1 child dead, 14 others hospitalized with flu-like symptoms near Calgary.

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Thank God

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>First Nation Reserve
No surprises here

Russia has begun its assault god help us all

bump for global panic and terror

The black plague is already sweeping through Europe

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It's just termites, LEAF, call pest control and you'll be fine.

Oh no not the leafs(sarcasm)

rural hicks get sick from fucking pet moose. what else is new fuckface

this retarded board all day everyday MUH STORMS, MUH BOLCANO, MUH NORTHKOREA

It's diseases idiots.

Finland please.

Attached: notafinland.jpg (480x360, 42K)

>Retarded meme flag shows up everyday to complain

Oh no not the Swedes and Leafs

it's spreading.

Stock up on shotguns and canned food

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contagious thread.

Digits confirm

> Day of the Rake has finally arrived.
> nothing of value lost

In Canada of all places.

Damn, this really takes the cake

yea, putting them right up close to the multiresistant bacteria breeding grounds is going to help for sure

It has always been a good idea to mix all kinds of viruses from the world
multiculturalism = multivirus
just perfect

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It will (((help))) alright.

>child dies of flu
>it's a Happening

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Checked, we're all dead.

I wish it was Plague-chan instead.

Damn, I have surgery tomorrow at 10.
Well it's not like I was going to not get hammered tonight anyways. See you on the other side I guess.

is it finally the blessed day of the rake?

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Weaponized legionella

Nooo! Let's just hope a good pharmacist will come up with a vaccine!

OMG, they'll have to produce billions of doses in a hurry.
I just hope our government will buy as many as possible with tax money!!

This, we are fucked guys. Had it been some peasants getting sick with unknown flu-like symptoms (which range all the way to death itself) I wouldn't have allowed them into my hospital.

LOL Manitoba has the largest viriology lab in NORTH AMERICA literally in the same building as Monsanto R&D HQ.

This is our warning. Like their calling cards in their religion they have to make you aware of the things fixing to unfold or it has no power. Watch closely as history unfolds for the last time. We are on the losing end this time around, and I pray for everyone on this board to stay strong. Pray to God, and follow his teachings, God Speed.

pleas be real

Inshallah brother! Maple shall flow from their veins. From every corner their leaves shall be fallen. The rake cometh. The rake taketh away! Quebec Ackbar.

Crashing this Leaf... With no survivors.

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THIS. it needs to happen now or EVERYONE is LITERALLY going to die.

Now this is pod racing

What are you, facebook? Need a satire tag there retard?
I hope the plague takes me quick

has ebola-chan finally blessed us wicked leafs with her merciful blight?