How do (((they))) keep getting away with it???
How do (((they))) keep getting away with it???
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this i$ how
this is what these filthy rats want for us
>wanting to genocide Arabs
>a bad thing
>How do (((they))) keep getting away with it???
KYS kike
Cause they are an apartheid state.
No, but kikes double standards are amazing.
>wanting a holocaust of jews
>a bad thing
A more fitting website for a tripfag like you is plebbit, so you should head on .
We Israelis wouldn’t mind if you killed off sand niggers.
Fuck off muzzie
How do we get on their level?
Id rather we nuke both of you off the face of the globe.
Fuck muslims. Support Israel...and put them in their place so they stop fuckin us over.
Yeah but the Jews wont let that happen.
I'll take arabs over you filthy cunts any day of he week
Sandnigger lover, fuck off.
you should have been aborted.
Sandnigger loving faggot.
>Fuck muslims. Support Israel
Fuck Palestine and fuck Israel too.
Fucking sandnigger cock lover.
you know very well that arabs have been "contained" for decades, meanwhile you got jews fucking you over in your own house.
I agree, Palestinians are a pest that should be rid of.
Careful what you wish, you just might get it.
>"Muh Holocaust"
> Let's kill people in their own lands
"" you're antisemitic"
They day of the rob where our universe got cleaned from the filthy rats would be a magnificent day for humanity
We must defend Israel, at whatever the cost. They're the only democracy in the middle east and they have western values. Jews deserve at least ONE fucking nation for themselves.
fuck you nigger
Is real in this thread
And this is why bump stocks are so important -
For once, we've found something we can agree with the Jews on.
Jews are worse than Arabs. Nuke yourselves first, you Kike bastard.
Porque no los dos
Enough of this puppet state bullshit
>>"Muh Holocaust"
Never said anything
>>Let's kill people in their own lands
> "" you're antisemitic"
Never said that
>day of the rob
Of course it’s a Finn who writes like Spudro unintentionally.
How is this not absolutely based?
>Because it's Jews being ethnonationalist! REEEEE
Just sounds like ITT is salty because our Western countries are too cucked to ever accept anything like this.
the less arabs/muslims/jews the better
You want them? Take them.
>Mainly brown, low IQ peoples preferable to high IQ peoples with high percentages of European admixture
I think not.
well the last few months have been boring with all the peace
might as well do it and give us a reason
sure... why not in winnipeg? I mean, palestina was alrady claimed by palestinians.
Fuck you leaf-jew. You are the worst combination of aids in the world.
The reason why you likely don't like muslims in the first place is because jews had them sent to your country
I say don't support anyone and let them settle their disputes
It's fucking time to.finish uncle Adolf's dream.
Gas yourselves kikes. You're all lucky you're safe at home and not here where I can blow your fucking brains out.
Oh wow, what a badass.
t. Raghead apologist
I'll continue to wait for a good reason as to why this is "bad".
Amen to that. I'd play Himmler role
found the sand nigger.
And in the USA too, threatening to kill 3 American citizens on the board.
You just got added to like 8 government lists sand nigger.
They're already established there, they won't leave at this point. Plus It's their holy land, which originally belonged to the Jews. I'm not a jew, i'm a Christian. Mexicans are catholic right? Where in the bible does it say to be racist?
sebaba chever
t. Abdullah
>We must defend Israel, at whatever the cost. Jews have earned the right to have an ethnostate.
While they promote multiculturalism abroad? How does that work?
I would drink a cerveza with you, seníor burrito...on opposite sides of the wall of course.
ah but we blame the nazis for the same shit that you are doing right now, but you are good and nazis bad.... fucking hypocrites
Hey, don't sweat it Shlomo, most of us don't want to gas you. Some of us want to build holocoasters.
> Jow Forums wants to stop this
what about gas the fucking mid east subhumans, arabs and kikes together... seriously you are the worst scum on earth
Since Jews have a big nose, do they get more boogers?
Muslims and Arabs are subhuman, while we are superior to all goyim.
Americans cant shitpost.
>while we are superior to all goyim
Tell me, do you want *more* allies or *fewer* allies?
Because there's no race wide conspiracy to get away with.
You JIDF niggers are going to fucking get it just wait.
