Please explain your reasoning

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I believe abortion should be mandatory for all women.

It keeps nigger and beaner populations more in check than they previously would have been. It especially cleanses the pool of prospective mixed race children from being larger. I don't like so much when white folk pregnant by other white folk give in to it but if it takes a couple casualties to kill literally tens of millions of problems a year before they become problems I am fine with that.

If you're on welfare it should be mandatory.
If the child is significantly flawed it should be mandatory.
If you're not white it should be mandatory.
If you've had three abortions you get your ovaries surgically removed.

Many guys tell that a person should have the right to abort if wanted, and tell they are ok with abortion happening.

My point of view is:
1-Allow people to abort
2-Give X amount of dollars to every person that decide to not abort, you don't need to take care of the children you CAN give him to adoption.



I'm pro but only if men get the same right meaning they can "financially abort" the kid the woman tried to extort money from them with.

Anybody who'd consider abortion is unfit to carry a child so it works out.

Not only does it affect non-whites more than whites, but white thots who have abortions are usually terrible mothers who couldn't raise them anyway, and even they are probably halfbreeds.

All the christcucks who bitch about a thot's cells being magical and moral are legit fucking with the optics of the entire right wing platform. Just need to grow up and realize it shouldn't be an issue if roasties don't want their kids, we're overpopulated anyway.

"What race is it"

Ok so now niggers are NOT aborting because they want the free money from you and they're also getting more welfare because they have more kids. Now what?

Only thing currently keeping us from being completely overran.

One of the issues I stray from conservatism on (this and magical sky wizard that made browns intentionally).

Go to wurlstar or liveleaks and tell me there is a God afterwards.

>Ok so now niggers are NOT aborting because they want the free money from you and they're also getting more welfare because they have more kids. Now what?

YES, more humans at this world. Who the hell do you think I am the one that wrote the giorgia guidestones?

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Right; abortion in the US is one of the few eugenic social policies we actually have. Eliminating abortion would be incredibly stupid from a national perspective. It's not just an individual issue; we have to think about the future and the fate of society as a whole.

Idgaf if you want to kill your children but my fcking government and taxes should not be paying for it.

But we have to do our Christian™ duty and save the live of children and invite them to our country no matter what race they're from as long as they believe in Jesus.

Absofuckinglutly! I don't understand why people think others should keep their little crotch fruit when they are unwanted and in the end the rest of us will have to pay for them with Gibs more than likely. Your not protecting innocent children your getting ready to pay for Tyrone to have more babies who will grow up to hate you.

We don't need more people. We need less niggers, chinks and poos.

Life is suffering. Allowing children to be born is cruel. Kill them in utero for their own good.

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inb4 "What race is it?" expanding brain meme

Mandatory sterilization for any woman seeking abortion would be a fair trade.

Until it has at least a partially working brain, do whatever you want with it.

Abortion is bad when the brain decides it can't care for a baby, Abortion(miscarriage) is ok when the body decides it can't care for the baby.
Fucking retarded liberals.

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The anti-choice people are usually the girls who are baby collectors, or can't get pregnant.

These same people would put sperm counters on shower drains and sue tampax for allowing a possible life to not exist.

Fucking wackos

No dad, we dont.

Just like we don't HAVE to marry a decade older menopausal Mexican and provide food/shelter/cars to her live-in mid 20's kids that work part time retail.

>someone really hates conservicucks

I'm against abortion because it is the same as murder. But, since abortion is done mainly by blacks and liberals, I am okay with it.

came here to post this
eugenics is the only way

Another thing to remember is that statistically less than 30% of negroes grow up to live over the poverty line and that number is being ridiculously generous. The overwhelming majority of black people are shitty fucking people and that FACT cannot be disputed. This is why some between 70 to 90 percent of negroes have a criminal record depending on the area you are in. They all lie, steal, cheat, philander and do nothing but cause problems for everyone and thing they come in contact with. It's not that I don't wish things could be different but, obviously, they can't because niggers gonna nig. Until the niggardry stops there will be abortion in the United States because Jews can't control niggers with pseudo-intellectual bullshit like they can white liberals.

It's a pile of cells. Murdered things need to be alive first.

The official Jow Forums answer is what race is it?

Keep "abortion" legal, but require doctors to remove the entire uterus to accomplish the procedure. Problem solved permanently.


I have always believed that "personhood" begins at conception, when the sperm hits the egg and the process begins. Anything after that point is murder.
If a woman is raped and conceives, I think she ought to be able to terminate if she desires. That's about my only exception.

You're not being a good Christian

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Why do you want people to breed more?
That sounds selfish.
We have enough people already.

