>4 Days of NO FAP
>Have a lot of trouble sleeping
>Extremely horny and aggressive
Wow, NO FAP actually makes life worse!

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Other urls found in this thread:

same, when I tried it I was extremely pissed off all the time, couldn't concentrate and overall fucked me up.

Get laid faggot

>Have a lot of trouble sleeping
>Extremely horny and aggressive
so what you're saying is nofap didn't result in any change for you?

It's just the withdrawal effects.
Same thing happens when you try to quit drugs, drinking, vidya etc.

month 4 nofap here, it's not a magical overnight change dumbass

For some people, yeah. But for others fapping relieves a large amount of stress. For these people, no fap results in strong suicidal thoughts.

This. Makes me rage. I rage even more when I realized I got memed.

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Yeah, I’m on 1 month of nofap atm. Week 2 I was depressed as fuck and almost considered suicide. My acne has disappeared and I feel more motivated to do stuff, so it’s been good so far once you get past the depression

>I have no way to channel my masculine energy besides touching myself.

get a job, pick up a guitar.

Yea me too. Either I fuck my beautiful asian GF or need to Fap. Lowers the levels of aggression and tension.

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it’s called flatlining. It’s pretty much a beta filter.

If you can’t suffer through the flatline and end up relapsing then you’re beta and nature hates you.

I don't get suicidal, I just get super horny and start flirting with women I find attractive. Then end up fucking them. Don't wanna do that with a GF.

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> I rage even more when I realized I got memed.

why? "oh no, i got tricked and could have spent the last 3 months masturbating 3 times a day, but instead did other things with my time, how annoying!"

>pseudoscience doesn't turn out to be useful
Wow, I never would have guessed

Tell me more about this flatline

>1 post by this ID

Last time I tried no-fap.
I literally called my boss a "fucking retard" and quit in anger.
I guess the anger would be useful for some things, just not work

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Fapping releases dopamine. You get used to fapping to get your dopamine fix the same way a heroin user gets addicted.

if you’re new to the world of not touching yourself like a depraved heathen your body will feel withdrawal effects for a few weeks after quitting.

When your body realizes you won’t give it orgasms anymore it will release dopamine in higher concentrations through other mediums.

most people it’s 1-2 weeks. In severe cases of masturbation addiction it may take months.

No sweat, OP. Some people just can't hack it. Now go forth and make love to your hand for the rest of your days!

The only people who succeed at no-fap is low test soyboys.

Pathetic beta males in here can't go a few days without touching themselves. I'm not even a no-fapper, but FUUUUCK you guys complaining are losers. I've always seen no-fap as a way to spiritually ascend. It may not have any noticeable physical changes. It is a challenge to overcome. kek every time there is a no-fap thread.

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come back after 90 days
then you have the right to complain and judge your results

Don´t do NoFap goy. Trust me.

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It's literally a Reddit meme.
A bunch of beta soyboy faggots talking about each others masturbation schedule.

>even knowing any reddit memes


I'm on 2 weeks because of meds I took.

Routines of 8-11 days of abstinence are optimal for testosterone levels. Just get a grip on yourself


When at least half of Jow Forums users come from Reddit, you're bound to pick up a few memes.
It is unfortunate, I agree

That's what the build up of testosterone in the body does. After 5 days, your semen will be the most potent. Over the course of a few weeks, you'll learn to control the moody, depressed, horny and aggressive side. Sleeping should get easier too, or you'll need to sleep less.

I always hated nofap challenges before I was married.

>Just get a grip on yourself

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you should fap (or better : get laid) ONE time a week to have the maximum benefit
Important: fap to your imagination, DONT watch porn

a fap a day keeps the doctor away

Weak-willed faggot.

*keeps the hot nurse away

>crack head smokes crack and it relieves a large amount of stress
>crack head can't smoke crack and results in suicidal thoughts

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I have sex daily it feels good man

Only homos care how much other men masturbate.
Fucking fags

>nofap for 60 days
>no food for 73 hour cycles
>hot yoga each day sometimes twice
>building a garden the rest of my free time

29, self employed, Best aesthetics ever for me, super close to six pack

Still no female attention

you really think Jesus intended for us to touch ourselves?

gtfo. The 7 day routine is a myth. Maximum testosterone is attained through full nofap.

here’s a study also showing that fapping lowers test and increases estrogen + DHT which causes baldness

Woke my wife up at 1am wanting sex. For that matter, woke myself up after waking her up. Anyone else have this issue? Trying to bang your partner in your sleep?

