/wu/ - Congresswoman Brianna Wu General

This thread is for the discussion of Brianna Wu's 2018 congressional campaign.

Now let her fight for you.

Are you ready for a Bolder Democratic Party?

PASTEBIN - pastebin.com/kdq7C16w


>Official Twitter

>Official Campaign Site

>DONATE to Based Wu's Campaign


>Based Wu Interview by Fast Company (April 2018)

>First campaign ad

>Based Wu interview on her Congressional Run - Greater Boston

>Based Wu interviewed by David Pakman on her experience fighting (and beating) the Alt Right

>Based Wu in the New York Times (March 2017 Interview)

>Based Wu interview with STN (September 2017 Interview)

>Based Wu speaks out about her experience as a tech entrepreneur

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stunning and brave

I Unironically think she is on to something about the moon rocks. If a Jew tech firm got to the moon I have no doubt they’d try to take out earth

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>marrying a tranny, let alone a shrill non-passing one
Why would someone do this to themself?

I want to see this freak show in congress, but on the other hand I don't want her getting a hefty gov pay check and full pension retirement and gold plated healthcare.

>congresswoman brianna wu
>brianna wu

Did you just assume Brianna's gender?

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Go back to r/asianmasculinity with your AMWW threads.

>crackling teenager voice
>''ive stood up against the alt right in goobergate''

Jesus Fucking Christ the internet is leaking into the real world

I have nothing against trans people. Them changing and/or cutting up their own bodies affects me in no way. But my god that's gotta be the ugliest woman I've ever seen. You'd think if she bothered to transition she'd put some god damn effort to look pretty.

According to Karl Pilkington, a wu is a female ghost with drooping breats

I wouldn't let Brian Wu suck dog turds off my lawn. If his state elects him it is one of those totally avoid places, because the degeneracy is too strong.

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time is especially cruel to trannies

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>I am going to ask you to talk down to me
Lol okay bitch

Homos and trannies mental illness to the Max .

Completely mentally stable.

I've always found her attractive for whatever reason.

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Jesus imagine paying for first class and having this tranny freak get a free seat next to you,he should make a complaint.

Maybe it will kill itself when it loses.

I want him to win so bad. The amount of lulz would be glorious.

what the fuck, son?

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I hope so badly there's a debate or something. It would be a shit show like no other.


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Why Nasim and not Wu?


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really makes you think

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>This is how adults act
Are you a ageist?

youre beautiful

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Think of the games they play in the bedroom

These people are sick

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wow how while whiteoids ever recover

>it wanted the blinds to match the pillows

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Massfag here, it's a totally avoid place even if he isn't elected.

John Flynt was a pretty horrible fucked up person when he was just Larry Flynt's son. I can't imagine putting on a dress and wearing makeup has improved him to any appreciable degree.

Vice wrote an article about the time I said her game looked like shit and she went on a 20+ post tirade about it.

Only useful thing I’ve ever gotten out of twitter.

this thing is still around? he was a theater fag at ole miss. no lie

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What? What the fuck?

How are the polls looking?

How did she win against the alt right? Seriously. Quick rundown?

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>Congresswoman Brianna Wu General

CongressMAN Brianna Wu



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Made a more aesthetic version.

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He was either gay already or he was tricked and decided fuck it

I'm gonna go with the latter.

this might be better

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This is what I came here for, and is really the thing that will prevent this wackjob from ever becoming a serious politician

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When did she fight the alt right and win?

>Brianna Wu's 2018 congressional campaign

Jow Forums hasn't made me lol in years. Thanks user

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The thing that puts me off about this entire shitty comic is the garbage art.

Trannies age like men. Even if they can somewhat pull it off (and John Walker Flynt here never could), they are going to be men by the time they hit 40 and nobody is going to buy it

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