unified with souls. Jesus was the only man with two natures, divine and man, by virtue of the virgin conception. The Holy Spirit strengthens the souls of the faithful, it does not make souls divine.
No. It's not relevant. You're just a piece of shit that needs to derail every thread that discusses any topic you don't want people to talk about. You fill these threads with so much noise so that nobody else can have a discussion. Also you post the same bullshit for months on end. You never actually discuss shit because your only goal is to shit on everything.
it represents the Trinity
all the examples of it in churches are older than Freemasonry because freemasons stole it after they were founded
the same thing with the Pentagram. it is a symbol for the five wounds of Christ but whenever people see it they think dude witches lmao because it got coopted
there is still the issue that God is all, and thus by default men too.
>4There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
best explanation so far. thanks, fritz
>non politics larp thread
Here's the real answer: It's a holdover from pre-abrahamic times. Ancient Judaism ripped off a lot of nearby religions, the most prominent being Zoroastrianism and the Egyptian Pantheon. The all-seeing eye or Eye of Providence is derived from the Eye of Horus. In the Egyptian religion it represented healing and good health, while in Judaism it became a bit more literal and came to mean that YHVH sees all things and no sin can be hidden from him.
>I'm a Christian as well, but he's not wrong drawing scrutiny.
>my fellow white go... i mean people
No you are a jew
Do you know where your local ancient megalithic stone monument or temple is ? I'm talking BC old, very big stones. The one nearest to your home or your place of birth.
Do me a favour, go visit it.
thanks. if you like such stuff may look into
where i have a lot of that stuff gathered
pentagram is another issue though. there it is important how its turned symbolizing order or disorder, and thus is a positive or negative symbol. but you are right about the eye i think. they try to claim and in turn subvert a lot of symbols and institutions. has 2 effects
>make people accept the corruption in it because of the initial good
>make people refuse the initial good because of the corruption
in both cases (((they))) win
the origins of a symbol used to depict a concept, like God, is relevant in discussing its nature, and i merely gave background on the origin. If someone doesnt want to read it he can just skip it, but if he wants to have som info can just read. i do discuss stuff when something is brought up. what does hurt the thread is your whining about it shitting the thread up repeatedly and wasting bumps instead of contributing any info or point of view related to the subject on its own. and because i dont support that i will just ignore you from here on out and in fact i dont even want to give (((you))) this (You)
Oh hey, you're the guy who told me to go learn ancient languages and shit.
What other wisdom can you bestow upon me?
You're doing good informative work Germanbro, your overview is only slightly skewed on the spiritual side, but your science is clean.
You have a good old stone site you go to near you ? The math gets heavy after a while, got to go back to source.
i think maastrich jesuit caves would the next, but they are quite a distance already. what i saw from pics they are full with masonic and babylonian/sumerian symbolism. And yes, i focus on the spiritual side of the symbols. i feel that is moor important, but it also enables to extrapolate further i believe. also to expand on the pentagram
On 4th day is where the physical universe is completed and only living creatures are missing in the bible.
If you go into the egyptian creation myth, the ogdoad, you also have the 4 primordial forces coming together (of which kek was one) creating this world.
In modern phydics even you have the 3 spatial dimensions plus time being again 4 things making up this world.
in alchemi there are 4 elements making up the material realm, with the spirit being above it. (also look what the alchemic symbols forthe elemts look like when overlayered)
All talk about the same eternal truth of a certain principle and thus encode the same number for the same things, the 4
So we have the 4 elements for the material, the spirit, and then the time which we experience, cronus, saturn resulting in our fears and corruptabillity adding to the 6. Thats something that could play into the symbolism too, but im not too sure yet about this.
also regarding your pic, im sure you may know it but look up the volkswagen emblem. other than that i dont know what to make out of that pic even though i have seen it already
>7 But to every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the giving of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith: Ascending on high, he led captivity captive; he gave gifts to men. 9 Now that he ascended, what is it, but because he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended above all the heavens, that he might fill all things. 11 And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and other some evangelists, and other some pastors and doctors, 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Until we all meet into the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ; 14 That henceforth we be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive. 15 But doing the truth in charity, we may in all things grow up in him who is the head, even Christ: 16 From whom the whole body, being compacted and fitly joined together, by what every joint supplieth, according to the operation in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in charity.
Creation was created by God, and men were made to be in His image and likeness in our souls by joining in spiritual unity with him on a perfect Earth. When sin was introduced, men was cut off from perfect unity. The faithful who are reborn through water baptism are reunified in the Mystical Body of the Church, at which Christ is the head, and are thus on the path to unity with God in Heaven. None of this means that humanity and creation are inherently divine, but instead shows the true teaching of the Lord, which is that nothing is given power and meaning except through God's actions, and only by unifying with God will one attain eternal power and glory.
