Is this true?

Make Brazil Great Again
>conservative politics more generally are enjoying a comeback in Brazil - this in a country that until 1985 was ruled by a military dictatorship.
>Right-wing pressure groups like the Free Brazil Movement, or MBL in Portuguese, are finding big audiences.

Attached: 4D7AF885-620E-46CC-96AB-2AF8E6561108.jpg (749x1219, 215K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Make Brazil Great Again

you can't "make great again" something that was never great

Wasn’t it ever slightly less of a shithole? According to the article there’s growing nostalgia for the military dictatorship.

What about the Brazilian empire?


The global tide is turning. I'm smiling so hard right now.

We will yet see a global brotherhood of nations as opposed to the current servitude to the (((globalist))) clique

Imagine when her kids grow up and search "Sara Winter nude".
>Conservative in Brazil
It's a meme. Brazilian women deserve the fame they have worldwide

I see a lot of women suddenly becoming conservative in the US, they’re just doing it to fight the system

>something that was never great
it could have been great user, it could have been great...

Attached: Pedro do Brasil.jpg (960x621, 93K)

It's bound to happen. Once they see where progressivism leads them, all of a suddenly lots of conservatives and traditionalists starts to pop at every corner.

A meme

Gás the Nordestinos, South-Sao Paulo separation NOW

All jokes aside, based shitskins are still shitskins. The only hope for white Brazillians is an ethnostate in the South.

Yes, nobody stands the fucking lefties anymore.

You should study more.

They're women, they'll bandwagon any shit that looks cool

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: general vs leftcuck.png (1256x386, 112K)

>leftists create the middle class
>the middle class thinks it is rich and vote the right
>the right ruins the middle class
>the impoverished middle class elects a leftist government
t. Brazil economic cycles

Attached: 1522970444285.jpg (695x694, 87K)


History begs to differ

Attached: images (14).jpg (200x285, 8K)


Is Brazil the US of South America?

Literally a country of 180 million of mongrels, just look at her face.

Yes, and Brazil is the result of what will happen to us if the left have their way

>also south Brazil, best Brazil

Not for long, I'm starting to see a malign push for shitskins to move to the south in indirect ways by the media, you can bet your ass in 15 years time the south will lose most of what makes it great

We need south Brazil to succeed from the rest, can’t let it go to shit

It would be great but there are some problems
>the muh democracy, muh respect for constitution, muh no violent secession fantasy land crowd
>the people behind the only real organized movement asking for that are pretty bad
>the other leech states and shitskins not wanting to lose the sweet tax money we generate and goes to them
on top of that you have the shitskins that are already here and don't support the idea for obvious reasons

Brazil is going to become a monarchy again and become a paleolibertarian paradise

t. celto-visigoth-moorish-roman-spanish rapebaby

All of them whites, even the moors that were kicked out and slayed in the reconquista were caucasoids.