Anyone else seriously considering going vegan or at least vegetarian in memory of Nasim?

Anyone else seriously considering going vegan or at least vegetarian in memory of Nasim?

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no cause im not a gaylord fagmo who is homosexual

no because im not a faggot

wtf no she’s an ugly giraffe weirdo

>in memory of Nazism?

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no, have you seen what vegan do to your brain?

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she's beautiful

>she is ugly
Not compared to you, fat boy.

you faggots and your lust for trannys

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haters gonna hate, DuDE

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I’m skin and bones keep projecting though, Chubs

No. I love Nasim but I'm not going vegan. I will learn more about Persia because of her.

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I'm so triggered right nao. Have a (You).

Her English isn't perfect, you would know if you did any research whatsoever, so it's certain she just made a mistake. She doesn't look like a man in the photo on the left, just like an edgy rock 'n' roll girl.

used to be a vegan - BOY, the worst 24 hours of my life !!

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Yes, I already went vegan, but first I need to empty the fridge.

>I love Nasim

You love the IDEA of Nasim. Go get your dick wet irl

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She didn't even make a mistake there. Actor is no longer considered a strictly male term, and in fact it became a Hollywood norm more recently to use actor instead of actress. It can refer to male or female.

i already am

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I'll start out with this recipe some user posted in another thread, idk if I dare convert tho.

1/3 cup Tomato Paste (maybe more, I can't really tell)
6 cloves of garlic
1/2 orange pepper
1 Tomato, crushed
1 Onion
1 block of Tofu
(I don't know the proportions of these, 1-2 tsp should suffice, add to taste)
Cayanne Pepper

Grate Tofu
Chop up veggies and garlic
Mash up tomato
Fry Onion for 3-4 minutes
Add Orange Pepper and Garlic
Fry for a couple more minutes
Add in tomato taste
Add spices
Continue to fry for a couple minutes
Add in crushed tomato and tofu
Add in 1/2 cup water if it's too thick
continue to cook for a few more minutes

Serve over rice

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No. But I was thinking about getting a bunny.

If only we knew about her issues sooner. I saw her YouTube channel back in 2016 but didn't know she was having issues.

The most noble classical beauty ever and amerilard cannot appreciate.

a little bit

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New OC, breakfast club theme

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Proof that she was sane. Nobody could have said her channel was anything else than pure art and biting social commentary.

she said you get an heart attack if you eat meat, but she was the one that attacked our hearts

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>Be vegan because you don't want to kill animals
>Go to YouTube HQ and shoot 3 commie animals
this really activates my armadillos

I'll do it for a week, sure. I'll even mark my calendar and go vegan for a week on the anniversary of her passing.

Sure. Same like the notion that I love the idea of my father or the idea of my mother. But I get your concern with semantic. Nobody told you you're a retard. At least not in this thread.

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Sadegh Hedayat's life had more meaning, and his suicide was more tragic. This woman was nothing. She was deranged and stupid.

He was also vegetarian btw.

also anyone feel free to reupload to youtube, I don't wanna risk a copyright strike.

The pic on the left isn't her.

No, I'm gonna grill a rabbit in her honor.

I already am vegan. There needs to be more examples of right leaning vegans out there to make the issue more than an issue just concerning left wingers. The only ones I can think of are her and Morrissey, the singer.
I don't see what about animal rights or veganism makes it a fundamentally leftist cause. Stereotypically, it fits more with the yuppie leftist image, but leftists don't have some kind of monopoly over compassion as a concept.

I'll do it for like a month if other here do it

>Proof that she was sane.
Define "insane". It's clear from her behavior that she had some kind of mental illness or behavioral problem. She's not just "weird" or "quirky". It is highly, highly irregular to NEVER fucking show any emotion. No smiling while she's dancing or hugging animals or any of the shit she cares about. No inflection of anger in her voice even when she's ranting. Flat tone the entire time. That is mental illness, for sure. You can't really just write that down to strangeness.

fuck this is sad :(

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no but i will meme her

t-that's beautiful, user ;_;

oh the irony

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yeh. Her, and Hitler. I'm going to be most offensive vegan in history.

Sadegh Hedayat was a right-leaning vegetarian.

He promoted vegetarianism, Zoroastrianism, wrote short horror stories, and was heavily influenced by French Surrealism. Nasichan was nothing compared to Sadegh Hedayat. Also, I sure as hell hope she didn't put her pets on a vegan diet; I think being vegan oneself is fine, but to impose that on pets is unethical.