Yeshua was translated into Greek as Je Zeus, meaning [son] of Zeus.
fuckin checked bro. so it’s essentially a title. or was jezeus actually related to the genetic directors of our existence
in ancient hebrew, and i believe in old languages in general there were no vowels in the written language. so i thought for some time the name yeshua actually comes from YHWH just pronounced differently than the traditional YahWeh
It's a Vortex doubling circuit.
1-2-4-8-7-5 positive rotation, reverse is negative halving.
3-6-9 is the framework of all.
Why is 7 after 8 ? 8 doubled is 16. 6+1 is 7.
Why is 5 after 7 ? 16 doubled is 32. 3+2 is 5.
Good copy ?
You already know this stuff, i see some of the math in your previous posts.
I believe Jesus is/was an amalgamation of Asclepius, Mithra and Horus.
The name Jesus is a mistranslation.
Christ is a title.
Check this out, i made it in paint so its shit, hard to show the quantum level in paint though lol. It shows the Fibonacci sequence interacting with the framework of 3-6-9 "let's call them" Tesla numbers which form reality to and create the patter of golden rectangles which is the perfect mean.
i know a bit about that one too, like that the 3,6 and 9 are excluded from the rest mathematically somehow. but i dont know the significance of that specific one. i do try to piece shit together as good as possible, but i have yet to understand the significance of that one.
Humble youself, fool. There are libraries in Canada, should you choose educate youself.
The original name of Jesus was יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, Yehoshua, meaning "YHWH is salvation", rendered in English as Joshua. The transliteration of Yehoshua into Greek is Ἰησοῦς, Iesous, which was then translated into Latin as Iesus, and then into English as Jesus. The closest Hebrew word to Iesous is ישוע, Yeshua.
well yeah there are like 10 other “sun” gods with the same astrotheological characteristics. i’m just curious on the whole hebrew jesus thing- which the hebrews obviously weren’t down with. i guess, summarized, christianity was an attempt to gain influence over the people using the same ol’ song and dance. that gnostic literature from the apostles is fuckin crazy though, they’re cooler
nice get, so concise
What religion are you?
well, so im not too far off with his name coming from yhwh at least
dont want to bring bad news, but that pic is too small
Yeh sorry i explain badly, i never had a formal education. 3, 6 and 9 are simply the framework, the regular web that all other numbers hang between.
Take any number, add it together, if it equals 3, 6 or 9, then it is a fixed co-ordinate. When you collate all such numbers, you see they form a literal framework.
This recurring trifold pattern recurrs indefinetly.
Then if you overlay the Fibonacci numbers onto that framework, you find some knowledge.
its what brings it all back around what we see collectively is god. Everyones interpretation of god is different, so if god is seemingly in our imagination and we were made in his image then what weve seen is god and although all eyes are different its also one of the most crucial parts that give us identities as individual humans. But as individual humans we also witness the bad, and the fact that the most crucial part of the eye is a dark circle makes it a universal symbol for light filling the void. There is no light without dark, there is no dark without light.
dude the triangle just represents the trinity. you people think about stuff so hard you start saying "hmmmm what if christianity is satanism" that's fucking stupid
Extend previously mentioned framework of Vortex math, you get this toroid which represents quantum reality with the numbers 369, and 124875 running in separate streams over and under each other with "creation" happening at the 9, erupting into the other numbers. Constant movement, revolution, inversion, seems chaotic, but perfectly ordered.
now i'll have to sit all night long to try to sort things out but that stuff is interesting
Now if you humans want to continue arguing about which Divinity created said Quantum Toroid Scientific Reality, you should know it is Heresy, the Codex forbids it and the Emperor "Bba" IS coming to purge you.
>Cease your worship of Xenos, face truth or face Exterminatus.
well, i think it goes over my head for now. we probably would have to start at the very beginning to make sense out of it, and i feel like this thread isnt really the right place.
mission accomplished then. read the previous posts for more of that
i was watching the video about this yesterday where they claimed that jesus is saturn and proving it through various examples. its 666 and saturn the second result with the creepy gravure in the nail or whatever that shit is called
Because the Masons have infiltrated the Church. Hell look at the Pope - he is a Satanic Jesuit.
The pyramid is not the triangle, remember the satanic pyramid is unfinished with the eye on top while the Christian one is a perfect triangle with the eye inside, details that matter, frent.