Has her feet pics been leaked yet

has her feet pics been leaked yet

Attached: linsdayts.png (897x596, 941K)

Who the fuck is this? Nevermind,I don't even want to know, chick looks like a morphed cross between Anne Frank and Frederick Douglas covered in cum

I'd fite 20 niggers irl just to catch a whiff of her asscrack.

Is Lindsay Shepherd finally /ourgirl/? Or is she just another one of those alt-light tradthots?

her boyfriend is a full blown arab looking motherfucker

cut it out with the waifu shit or at least pick a pure waifu

i dont have a waifu

based feller asking the real questions here

Foot fags, pls go.

pls post feets and bobs

She's pretty hot. She doesn't seem to be fully embracing right wing stuff though. She just made it clear that she no longer considers herself a leftist. There's a big difference between doing that and trying to make herself a right wing tradthot eceleb.

Attached: 4db.png (860x650, 60K)


here you go bro

Attached: sheperd feet.jpg (574x305, 56K)

I can't stop.


Attached: 1506646967006.jpg (657x527, 53K)

kek. Also you fucken virgin faggots need to kill yourself

>lindsay 'the jewish plague must be cured' shepherd
She is a Nazi now, regardless of if she will admit it. Also, I want to fuck her till she can't walk straight.

shes cute


She looks unhealthy.

She needs sun and red meat in her diet.

Why the fuck is Jow Forums obsessed with a non-white pseudo-aryan who killed themself and an obviously kike who's just trying to milk them for shekels?
>pic related

Attached: Alt-right's new hero.png (1136x1434, 997K)

lay off i have dibs

Fuckoff degenerate footfag literally kys

Attached: 1253079575736.jpg (821x652, 67K)

make me dumbass

Blyat she looks identical to a girl I know

dates shitskins

gross, I hope that's not her feet. She's too qt to have disgusting feet like that

