
What happens if you inject a tranny with their CORRECT hormones?
>a man thinks he's a woman
>instead of feeding them estrogen you give them T
What happens?
Are there studies?

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No user he won't be your gf accept that you're a faggot, it's better for you

there is this 3$ dollar pill that apparently has great success but its censored a bunch

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Its the prevalence of T that makes them anxious and stressed out. Which is why they do HRT to make themselves feel more emotionally stable. Injecting more T is like drinking more water while you're drowning.

they usually kill themselves desu
a lot of cases about that

wut about FTM? Similar logic?

dunno im not FTM im MTF so I can only tell you about how it worked for me

What pill wtf?
Yeah got any studies faggot?
Their low T causes them to be trannies. Why would I help them become more feminized?

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Trannies are suicidal.

Suicide happens

Not much I'd imagine since shemales hit the wall around their mid 30s anyway.

>Their low T causes them to be trannies.
no its the brain chemistry, HRT lessens anxiety and stress related problems caused by prevalence of T in the body.

Is Trump a tranny because he uses finasteride to lower his T to prevent hairloss? No.

>Its the prevalence of T that makes them anxious and stressed out.
I'm pretty sure it's their mental illness that does it. Not the testosterone itself. Trannies need to be killed.

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yeah bruce jenner was a soyboy

Inject trannys with ricin.

I don't think it would work simply because of all the mtf trannies that juice and get ripped only to throw it away and go on girl pills when they can't stand being a man anymore. It's actually not that rare.

best solution

When my cousin told my grandma she was going to be a boy and a doctor was signing off on it. My grandma was clearly distraught and said ‘user why wouldn’t your doctor just give you more estrogen if you don’t feel like you’re a girl? Anyone who gives you testosterone before trying estrogen should be horse whipped!’ My grandma is my favorite.

If the tranny is an autogynephile AND sex addict (hence wanting to be a woman all the time to be turned on all the time), then more T will make him more horney and he'll want to be more feminine more often.

You're a MTF tranny?
Have you tried injecting T and lifting?
What are your T levels?

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This proves my point more
Bruce was fine until he stopped the steroids which caused his balls to shrivel up and he had low T after he was an athlete

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My name is Nevada. Im a 19 year old girl, blonde, 5'7, blue eyes, 138lbs.
My hair goes down to my butt, I put it into a single thick braid down the back because im a warrior.
I am fit (not a muscle fag), I do mma and I hate niggers. Heil Hitler.
I live in Maine on the coast in a 900'000$ house overlooking the water.
I run and train on my beach.
I have had sex with all three of my brothers (white) one of whom is now dead.
I shoot guns and I am fearless, I also am a fast runner. Also I like to climb mountain faces and free climb.
Also, I recognize that women are inferior to men in a general sense, but in an individual sense I am superior to most of you in all ways. I dont have a job, my brothers and daddy buy me what I want. I have no mother.
My dad and bros are all over 6 feet tall my dad is 6'5. We are all fit and we travel together and go camping.

Youre all fat. Kill yourselves

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They still get sterilized. The male birth control trials used test, hormonal birth control in women is est

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>I have had sex with all 3 of my brothers

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Estrogen does wonders for schizophrenia

yeah wtf....

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You let your brothers run a train on you?
More story, thread derailed.

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I live in Maine too, holla

Fucking retarded underageb&s don’t recognize shitty copypasta

You fuckos make this place worse. >>>/reddit/

Also saged

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stop posting your garbage music everywhere

It isnt even pasta friendo, I am pasta master and this isnt pasta

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>brain chemistry doesn’t have anything to do with hormone levels

why are you cocksniffers replying to this larping neckbeard? goddamn this board is such shit now.

I'm pretty sure the majority of transgender cases are nothing but psychological, some impressions in the subconscious, others relating to autism which
also strengthens the other.

Why is the majority of it all in Western countries? Because we're soft, our society is just an abstraction now, we're not surviving based on our biological abilities
anymore, men don't hunt, women are abandoning their traditional roles, we abide by laws created by man which are in all, just concepts, not reality its self. Media is if
not the biggest role. I think what most transgenders identify with is these figments of what female is being projected by our media. They want to embrace those concepts in
full; they see females being adored, cared for, and in all just femininity. But if we break away our abstract society, we become what we're biological assigned as, we fall into t
he masculine and feminine roles which is but by birth alone, who we are. Let's take away the makeup, nice clothes, men putting them on pedestals and such.

You'll see a complete different picture of what a woman is. Totally reliant on the strongest man, dirty just as a man - there's barely nothing to cover - women are much ugly
without makeup. They become nothing but breeders and carer's for man's child. If this is also all applied, man loses his hypersexuality about women. He won't see women
as such a beautiful thing, just something to have breed with. What kind of man would want to lower himself as a woman then? This destroys the transgender's argument - some
kill themselves before 30 - why? Because they can't live up to their false notation of what a female is being projected by our society, they aren't "cute" anymore or adored, they've
also become old and ugly and hit a wall of a very sad broken life - while the biological female on the other hand has hopefully achieved kids at this age while raising a family, which
the tranny cannot, in all prolonging the actual woman's usefulness to the world and man.

No idea, but anti-psychotic medication tends to get rid of the delusion that they're the opposite gender.

