Why do American soldiers rape and kill Asian girls in Okinawa?

Why do American soldiers rape and kill Asian girls in Okinawa?

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For the same reason they rape and kill women everywhere.

They're niggers.

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When you take under educated assholes send them abroad with no real checks and balances on their behaviors this shit happens.
Nigger do this shit but military men in general go buck wild abusing their status and the native people's ignorance.
And a lot of time the US military system will hold these faggots in their wrong and try to cover their dirty deeds up.
I not all military people are bad but an overwhelming amount of them are scumbags who don't deserve to represent our country.

>Why do American soldiers rape and kill Asian girls in Okinawa?
Not American
African American
Niggers identify with Africa first.
Plz go back to your ancestral shit hole.

A picture is worth a thousand words, unless that word is niggers then its just worth one.

Marines are retarded
Niggers are savage retards
Not a good combo

Who cares, they probably did it because they were sick of asian rats.

Fuck you faggot chink leaf

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Really? Muh dik.

For sport mostly

Because they’re niggers

Wherever I go, I must rape.
>t. nigger

Because it's Gorilla Warfare

And the same idiots glorify the niggerfilled mutt army

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Bet that jap pussy was tight, I'm jealous

Mutts do what mutts do.

>neither victims or perpetrators are human
Who cares

Sure thing, Sanchez.
>posting on a japanese anime website

how did the japs respond to dishonurubu chocolate men deflowing their innocent girls?

I swear that there's just something in the water at Oki that causes all E-3s and below to lose their damn minds. They should either just close the base, or permanently secure liberty.

Now now Muhammad, there's no need to get muha mad

bcuz nigguhs

This isn't Reddit, José.

>Gorrilla Warfare
Ha ha ha

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man them gremlinfaces is the stuff of nightmares

Close, but you're missing an extra qualifier there.

Soldiers rape and kill wherever they are at. I used to work with this guy who was stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan who talked about killing and raping entire civilian families like everybody did it. He was also a sociopath and decided to single out and pray on this kid we worked with and manipulate and make him miserable. The kid tried to kill himself even. I don’t work at that place anymore but he’s still there. And there are many “vets” just like him. So raise a flag and salute your vets guys. Especially at sports events. They didn’t defend our country, they were mostly sociopathic mercs for jewish globalist interests who raped and murdered innocent people during their “tour”

>achmed is upset because of muh yellow fever
lol pathetic

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>Why do American soldiers rape and kill Asian girls in Okinawa?

Take a wild fucking guess.

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>not a single soldier in pic

"Our Heroes" in the Israeli Foreign Legion don't really deserve any respect. All they do is kill/rape hapless Arabs and Japanese/Korean girls.


Why do any soliders rape?

Soliders in general rape and kill wherever they go.

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Why do you dislike Japanese art on a Japanese website, Paco?

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Why are you only showing the niggas you piece of shit? I'm sure thousands of white soldiers did the same thing.

Probably the faCt they aren't allowed to own cars or go off base by themselves. Also Cinderella curfew. I would be one pissed of PFC, lance corporal , or corporal being treated like shit like that all the time

Why do american Gis rape and kill asian girls in general japan,korea and vietnam

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Behold! Witness the new Jew tactic. Anyone who disagrees with you or tells the truth about Jews is automatically a sand person. because Jews are totally not send people and like, everybody hates nuzzles ritee?


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