wow this stuff stops my anxiety minutes.
how long until the US government tries to ban it?
do you know how long hemp was banned???
actually, no. do tell
i thought the hemp ban thing was just a stoner meme
is that the kind you use? I've tried CBD before for anxiety and it didn't go shit. what milligram do you use?
You're all potheads and must die!
Oral dosing it can take a long time to kick in.
The only time I feel effects from CBD are from the cbd vape pens. You notice a calming sensation instantly.
It's honestly the only thing that can get me to sleep fuck off.
Hemp was technically never banned retard it's just growng it was illegal. You could still import hemp.
You fell for snake oil. That shit doesn't work at all. It's as medical as toilet water.
Retard getting scammed
Bayer will patent the gene for it.
sorry it doesnt work for you. it literally abates my anxiety in minutes.
good news user, studies found CBD can treat autism!
you better order some.
>it was illegal to grow
alright fucktard you’re correct. it was fuckin illegal to grow, bootlicker
for fucks sake. the timber industry paid to have it made illegal, it’s finally okay to grow again
Fuck off some of need it for legit uses like seizures. Kys
Can you guys explain to me what you mean by anxiety? Just asking if I have the same feeling that you have
Is it like some feeling before sleeping which fucks you up and doesn't let you sleep or something else?
This shit doesn’t get you high. The dude weed thing doesn’t really work here.
these studies always use doses several orders of magnitude greater (many mg per kg body weight) than what humans are advised to take though
Wouldn't a better long-term solution be to identify the source of your anxiety and then eliminate it from your life?
>Can you guys explain to me what you mean by anxiety?
Anxiety is just a made up term for folk who are, in reality, just weak little bitches with no strength of character
chronic low level feeling of stress in my gut / veins
Some people are just broken. I agree that psych meds are over prescribed but some people are just fucked.
What is anxiety? Anxiety from what?
I thought it's a temporary feeling but people apparently have it chronicly?
some people, eg those with high functioning autism, naturally feel greater levels of stress than do other people
Ah I see
So it's like that feeling you have before an exam? And you have that constantly? How?? What the fuck
So they are just describing a feeling of fear? But from what?
not constantly, and nowhere nearly as bad. but basically yeah
If you want to stop your anxiety permamently, get gamma knife radiosurgery done on your amygdala.
it definitely has that effect on sleep, yes. other symptoms is intrusive thoughts /constant worrying, constant butterflies in stomach, restlessness, elevated heart beat, insomnia, there many different forms of anxiety. it can really fuck with your psyche. it's basically your brain constantly thinking your life is in danger, so it's constantly excreting adrenaline into the body non stop.
fuck bootlickers
OH shit. Im not the type to worry that much but I think I have some of those symptoms. I didn't know my body would constantly pump adrenaline. Fuck
IS it like a panic attack? But like on lower levels?
your body also pumps cortisol when you're anxious
chronic anxiety can really fuck up your body long term
CBD can really relax you without the thc in it. try it if you are having trouble sleeping
a panic attack is like 100x worse but sure. not really a fair comparison though imo.
Interesting. It says that it damages the liver.
During a blood test they told me some of my liver levels were high although I never drink alcohol nor smoke.. This cortisol shit could explain the high levels.. Because of my anxiety
DuPont squarshed hemp so their synthetic crap would have a chance.
user says “it wasn’t illegal!! you could import it just not GROW it!!!” for fucks sake. man.... how retarded are these cumbuckets???? it’s fucking pathetic. thanks for acknowledging bro
yep. I'm recovering from a bad 5 month anxiety stint. lost about 35 lbs. ended up fucking up my neck muscles to where I'm a bit dizzy and have constant tension headaches. also sensitive to light and developed tinnitus.
fun times.
Man I tell you panic attacks are fucking horrible. Sweatu cold hands and fast heartbeat. Can't Conrol it
i dont know anything about that
it does lead to hardening of the arteries though
your liver, fortunately, is the one organ of your body that can repair itself
I'd rather not use it desu..
Yes true
I think I just need to get control of anxiety or whatever that feeling is called I sometimes have like bit worryin
I know that going to the gym helps a lot.
Any experience with that?
Losing weight when you're already skinny is dangerous... Can damage organs. Be careful
I lost like 10 kg too after à stressful time. Fortunately I recovered my weight again but it caused some of my liver levels to rise..
And BTW fapping also helps against anxiety.
CBD oil extracted from hemp is snake oil
CBD oil extracted from cannabis is where it's at
theres no fucking point if you cant grow it yourself you retard
You can chug 8 of these badboys without getting high. Try that with aspirin.
>But from what?
Absolutely nothing. They're just spineless faggots.
I use chipmunk oil.
precisely. let me go buy it from a jew though, that’s fair enough
sounds like what i got... i just self diagnose as ibs because who wants to get a colonoscopy.
it really does make you suicidal as fuck.
ahahaha fuck user. i’m sorry. your gut bacteria are fucked up- Elaine Ingham has some great material on Soil health; it’s the exact same scenario for gut health. you should look into how to rebalance the right bacteria and fungi in your intestines. i wish you the best friend
Does it show up on drug tests, or do they only care about THC?
oh i see i see my satire detecter went autistic
we’ve done nothing but agree the entire time. fuck, you are a retard.
