Lord of the "RANGZ"

Who will play the leads in Amazon's new blockbuster? With a budget north of $1 billion


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tv is going to be a very fun place to shitpost.

Also Orc meme thread. I don't have much

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LOTR will enter the public domain soon anyway.

Just read the books. Don't even think about watching some jewish bastardization.

(((they))) just want to destroy everything good in this world, don't they?

so it begins

the greatest shitstorm of our time

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Just like Mickey Mouse

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i'm pretty sure they just want to make tons of money by selling the product name and putting no effort in
if the director can toss in a political statement or two then it's a bonus

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I’d be upset if I thought they’d turn a profit. From what we’ve seen of the reaction to the new “Star Wars” movies that Disney released, I wouldn’t be surprised if this actually sunk the company.

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Why did it have to be Amazon?

They're literally going to turn a story of tremendous struggle against people with diametrically opposite values, the dangers of industrialization and weak governmenrs, and pride in standing for your homeland into steaming leftist horseshit.

Expect Boromir to be borderline evil because "For Gondor!"

Expect Saruman to be made into a sympathetic antihero.

Expect Gandalf to be super gay.

Aragorn will be quasi-effete.

The Elves will be trans.

Frodo and Sam will be hinted at having a gay relationship, with Sam being the Arab powerbottom.

Wouldn't even surprise me if they made the dwarves super-built, handsome, and noble because we all know who the dwarves are supposed to be.

This particular meme could be tightened.
Early in FotR, while at an inn, Frodo and Co. overhear one of Sauruman's agents talk about refugees moving into the region of the Shire and Bree. Troubles to the south are forcing them to head north, the locals aren't thrilled with the idea of a wave of newcomers, but the agent loudly declares that they have as much right to live in Bree or the Shire as anyone else.

Fast forward to the end of RotK, and Sauruman has taken over the Shire.

There is going to be black elves, am i right?

Don't watch it. No matter how many of your normie friends and leftovers from GoT flood to it, do not watch it.

>Just living about your merry way isn't an option

Jerry Seinfeld
Jason Alexander (played George Costanza)
eric andre
Hannibal burras
Larry David
Michael Cera
Jack black
Tim Heidecker
sam hyde
Dwayne the rock johnson

It would be a gr8 Sol comedy

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>The Brothahood of tha Bling
> Them Two Towers
> Tha Return of the KANG

Bezos is literally insane.

They can't make anything better so they just buy it out and kill it.

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cast list is already out
doesn't look to bad to be honest

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Not enough black people.

>the gentrification of smaug
>the rap battle of the 5 armies
>the hoodrat (the hobbit)

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How can you be so racist and bigoted?!
Hobbits were immigrants to the Shire, too.
The Shire is a nation of immigrants.

(should I have done this in green text?)

We should meme Orcs as blacks and watch as they only cast whites to pls them and make them look as white as possible.

>breeds Uruk-hai from the poo-pits found in the streets of Isengard

Whites to play them, not to please them. That would be gross

If even 1 character that isn't an orc is black I will forbid my children to watch as history is raped.

No. You should go back.

There is no way they replaced large roles with the opposite skin color for shits and giggles.

That is all they CAN do. They were born without the ability to create, and rather than letting it humble them to those born with the creative spirit of Man, the divine spark, it enraged them and darkened their spirit. Now they seek to take out their jealousy on all of humanity by destroying everything sacred by profaning in their terrible image. We're talking about a Luciferian archetype here.

Educate yourselves...


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>Who will play the leads in Amazon's new blockbuster?

Gabourey Sidibe, John Boyega and of course Idris Elba.

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For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!'

I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.

I liked white better,' I said.

White!' he sneered. 'It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken.'

In which case it is no longer white,' said I. 'And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.

If this isnt a metaphor for white people and leftist degeneracy i dont know what is

I hope it brings orcposting back bcs that was my favorite meme in a long time

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Luciferian archetype? For real? You're obviously an idiot brainwashed by psyop JewTube. Lucifer means light bringer, i.e. bringer of wisdom and truth/ in a spiritual sense. Lucifer was actually a term used to describe "Jesus" in Revelation, not the "Satan" of the Bible . Who's very name means "enemy", specifically of the Jewish people. You're uneducated. Plain as that

more of these please

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How many of the main characters will be black, you think?

This isn't real

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Thank God

agreed. You know they are going to though.

t. papal heresy

>gnostic faggot calling me uneducated
That's rich. The Luciferean Fall from Grace is a staple of the Western Mythos and denying it under a backward interpretation of scripture is complete sophistry. Look how you just took insight and understanding and tried to deconstruct it for nothing other than a poorly held belief. You're a destroyer just like them.
Fuck off and die, Satanist. Go worship the Serpent somewhere else.