>Muslims and Arabs are subhuman,
While i do support Israel, i don't agree with that. That's a pretty messed up mindset. I hope the west defends you if you get invaded but please, stop with the racism
t. Abdullah
In a war between the civilized man and a Savage, always support the civilized man.
TRUMP IS WITH YOU ISRAEL! Trump will always stand by your side.
>please, stop with the racism
PFFFHAHAHAHA, fucking Canacuck.
While I am of the opinion that Arabs are fine as long as they stick to their own countries, perhaps unlike the poster you responded to... I believe blacks are the one race that need to be genocided HARD. As a group they are literally the scourge of the Earth.
>Still no good reason
Insecure Arab brainlet detected.
Good, we should take from their example and genocide the mexican shits who are tainting our country, dragging us down to 2nd world status.
So I'm going to try to explain this one time on /pol. Doubt it will work, but I will try.
The Jewish religion is not one organized group. It is fractured, and warring with itself. There is a joke about Jewish dinners that at a table of 6 there will be 10 opinions on any given subject.
Jews do, as a group, have a work ethic and an in-group trust system. But they are NOT one group. This isn't just along definitional lines of the religion, or just along racial lines for ashkanazi vs sefardic. Within a single family you will find massively varying opinions on every political issue under the sun.
Some Jews sincerely just want to be left alone in Israel forever. Some want to rule the world. Some want enough money for their family to never work. Some want Jewish empowerment. Some want all nations to be equal. Some want communism. Some want capitalism. They fight amongst themselves about it, but rarely kill each other over it.
Source- born Jewish, not Jewish (because circumcision is child abuse).
>wanting to genocide kikes
>a bad thing
kikes have autism and literally zero self awareness
Imagine. Imagine if we showed this same kind of solidarity and all showed up at the border to run off thousands of illegal immigrants. Or went down into some inner city and annihilated a bunch of gangsters. Imagine how our domestic media would make us out to be a bunch of racist assholes.
You fucking ugly kikes really need to fuck off back to r_d. XDD BASED JEWSS.
>Still no good reason
I also think you're mentally imploding. Do you need help, Ahmed?
so what you're saying is Hitler did nothing wrong
I have a hard time being angry about anyone killing arabs.
>having to explain to a kike that genocide is wrong
Fuck off, you faggots can go in the oven with the kike.
We will suffer the blowback. You will too obviously but I don’t care about you at all and want every single jew to be dead.
There are 30 times more Arabs than there are jews on this planet. The old notion of “you can’t kill them all” doesn’t apply to jews when almost half of your race lives within a 100 mile radius of Tel Aviv. The other half lives in the US mostly in jewish enclave “ghettos”. I’m not saying it would be easy to kill all of you but it would absolutely be possible.
>t. right proper goy whose 75 IQ isnt enough to see that every single problem 1st world has with arabs is orchestrated by kikes.
>born jewish, not jewish
whatever you say schlomo
>Be Natsoc
>wants to kill muzzies
>muh "Joos" have common interest
>"WTF I love muzzies now"
... Said every major dynasty in history.
Jews have survived longer than nearly any other discrete group, certainly longer than any other group that was predominantly migratory throughout its history.
Seriously, name another group that for the last 2,000 years has been dispersed around the globe but still survived and retained a consistent identity?
>a whole bunch of Jews and Muslims are thinking about killing a whole bunch of Muslims and Jews
Sounds like good news. Wish they would hurry up and nuke each other.
Yeah, knew the actual red pill of Judaism would never work on /pol. Fair enough fascist pig.
>smart enemies trying to kill you are better then dumb enemies trying to kill you
fuck off ivan. jews killing sand niggers and vice versa does everyone else a favor. I hope Iran goes full retard on Israel and the house of Saud and lights that whole region up like Nagasaki
Just stop dragging us into it
You have to go back nigger
World super powers backing them?
With great chutzpah.
>wanting to genocide Jews
>a bad thing
Not a chance. I like my 1st and 2nd amendments too much.
It was a joke
Don't forget that a lot of Arabs were white before racemixing was pushed
When they came for me there was nobody left, I was all alone.
Yes, what's the point otherwise?
>t. noseberg
>looks at flag
Then take the goose in your pocket and fly to Israel to help them, syrupfag.