The fifth amendment is an Obama joke!

The fifth amendment is an Obama joke!

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That only applies to American citizens.

>repelling invaders is banned by the fifth amendment
time for Judd to go under the dirt with the rest of the legumes

When did Mexico ratify the US Constitution?

rights are for citizens you dipshit

>Several 20th century Jewish Legum families living in the USA trace their origins to Lygumai.
what a coincidence

No it doesn't. The Bill of Rights is universal to anyone on American soil. This has been repeatedly established in constitutional law.

Two of whom Obama actually killed by drone strike without due process.

Soon libshits will be declared noncitizens as well. Deport or execute.

go post it on twitter nobody cares. sage

Due process is a thing, quit trying to make light of it. Jesus fucking christ. I want em out too but god damn.

probably talking about citizens though

The constitution applies to everyone in the world?!

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>fence jumpers are people

>implying the fifth amendment somehow has any relation to deportations
Thats some real Jewish word twisting.

>constitution applies to everyone

>it's another "nu/pol/ slept through civics class" episode
I wish you fucking niggers at least tried different from niggers

>Due process is a thing
For citizens committing crimes. Not invaders.

>army invades
>can't fight them off because that'd be depriving them of life without due process
This is why Israel is my favorite country. No due process, just blasting Palestinians.

That's why you shoot them in the act of invasion. They are violating our sovereign borders and we must kill them BEFORE they set foot on American soil and get the protection of our overly-generous legal system (that, honestly, shouldn't protect them anyway).

>The Bill of Rights is universal to anyone on American soil
Is that why noncitizens have no right to bear arms?

Civil war, baby!

guys, we have to give the hajis due process. we cant just fuckin bomb their huts. send out summons to all terrorists right now and wait for them in court

Wow, that is an impressive amount of ignorance and stupidity.

>Illegal aliens are citizens REEEEEEEEEE

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Cite one of these repeated precedents

If so, then Brits can arm up and shoot Muzzies. God Bless the 2nd Amendment!

until obama droned a sand nigger exercising his first amendment

Retard will cite the ninth circus court, probably

So the Revolutionary War was Americans killing other Americans?

I thought it was good Dot

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The laws trump refers to are the laws governing what "due process" is made up of. i.e.: the federal immigration statutes which describe how and what the "process" is.

The law the clueless soyboy refers to is the broad, overarching right to receive such due process.

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non-whites were never supposed to be citizens and share our rights

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Are you telling me that watching a foreign host walk over your border isn't due process.

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People who are not citizens should have no rights... If you are born under American citizens then all rights should be given.

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>no person
nice twist, its no citizen

not even Obama believed this retard.
He droned people at weddings
He droned people sleeping
He droned people eat breakfast
Noncitizens have no due process claim

Due process of the will to power maybe

Right, citizens get this, illegals get deported

Are they saying constitutional amendments should be held sacred?

Yick Wo v. Hopkins 1886
Boumediene v. Bush 2008
Almeida-Sanchez v. United States 1973
Bridges v. Wixon 1945
Wong Wing v. United States 1896
Fong Yue Ting v. United States 1893
Nisimura Ekiu v. United States 1892

Literally yes, one third of the country was loyalist. However the Constitution did not exist in the Revolutionary War so you should fuck off, retard.

He didn't drone anyone on US soil, you dumb kike.

Yes, noncitizens have the right to bear arms. The only partial exception is nonresident noncitizens, who must have a hunting license/permit to do so. There are a few other cases (such as voting) where the constitution explicitly says a particular right applies only to citizens.

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So if we were invaded by a foreign army they would be protected under our constitution?

kill yourself shill rat

Pick and choose words from the 5th amendment

>No person shall be held to answer for a crime, >except in cases in the Militia, when in actual >service in time of public danger; without just >compensation.

Yes, because Article VI of the Constitution decrees that international treaties - such as the ones we signed protecting the rights of enemy combatants - are legally binding on us.

An illegal immigrant does not have the right to be in the US, so deporting them does not deprive them of life, liberty or property.