No fap is bullshit. Here is a guide for you:
1. Stop buying porn.
2. Are you taking hours looking for porn when you need to be doing aomething else? If do just quit looking and get a few images vids tou like and cycle them to quickly rub one out.
3. If you are super low T and you have sexual dysfunction just stop fapping for a couple days or weeks before having sex.
4. If you can't stop yourself from doing any of that stuff. Never do deugs or drink ever never ever you have an extremely high level of addiction. It wouldnt surprise me if you were addicted to Jow Forums or the internet in general. You need help people with that level of addiction to things you need help.

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me too man

haha withdrawal symptoms like a junkie



Stick with it after a week you start reaping some benefits. Less moody, more confident, more clear headed, more energy etc. In any event porn addicition is the real issue, beating off once or twice a month WITHOUT porn is fine (after a month to 6 weeks of total no fap to reset your mind), especially if you don’t have a regular fuck around. The point of no fap is to get away from porn and not be sexually sated all the fucking time. It will improve your game around women, you will be more confident and willing to pursue them and in turn they seem to be able to sense when you havent tugged it, most likely a non voluntary pheromone reflex/detection.

You can do it OP

Yeah I had that when I was younger and I had a small bed I was humping her, now i have a large bed. I get kind of sweaty when I lay against my gf.

>1. Stop buying porn.

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Rape doesn't count Pajeet.

What kind of a pathetic loser can't put off fucking themselves into sterility for 4 days

sorry God has abandoned you.

It’s not your fault, you’re probably just ugly and jack off all the time. It makes Jesus sick watching over you.

>t. jew
it works I'm on day 280 or so
even if it didn't work it's wrong to fap

Well I'm on 2 weeks of nofap. Never felt so energized, focused and alpha.

Feels good man.

Yeah it used to happen a lot especially when me and my wife were in our 20s, usually she would not be into it at 3 am, especially if we already fucked that night but sometimes I would literally wake up balls deep not knowing what was going on, it was awesome.

>It makes Jesus sick watching over you.
Fucking kikes always watching me jerk off

Rape is no longer illegal in pooland, it is just considered surprise sex. Technically, pajeet can now say that he has sex daily.

checked and /thread

nofap works, people who disagree are delusional masturbation addicts who see no benefit in quitting because they have no hope for themselves in the future.

Brahma said that

Just get a hooker off backpage man.

its because you are a fucking addict. coming down from an addiction sucks. if its too much for you go to the fucking gym or something you faggot. If its a sexual emergency make a safe deposit in a vagina.

Based India.
World superpower by 2019

Glad I'm not the only one. I'm 31 and shit still happens 3-ish times a week. She gets a little grumpy sometimes. Homegirl likes her sleep.

Jesus is a fag who watches me cum

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Try working out to relieve tension and stress.

>I just get super horny and start flirting with women I find attractive. Then end up fucking them.
same thing but no fucking

>Weak-willed faggot.
you must have low-T. when i go weeks I become an irritable lustful monster.

There's that famous Dutch directness. KAASED.NL

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The last couple of years I've been doing this 'body pump'. It's fun and I met people and there's always a lot of hot chicks. These women who squat a lot get amazing asses, but i like my own gf modest ass more.

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>If its a sexual emergency make a safe deposit in a vagina.

Ya that's the problem, Nederlander, we don't have any handy otherwise we wouldn't be jerking it constantly.

First week is hell.
Secondly depends on you.
Third week is when the benefits start kicking in.
After a month you'll have no worries or urges (unless you keep coming to Jow Forums and getting enticed by suggestive images).
Past that point you'll probably be getting laid and won't worry about fapping.

im addicted to pony porn though :/

Just get a hooker. Easy to find online

>getting triggered to fap by images

literally nigger tier. unintentionally seeing porn shouldn’t affect you any differently than pictures of scenery.

Fuck off Brigham Young

Wow the leaf felt mainly for once

Nofap works!!!

>Extremely horny and aggressive

This is the red pill about porn

Fapping is nothing more than a shortcut to pleasure and it makes men complacent even though they are living on their parents basement

No Sex makes men aggressive, competitive and even challenge the social hierarchy in order to get laid but of course your Jewish overlords know about it and this is why Porn is so available in quantity and acceptable as a behavior in the western world