It works if you stick them in the funny farm where they fucking need to be under constant supervision and given the correct hormone balance and nutrients to grow into healthy adults

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Why do most trannies have high test traits, it's almost like there is a conspiracy to attack men with high test

any tranny that doesnt just cut their balls off is faking it.

if you inject them the correct hormones an SJW will teleport behind you and kill you on the spot for being intolerant

post benis

fuck the comment limit, i couldnt articulate myself properly due to it, but if you think deeply what i said
it all becomes so apparent. why do most trannies on the internet love anime in particular? because they
identify with the concept of anime girls, being cute and transcended in someway, which is not how women actually
are. if we break down what a woman is sheathed in by our abstract society, i doubt many people would identify as a
"woman", they're just identifying with false notations when you think about it.

It would cure them of their delusion. But they won't do it because democrats need delusional mentally ill people to vote for them or they'd never win again

Pimozide. It's clinically effective in suppressing unnatural gender dysphoria tendencies and in a case study, completely eliminates them over a 6mo course.

And the kicker, it's safer than the HRT drugs and antagonist hormone suppressors which will fry your liver, kidneys and give you cancer within 5 years.

because i'm bored

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if you feed the pimozide they stop being delusional

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Yeah. It's the other way around.

Do you have the study

you missed out that it doesn't make you infertile, and therefore unable to produce children

How big is your girl dick?

Why aren't they using this? I guess they want white men to be tranny freaks

do you actually believe it's possible that it's not delusional for a genetic man to actually be a woan? and vice versa?

>Why aren't they using this? I guess they want white men to be tranny freaks

Holly fuck it live in Ontario I saw them in some kikebook group I got kicked from for trying to get them to kill themselves

Not without future science

is such a thing evenpossible?

>in a case study
A single patient was treated with this. One person. That is it. We have no idea if it works on anyone else.

good bait

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You're implying trannies are well balanced emotionally as a result of their hormone therapy.
something that seems to only be true for SOME of the passable ones.
Consider how long Bailey Jay and Danielle Foxxx held the spotlight as the only passable mainstream trannys in porn. It's not super common.

Why wouldn't it be? We literally just need to pour a trillion or two into minimalisation. Really really small robots
Rather than treating a cancer you jist inject these femtobots and they btfo the tumour physically (although Russia is doing this with lasers atm that's a good idea)
Same as with a tranny, you injecg the femtobots and they fix their fucked up brain so they're not trannies anymore

Crits hows it going?

I actually think women should be fed high levels of estrogen to hyper develop their bodies.

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based norway identifies the feminizing agents that are turning our traps gay

Your discord is a pathetic /soc/ shithole. Not related.

el goblina

What would happen, if instead of Estrogen or Testosterone, they take cyanide? What happens? Are there studies?

Femto means a quadrillionth
Blame the Danes

>Is Trump a tranny because he uses finasteride to lower his T to prevent hairloss? No.
but it explains why he posts on twitter all the time


the mountin jews?

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Mountain jews are the Swiss, no?
Femto is derived from femten, which means fifteen in Dänsk, because the prefix femto means 10^(-15)

kys tranny demon

Female hormones are the correct hormones for me. Not testosterone. You can miss me with that shit.

>t. Trans woman

Trans people are fucking disgusting


hmm, where have I heard this prefix before, hmmmm

You are a son of Satan

Take pimozide now.

why do you think girls raised on fast food develop so quickly?

Femto not fem
Come on dude no need to act illiterate

It worked once. Surely it should be tested on more to see if the results are replicatable.

Well...imagine, for a second, that gender dysphoria is caused by a hormone imbalance; what would happen if that balance is restored? Are you afraid to find out?


>b-but the imbalance is trhat my brain says i need deadly levels of a hormone i don't produce naturally at high levels!!!

Hi satan.

Good post, except for the bit about women without makeup being ugly. I think it's more that people are so used to seeing the makeup, that they forget what makes a woman naturally attractive.

I find women more attractive without makeup, but yeah, what I mean is women wouldn't be able to hide from their true nature. But the biggest
factor is absence of masculine activities in our society, we aren't using our full potential, and if these trannies were engaged into that, becoming
a woman wouldn't cross their mind because they're too busy being a man and knowing it's their actual role in life too, objectively.

>You can miss me with that shit
Yes, I took the bait. I fucking hate you.


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owo whats this

the opposite case isnt rare either, in fact the first thing a psych does in normal countries with prospective trannies, before recommending hrt, is exercise, health, hygiene, social effort, job, education, no more internet, tv, etc, more books, music, hobbies, and other lifestyle changes to a more integrated person, and only once the person is fully healthy and still wants it, they derive to board of psychs to determine if its not mental illness,then comes hrt

>Why wouldn't it be?
Because a Samsung Galaxy running iOS is not an iPhone.

I tried injecting T last year while I was repressing but it made my dysphoria worse. I wanted the mental stability but not the biceps and deltoids. I was too angry as a man, anyway. Estrogen has made me much happier :)

Hope you guys don't try to kill me on TDOTR.

-Former 11D

Speaking of Pimozide




>-Former 11D
I hope that means "biological XX woman with 11D boobs.

If you're biologically a man pretending to be a woman, you are the most evil kind of person there is

its an mos a gay pog mos