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Gandalf will be 100% blacked

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All of them

this is why I love these threads

> G’andalf tha Wack

thank fuck I'm not a fan of this shit
Poor Tolkien

I don't have anymore but if anyone does, please share em

How many blacks will there be, lets take bets

I say 3 at first

(Trigger warning) Tolkien described Aragon as a brown man. He looked more Arab than white. The film portrayal is one of the rare instances of a white actor portraying a non-white character.

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star trek ruined - check
star wars ruined - check
terminator franchise ruined - check
alien franchise ruined - check
greatest story ever told ruined - IN PROGRESS

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"tall and dark" doesnt mean arab you stupid fuck


>we wuz elves n' sheit

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>alien franchise ruined
This actually made me realize how much I didnt like prometheus or covenant
Sure 3 and resurrection were kinda bad but they still felt like alien films

I'm not Gnostic or satanist , but nice straw man. I'm actually pagan, which is the actual foundation of the "Western Mythos" you speak of.

Backward interpretation of scripture? There's only really one Bible verse vaguely referring to a morning star, and it's old testament, and refers to a Babylonian king.

If you're white, and pray to a dead Jew, I feel sorry for you.

>tall and dark means Arab

Wtf everyone is arab now

especially when you consider there are men in middle earth that ARE arabs

Featuring Snoop Dog as the Wizard Gan'dawg.

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yeah, prometheus & covenant just squandered so much potential.. epic waste. ridley scott is dead to me

(Trigger warning) Tall, dark, and handsome used to mean having brown eyes and hair

no fug u hes a brown kang from egyp

> "a shaggy head of dark hair flecked with grey, and in a pale stern face a pair of keen grey eyes."

Basically the only physical description. Remember he's half elf half numenorian. He's not your typical Mediterranean/Byzantine Gondorians.

The comment that kinda sent me over the edge is the fact the guy with creative control has straight out said the alien is done dead and worn out and its time for his android to take the spotlight.
Prometheus could have been an average film if they didnt prop it up with the Alien franchise
Not to mention all the extra things like the comics getting shit on since xenomorphs are now just science experiments by a crazy android

Aragorn is gonna be black. I'd bet my life on it. There's going to be brown elves and shit too. Arwen will obviously stay white however.

The role of Aragorn will be played by Laura Dern because it;'s time that the Yasss Queeen Slay of Gondor was played by a strong independent woman.

who gives a fuck, the movies are pretty much perfect so just go watch those, its like disney making real life version of their animated classics when they had it right the first time.

Scooby Dindoo

It's going to happen but I really hope it won't

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I want to die

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>pic related
Your religion is dead; its remaining form integrated into Christianity where the last echos of its divine significance are beginning to fade. You're only LARPing; only a massive Spiritual event/paradigm shift brought about through a cosmic alignment the likes of which man can barely comprehend can bring about a new valid form of Religion in this age.

The scripture you're refers to a king falling from fucking heaven. He's described as more than human, and the sacred traditions passed on through the living people of Europe, throughout the most crucial and If you don't believe the scriptures then you cannot quote them to try to deconstruct a Traditionalist interpretation of a foundational Myth. Even Evola references this interpretation when he defends the Catholic Church's Traditionalist principles.

Besides, I myself am not even a Christian, I'd vaguely describe myself as a Western Esoteric Traditionalist.

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Swertings we call 'em in our tales.

>the movies are pretty much perfect so just go watch those
Pic related

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The answer to this one is easy: Do not watch any new Lord of the Rings movies. The series was done nearly twenty years ago anyway.

>passed on through the living people of Europe, throughout the most crucial

passed on through the living of people set this as one of their most crucial points in the creation myth. Ignoring everything that Christianity has brought to Europe is to disregard the validity of the entirety of European development in the past 2000 years, something no European Identiarian outside of strictly Anprim circles can reasonably do.

If you want to make an argument about the Future of Europe its Sacred Tradition, then that's another story. To that extent Christianity as we know it in a exoteric way is already ruled out along with Pagan Larping. We, however, are set with the task of synthesizing our past and present in order to create a binding authentic Spirituality for our people's future.

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ill dump my orc folder
bonus nog

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That's way better, I'm changing that filename.

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nope a dupe stupid Jow Forums

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bonus EU kikery cartoon

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>posted the half ass version

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silly hobbits

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Dude who cares. We are accelerationists here. A nigger aragorn is good for us.

Its not like its going to be better than the original anyways, just watch that one.

Creatura...la luz...

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the new Gondor

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orc raids are normal goy

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They will make Sauron a nazi. Turn the orcs white and make the whole story about how white women and people of color united to destroy the evil Nazi rapists.

holy shit thats gold

thoughts and bla bla bla

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>Balim Goldmountain
keked hard, hadn't seen this one before


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god botherers arguing doctrinal literalism is my favorite. enjoy spiraling into oblivion.