It doesn't get you high you useless leaf
I use it myself before I go to work
My productivity increases dramatically and I'm still 100% mentally alert
Italian like drinking miracle water. Genuinely feel bad for people would don't use it - which is essentially everybody kek. Whatever, I'm anot evangelical to family & friends
**literally like
most test are looking for thc
"full spectrum" products have trace amounts of THC but are still considered legal under federal guidelines afaik
honestly i'm afraid to talk about cbd too much on Jow Forums for fear that doing so is going to get it banned faster
*I'm an
Posting whIle on a public bathroom toilet
fairly sure they already are trying to ban it, obviously the pharmaceutical companies have an issue with it.
most likely... been on lots of meds in my lifetime. I know its partially anxiety related because when real life stress hits me, i can feel my insides start tensing up and squirming.
also i cant sleep at night without double dosing on sleep meds and its been that way for about 6 years.
I lay in bed at night and think about how my life wouldnt be such a shit show and how much i could accomplish if my health wasnt bad and I just want to die so badly thinking about it making it all worse.
>obviously the pharmaceutical companies have an issue with it.
Why would they have a problem with an over-the-counter betablocker? Put it in pill form and stick it next to the Tylenol.
couple of years ago I was memeing about cbd oil and now everyone is doing it. It really is a great supplement add to your daily ritual
I do not get CBD oil. I just get regular hemp oil, I use it for inflammation. I use it and some aleve. I try not to use too much aleve.
I refuse to go on opiates.
they do pretty much but the cost is too much, though it is a new and highly regulated industry
get cbd oil for pain, it won't mess up your stomach like tylenol, aleve, asprin, ibprofin
I am not sure I can even legally use it.
in the US it legal in all 50 states
>Posting whIle on toilet
A fellow gentleman of culture
Federally, its not legal as it is a product of Marijuana. However, pure CBD oil is legal in 44 states, due to most state laws having THC be what is illegal, and sold openly in health marts and whole foods markets.
Since CBD is not psychoactive, its in a legal funny zone.
You literally can't overdose on cbd.
>product of marijuana
A CBD oil producer that derives the product from industrial hemp can get certification from the federal government that allows them to grow and sell pure CBD oil as long as it from industrial hemp. Thus no marjuana is involved.
It's people with undiagnosed illnesses experiencing the results of chronic pain. Elevated cortisol/adrenaline. Anxiety isn't a real thing aside from the biggest faggots who can't deal with life, but a lot of people have something wrong that's triggering a fight or flight response.
Short anecdote time:
>friend tells me about CBDs, he buys some "pure CBD wax/dabs" and has the CBD oral tinctures
>I'm a vapefag so I decide to check out some of that e-juice that comes with CBD instead of nicotine
>go to my local vape shop/smoke shop
>they're literally charging $100-150 for a 30ml bottle of CBD e-juice (although I think it was some retarded high concentration like 2000mg)
>meanwhile I can get the same volume+concentration with a wide selection of flavors for 1/4 of the price online
tl;dr: fuck "smoke shops"
Technically hemp is defined as cannabis with
Came for this thank you.
In 2014, President Obama signed into law the Agricultural Act of 2014. Section 7606 of the act, Legitimacy of Industrial Hemp Research, defines industrial hemp as distinct from marijuana. This authorizes institutions of higher education or state department’s of agriculture in states that legalized hemp cultivation to regulate and conduct research and pilot programs. Basically, it’s up to the states to regulate the growth per their own State Departments.
President Obama’s execution of the Agricultural Act of 2014 is an integral piece to CBD oil’s legality. If a plant is deemed legal (where the determining factor is a THC level under .3%)
is u me???
it always comes to this argument: muh timber industry banned hemp, but its some miracle substance that is cheaper and better than all products on the earth
why doesn't everyone in canada live in hemp houses, read hemp books and wipe their ass with hemp toilet paper?
I guess it is in legal funny zone still.
>why doesn't everyone in canada live in hemp houses, read hemp books and wipe their ass with hemp toilet paper?
literally: the jews
>spineless faggots
Thats cute, coming from a nation that would rather appease pedo muslims than put them in their place. Fucking weaklings
What vodka should I use to make a tincture and any tips on specific recipe? I don't smoke anymore for the sake of my lungs but I would like to try some oil. Thinking of filling a jar with some ground plants and vodka, shaking daily.
dont tread on me fag
130$ for 1000mg sounds ok
OP, try kava tea. they sell it on amazon. 1 cup of that on an empty stomach makes my day a WHOLE lot easier
Checked. Although it's good to know Jow Forums likes it. It's the one thing we can agree with liberals on, and we could use the issue to redpill them. Show them how the pharma Jews tried to ban it, but then switched to trying to out-regulate small farmers when it looked profitable.
They are just now making it legal (in Indiana) also it is found in many states that recognize it as a biproduct of the HEMP plant- it has NO THC meaning it IS NOT MARIJUANA
they tried to destroy kava with the liver damage meme now they settled with making it far too expensive for daily use for most
literally the jews are to blame for banning hemp i agree, but its not like help is some miracle fiber
No THC fag- do your research before you open your flappy fucking head
One thing I wanted to ask, has anyone ever tried vaping it. What are the effects? I have only tried the edible.
At least in Australia kava is really really expensive and was one of the only otc things that helped with anxiety
You can buy a box of 6 with 16 packets on amazon for $20. That's 96 cups of tea.... That's 20 cents a cup
20 cents
.... What the fuck
Thats an incredibly stupid question-- the CBD oils are a long term solution. It is a natural solution and far better than paxil then the next step up, then the next step up, then you max out at Zanax and youre completely fucked at that point. WE DO NOT NEED PHARMACEUTICALS TO SURVIVE