5 bucks says he's running for president in 18 years

5 bucks says he's running for president in 18 years.

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It's like he has a micro blackhole inside his mouth sucking his jaw and cheeks in

Quickest 5 Bucks I’ll ever win!

he would be worse than fucking jeb

they already have it planned out. This girl gonna be queen of the USA. she is 10 now

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you'll never know unless he changes his name to something catchy like deez nuts

nigga cant even get into a college with a 50% acceptance rate

5 bucks says he's dead by 2024 as a staged martyr.

Not a chance
He'll probably have died trying to come and get it by then anyways

Side note I'm really glad an arrogant know it all 100iq child is the face of the American left

Why the fuck do people care about what will happen in 18 years what the fuck is wrong with people

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Seven come eleven boys I'll take your money home

lol if he does his embarrasig stunts on twatter are well documented

With or without the Gold standard involved?

He wrote a reddit post about how he hates himself and everyone around him. Before long, he'll probably either commit suicide or end up in jail

He'll be 45 by then... And busted so no, they will do what they do with their controled puppet... Cut the string, let them fall...

Losing the Presidency in 18 years you say

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that's not nicholas cruz


can you please correct the fucking grammar in this

His 15 minutes of fame are almost up. He’s going to be irrelevant. Same for the goblin girl. They were mostly memed into relevancy anyway

President of what?

whos that?

Isn't he hopped up on Adderral? He'll probably burn out long before then. You can't sustain it, I know people who have tried.

Tree Fiddy says that in a month his usefulness as an idiot will be spent and he'll be left behind.

This guy is something akin to the Right Said Fred of politics.

Go for it. Memes will ruin his life then the skeletons will come out of the closet

He'll be the male Hillary Clinton candidate. He won't be able to think for himself and will rely on everyone around him

Right, because time and time again, the future never gets here

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A shame Mark wins the 2020 election.

He dies.

He fucking dies.

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Stop spamming your shitty punk music faggot

He's going to make America a COMMUNIST DEMOCRACY

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He will if we don't expose the Hebrew Banker Families.

Does anyone actually think he'll even be relevant in a couple months ? Media can only keep the interest in these fuckers for so long before they need fresh stuff

There weren't even any threads about this faggot on pol last night.
Shills are trying to stretch out his fifteen minutes of fame.
This clown and the goblin are out of the public consciousness thanks to the crazy vegan YT shooter.
American short term memory plus the 24 hour news cycle means they'll be forgotten by next week.

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this nigga don't have 18 years. Nasim knocked Hogg and Ems outta the memelight. One more happening and they finished

>5 bucks says he's running for president in 18 years.

would make sense. dude dad is fbi and orchestrated the whole thing. hogg looks like the fucking antichrist already anyways.

oh i truly hope so. the groomed from the womb manchurian candidate will get beat by some e-celeb youtuber in this future election.

Crisis actor.



$10 says he still wont get into any colleges by then

He would have to run as a democrat and make it through the primaries. First problem, Democrats only have primaries for show, and the outcomes are predetermined. Second problem, all he knows how to do is insult people, this won't fly when he's the white male shit talking the women and minorities running for a shot at the presidency.

>white man
>Democrat presidential candidate in 2036
Try again

>crazy vegan YT shooter.
dont talk like this about the new queen of pol

i heard 8 skykings today, we won't see what life is like in 18 years.

5 bucks says she's running for president in 18 years.

quints of truth

Within three months, no one will remember this lopsided fuck.

$1000 he'll be forgetten within 5 years

The future is fucking boring, pretty much everything is boring fuck fuck

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$10 says he dies in a car crash before hes 30. i got a eye for how people die.

some faggot tried to hop a fence on my property a few years ago. he had a heart attack. i dreampt it a day before it happened. that i was standing over him but he couldnt see me even when looking right at me and he was in so much pain from a slipped disc and he knew his friends would laugh at him and he just wanted to die so i made it so. im a nice a guy

Wise words Leaf Bro.

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kill yourself shill rat

he'd be 45 so he'd at least reach the age requirement

I read that in his voice

5 bucks says people don't know his name in a month
hes being used by the media and as soon as they get another toy theyll drop him faster than a 556 bullet at that high school

who is this?

I've got a shiny new dime that says he's a closeted power bottom.

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>5 bucks says he's running for president in 18 years
20 bucks says him jacking it in San Diego next year will derail that.

>18 years
nobody will remember him by then

Lets meme him into running for 2020

They keep recycling the crisis actors. Sweet boy that faggot from the Virginia on-air fake shooting, is now a politician, so we can expect to see David Hogg the cameras in office couple years from now.

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He won't be relevant in 6 months, let alone 18 years.

Nah, going for Congress sooner than that.

He is going to run for Frederica Wilson's seat when she retires in 2020

Screencap this

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I'll take that bet . OP

And I will raise the bet that he will be charged will sexual assault with in 5 years, as well as a DUI and an assault when he punches a girl who rejects him in a bar.

He is a loser who just peeked and it is all down hill from here.

There will be no USA in 18 years.
And the United Confederate American States would never vote for this bitch