
The fucking caravan full of wetbacks thinks they'll cross the boarder. What a fucking joke.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>US economically exploits central America and turns them into client state banana republics
>US imposes war on drugs
>US complains when victims of crime and chaos seek a better life
>US was formed by immigrants but now they want to kick the ladder from under them

nice try fag

amerimutt education everyone

Their low IQ and culture did that sweetie.

Must of the amerimutts poltards are millenials, they don´t know that the USA was the big brother and just to had puppets goverments in central america and they ruled over them, creating poor peasants. then the commies started to create caos in those countries to run out the americans, in turn the americans started to provide heavie weapons to the juntas, and hell broke loose just like in siria irak and libya, next thing you know bunch of peasant farmers started leaving those countries for mexico and the USA as a refugees. so USA created those refugees by keeping them poor and homeless, and know they crying about it. fuck you!!!!

>this mutt doesn't think the caravan will split up into smaller groups and will cross in the span of a few months.

You faggots had plenty of opportunity, and American money, to create something lasting and prosperous.
We didn't "DO" anything to you that we did to other countries in the world (like Europe, South Korea, Japan).
The only difference is THOSE countries had the IQ to take advantage of what we offered, and YOU did not.
Enjoy your subhuman existence, and stay the fuck out of our country.

>taco nigger din du nothin.
>think they are better than whites.
>chimpout like every other monkey race.
>lose virginity to uncle-cousin

>Wahhhh why won’t you open our borders and destroy our nation wahhhh

I wonder who could be behind this fucking post.

>this spic doesn't think they'll be gunned down like the animals they are shortly inside US border

>US was formed by immigrants
Yeah, white religious immigrants who actually worked and fought for what they had rather than sneaking past the border then selling drugs and living off welfare because "the wh*te man makes it too hard for us"

You are fucking idiots if you defend the central americans who don't give a single fuck about you. Pinches ardidos.

>implying I owe anyone jack shit
Fuck off kike

>This mutt won't shoot back with ak47's or just bribe the border agents as usual.

In the US and EU/UK we are told to allow in literal caravans of illegal immigrants/"refugees" but in Israel they literally use the air force to bomb Palestinians on the border.

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Reread your post and understand why we don't want you in our country

Why do you defend our government and/or the cartels?

Give them free bullets, they can't be reasoned with. Just mindless stampeding animals.

Hey mexibro, I live in an area with a lot of Guatemalans. What's a quick Spanish phrase I could say to them to piss them off?

How to solve the demographic problem
>gut the welfare state
>liquidate corporate farms if they hire illegal immigrants
>redestribute liquidated farm lands to Boer farmers
>redestribute liquidated farm funds to loan small private businesses
Spics and niggers won't be able to compete and move to Canada or Mexico.

I'm not guatemalan.


I don't know how to piss off guatemalans.

Do mexicans get mad if you call them guatemalan?

>let my cousin in esse
>we all good chicos

I wasn't trying to insult him I just figured he knew

Yes, it's like calling you nigger.

Who's the most hated group in Latin America? My mexican mother fucking hates Puerto Ricans.

nice try jew

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Notice how none of the answers to this post refuted anything

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Was thinking of something along the same lines earlier this morning
>take in boer refugees
>put them along southern border in counties and towns that have been traditionally red but are turning blue
>if they survive then theyve proved their worth

You speak the same fucking language faggot. He isn't calling you a wetback-wetback he's saying you fucking speak wetback you fucking spic.

Yeah they did, you’re just retarded because you want open borders.

I guess central americans, since they run away from their countries. Niggers are commonly hated.

notice how we don't let jews choose the arguement

I'm against immigration, but isn't central murica's shitty state the fault of your interventionism?

Any mexican insult should work then, man. Puto, marica, mojado, cholo, etc.

They'll have these waiting for them. They are on their way down there.

Attached: twoDayShippingToTheBorder.png (1156x867, 1.57M)

What that mean

Illegal immigrant.

I absolutely loathe Haitians.

>be a cuck
>blame shitskins' retardation on your fellow whites

Neck yourself.

Why the fuck was I banned for these posts? Fucking kikes. Who was I "raiding or doxing"?

mo... mojito?

Why dont you jew faggot mods fucking delete the post you banned me for?

dafuq is this?

how in the fucking fuck do African refugees even get to Honduras? We know where they're headed

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Jewchan ™

I actually saw normies on twitter calling the caravan a religious pilgrimage and a yearly tradition to raise awareness of what's happening in Honduras. My mind was blown from sheer stupidity.

WTF faggot? They are to blame for their own failure, not the USA. That would be worst otherwise

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Horseshit you fucking taconigger, they tried to civilize you

Fucking kikes.

Jow Forums absolutely eviscerated, angry replies confirm this


You fools don't understand how close America was going to be the Mexico to China.

Tequila crisis
Mexico use to be chill as fuck till the central banks took it over.
It's all related
Makes weed punishable for jail time.
Make illegals placed in private prisons.
Outsource the already cheap labor from Mexico to Asia
Let Mexican culture ruined just like poor Cia candy land neighborhoods
Not saying the Mexican or the (((Chicanos)))

Don't let these shill and race baiters fool you.

No alegen con estos judios pendejos
Ni son judios. Son diabolicos. No se si son lagartijas, robots, or demonos.

La vida en Los eeuu es una mierda. Si no te haces miember del gov o conoces hay algien que sabe also, tienen que tiener dos Trabajo, viender drogas, o no tiener famila Porque nomas vas a ganar 12000 AL ano. Almejor suena Como mucho, pero no es nada. Aparte hay Chicanos, negros, china's, arades y fresas tambien. No lo dogs Como racista, pero son El tipo que no tiene clase

Por favor, no gasten la energia en alegar con ellos. quieren Mas division Porque no tienen nada Mas.
Los dos (((goviernos))) estan cagados por orita.

Das Juden


Fuck the kike mods

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>Spics and niggers won't be able to compete and move to Canada or Mexico.
keep your trash

>1 post by this (((ID)))

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Beautiful, finally a legit use of your military forces since Katrina

Do we say it as "Mo-ya-do"? like the J in Jose is used as a Y

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Did you even read the comment?

>US economically exploits central America and turns them into client state banana republics
>US imposes war on drugs
>US complains when victims of crime and chaos seek a better life
>US was formed by immigrants but now they want to kick the ladder from under them

It is literally the USA's fault.

At the end of the 18th century Latin American countries were way ahead economically, it wasn't until the Monroe Doctrine that shit went downhill.

Blaming USA for civilizing others - try again commie