I might do it for a month. I was intrigued by the other Nassim's commitment to orthodox dietary structure and this Nasime's storming of the satanic temple might be a sign that it's worth trying.

It’s hilarious how you shills completely dropped Emma shitposting and now focus on this tranny instead.

Too transparent, fuckos.


Post it on the Kino's page. He'll put it up for you. Just subscribe and tell him you're from Jow Forums.

a theory ive heard is vegan / animal rights people tend to give animals close or equal values to human. Those types of moral relativism et deconstructionism almost always comes from atheists and atheists are overwhelmingly on the left

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Emma who

Britfag from the Nasichan General thread.

Where we at on the fundraiser?

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guy on the left is the Azeri-Australian Bodybuilder who died, this image is before he started working out, Zzyz was his nickname short for Aziz.

Woman on the right is an angel too pure for this sick sad world.

Hey kike, can you feel it? Day of the rope is coming.

Press F to pay respects.

Nasim isn't right leaning. She was a self admitted PETA supporting anti-war democrat that criticized and hated Islam, which is a far right wing ideology.

Being a sexually reserved female doesn't make you a political conservative.

No, but I'm buying another S&W.

im turning back to Christ because of Far Cry 5

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Posters claiming she's a tranny are /leftypol/ shills.

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Oh fuck. The feels. Why world, why.

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And being anti-war doesn't make you a leftist.

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You ever notice how the only shootings that benefit Jow Forums's agenda (sandnigger trucks of peace and now this chick) are the only ones boomers and twelve year old LARPers don't go off about being muh false-flag and posting photoshopped news articles about government agents wearing the suit from Uwe Boll's rampage? Really makes you think.


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Right-leaning people are not necessarily pro-war, and nothing you said about her makes her left-leaning.

words of the prophet

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Atheist relativist righty here you're wrong, jewish pilpul hides behind relativism and atheism so you attack the wrong target. Not saying most internet atheists aren't insufferable though, they are. The self-described rationalists are even fucking worse. I hate people.

way ahead of you, brah. reduced my meat/cheese to 0,5 lb/week combined and am steadily going down from there

She seemed right leaning at least on some issues. She didn't care if she fit neatly into either "right" or "left" package which I think is admirable.

why do boomers glow?

This stereotype or whatever you want to call it is utterly false in my own life. I'm a right wing atheist that doesn't like animals other than dogs, and even then I don't like them as much as I did when I was a child. I don't love animals. Girlfriend is an animal loving liberal christian.

ive noticed u hooked on her, but thats a good thing!

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I was already thinking about it. After reading this article I quit eating meat for several days.
Than I happened to read Leviticus the night before the shooting and all the animals and blood the Jews said was "unclean" was that way because God knew what impact it had on your body. So I've been slowly cutting meat out of my diet. I don't know if I can completely quit but I can try.

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> go vegan for a week on the anniversary of her passing
Alright. I'm in.



is this the new nasichan general

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I didn't eat any meat today for lunch in her honor.

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Would you mind doing it? I'm not lazy but I have a good reason not to.

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>Atheist relativist righty here you're wrong
the majority of atheists are leftist, i didnt say all of them are, duh.

I relate to her. Lonely, smart, different, love animals, just want to be treated like a human being that means something. And yeah, I hate fucking google with a passion.

She was my Never Waifu ;(

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>Praying Towards Mecca
Accurate gif
Sunnis actually think if you pound you head into the ground until you get a permanent lump that its a sign of honor

I would like to only eat hunted meat. I'm trying to get my hunting license.

I meant to indicate that you were attacking the wrong target, not pick a beef with your otherwise acceptable generalization.

I'm assembling a memorial playlist. taking suggestions

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aww shit she was MK'd

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Come on, Jow Forums needs to become a bit more literate and interested in the arts in order to promote right-wing ideals. Sadegh Hedayat is better than this dumb woman, I'm telling you guys. If you want ammunition against Islam, then read his works. Not all of his works have been translated. He was also heavily influenced by French surrealism, so it's a good way to make yourselves more educated.

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and that's how pol ruined veganism for leftis faggots

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It is now.

i'm the one who made the suggestion
so like what's our goal, guys

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Nasime, Team Peep, April, neva forge

I see that MGTOW boomer shill post in every Nasim thread, desperate to call her a tranny.

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He was vegetarian too and wrote an essay promoting it*.

She has a very curious preference for strong, simple colors in her life. I think she was MK'd.

Rachel's Song is beyond perfect IMO, she reminds me so much of Rachel, especially her very robot-like mannerism