People of color have suffered enough. Women of color should not have to pay for their abortions. White women need to check their privilege and pay up!

if you believe that, would it be ok to fight for the black person's right to have an abortion exclusively? Would that be a movement for black rights, or would it be a racist movement against blacks?

Completely for it. Dont really give a shit about the murder thing, since II look at it as follows.
Abortions are done due to stupid incidents, sure, but an abortion is there to pervent a child from being born to parents who probably wont be able to take care of it. No/Low income, irresponsible etc.
Save a child, abort if you cant take care of things

Early abortion is fine. Killing an embryo/fetus means nothing as it is not yet developed and has no feelings.

Late-term abortion is not fine and should be illegal. You're essentially murdering a fully-formed child in the womb in the most gruesome and painful way possible. Imagine a doctor delivering a baby then immediately dismembering it, hacking it to pieces, then throwing it in the garbage. It's not okay.

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Then you are inconsistent.
It's murder or it's not.
The way she fucked is irrelevant.

>We should have picked our own damned cotton!

I'm very pro-murder.

Go back and read what he said again.

I am in favour of conceptions diue to rape being terminated. First, the mother was not willing and will never forget the origins of the kid, and this will show. Second, the father will likely be absent. Better for all involved to stop it.

Abortion is murder. It should be illegal for white women except when it is necessary to save the mothers life. It should be mandatory for minorities to get abortions.

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What race is it?

Blacks are already to majority at PP.
Abortions are cheap, but some people can't afford 500 bucks, they already couldn't afford the 50 for birth control. Society would benefit by paying for both, or you get generations of poverty and crime that is a threat to society. The taxes to prison and social services would be much, much higher over the lifetime of multiple criminals and welfare takers.
It's a no-brainer

I'm not a Christian so I don't believe a clump of cells with no consciousness has human rights. I also think there are too many people in this world already and it's really not a bad thing to prevent more from coming into homes that aren't prepared to raise a kid.

>50 for birth control
I don't think a rubber costs that much

The unborn entity is fully human from the moment of conception. Abortion (narrowly defined) results in the intentional death of the unborn entity. Therefore, abortion entails the intentional killing of a human being. This killing is in most cases unjustified, since the unborn human being has a full right to life. If, however, there is a high probability that a woman's pregnancy will result in her death (as in the case of a tubal pregnancy, for example), then abortion is justified. For it is a greater good that one human should live (the mother) rather than two die (the mother and her child). Or, to put it another way, in such cases the intent is not to kill the unborn (though that is an unfortunate effect) but to save the life of the mother. With the exception of such cases, abortion is an act in which an innocent human being is intentionally killed; therefore, abortion should be made illegal, as are all other such acts of killing

95% of abortions are done by women who should never become mothers in the first place, and the foster care and orphanage systems in our country are hell for most of the kids in them.

There should be a law that forces a woman to have her tubes cut & tied if she comes in for a second abortion that isn't immediately threatening to her life.

Rubbers are cheap, until your cock rips through it.

So it should be mandatory for minorities to be murdered?
I know you won't get any shit for that on Jow Forums but do you even realize how immoral your position is?

dude, you're saying that like all humans are equal. we're not. if poorer families have tons of kids that get shit education and eventually shit jobs or does crime, then it's fucking bad for the world. If richer families with good parenting and with the kids getting educated well and get great jobs and advance technology and shit, ten it's great for the world.

>niggers ain't people

"Abortion" as in aborted before it becomes a life

condoms literally never fail unless you're with a chick with a dry vagina or you fall for the double-bag meme

protip: all pants have a miniature pocket above the regular one on the right side that are for condoms, stop putting them in your wallet

I agree with this user

That pocket is for your cigarette lighter

When does it become a life?

when it can pay taxes

Right...or you have a 10" cock.
Fuck, magnums fit like they are going to rip. The free ones at pp look like they are made for children.

It's none of my business or yours what other people decide to do. If it's against your religion, your god should deal with it.

Abortion should only be for non-white babies.

It's honestly a tragedy that blue/green eyed, blonde/red haired babies are killed before they get a shot at life.

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Pretty sure late term abortion is illegal already.
9 or under weeks for pill abortion 3 months max for surgical, I think

Dude there is some serious white trash out there as well. They will rob and rape your family too.

yeah, what is with those tiny condoms they give out?

>Life begins at taxation


>>Life begins at taxation
I have to use that one sometime oooh boy

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I would wear a shirt with that on it

Abortion = it's my body it's my property I can do what I want

Slavery = It's my property I can do what I want
Suicide = It's my body it's my property I can do what I want


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trips, but shit post. Maybe you should have been aborted.