So what happens when the Chinese send a billion people to America and they take over the government? This is legal, huh?


Nice try.

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The constitution does not apply to none US citizens.

What you're telling me is the moment a citizen steps outside US soil they no longer have any of their rights?

Deportation is nor the deprivation of life, nor liberty, nor property.

Then had the dallas pd use a killstreak rcxd on a cornered suspect from that rampage a few years ago. Or the blatant 4th amendment violations of Obamas FISA abuse using his understaff to infringe upon unmasked citizens without due process as TIs of a political espionage conspiracy. Not a theory, but a blatant seditious use of federal assets deployed on U.S. law abiding citizens. King nigger will hang or diaf for his obamanation against "white" america who otherwise obeyed the constitution amd upheld moral and righteous family values.

you fasicst the supreme court has ruled that anyone anywhere in the world can be an american and that every person on american soil gets the full rights of a citizen. Think of how the holocaust happened because of people like you who got over 6 million killed for being a nazi

Nice try. This has only been "established" by people who deliberately went against the law of the land. The only thing that is afforded to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (it's in the name, stupid) is a trial to send them back. When you go on vacation and commit a crime in another country, you will stand before a judge and if found guilty, will be sent back. ITS THE SAME FUCKING CONCEPT, EXCEPT BY ENTERING THE COUNTRY THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW. WHEN FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW YOU ARE RETURNED TO YOUR COUNTRY.
If you want to talk law, you better get your head out of your ass and look around you, kiddo. Now fuck off, lurk more, and eat a dick

>he didn’t drone anybody on us soil!
okay lemme get this straight, American citizens lose their god given rights once they leave the country but as soon as Pablo shows up, he’s entitled to full legal representation?

am I being detained officer?

>people who believe in due process are shills
the absolute state of the_donald 2.0

The Bill of Rights doesn't apply to non citizens.

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Yeah, you clearly are lost. At least you tried.

Supreme court never ruled that non citizens get the rights of a citizen

>an invading army has constitutional rights
>sorry general, we can’t shoot down that nuclear bomber
>as soon as they hit us airspace that Russian got fifth amendment protection
>not enough time to staple a warrant to a missile
What kind of Talmudic shit is this?

The constitution only applies to American citizens, not taco niggers who can't do shit except leech off better countries.
Instead of sending them back, they should be catapulted into the ocean.

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thank you, I try

As non citizens, the only due process that they should get is verifying that they are not citizens. After that, treat them as foreign invaders.

Pseudo and homosexual

The courts are wrong, traitorous faggots.

Every single one of these cases either dealt with people who were naturalized citizens or dealt with laws that could apply to citizens (which are shat on by the supreme court). Nothing necessarily indicates that non-citizens are fully protected by the constitution.

NOT ONLY THAT but that doesn't mean shit either way. These may set somewhat of a standard but that can very easily be changed depending on the situation. There isn't a single fucking bit of the constitution that explicitly protects non-citizens. You're a fucking idiot.

the border patrol should just shoot them

This is unironically a good argument for revamping the 5th amendment to be more specific.

So the war of 1812 was also Americans fighting Americans?

I agree with your statement and sentiment, but this is a lost battle. The constitutional amendment that allowed citizenship for non-whites was implemented properly, legally, and according to the same unchanged process that was crafted in 1787 at the convention.

Oh my God you're going to have to stop posting right now. Just don't post any more at all okay?

unfortunately not...
5th amendment: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
the key word here is "Person" and not "Citizen", and the USSC has ruled since 1886 that a "Person" is anyone that is in the US and facing prosecution for a US law. Meaning we do have to try them and confirm they are illegal aliens before deporting them once they illegally enter the country.

Quote precedent faggot

I can only hope that you are in law school and try to defend people on these merits. That or you must be on the west coast and believe that it isnt the most over turned appeals court in the country.
The fourteenth amendment to the constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens. It says: 'Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.' These provisions are universal in their application, to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality; and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws. It is accordingly enacted by section 1977 of the Revised Statutes that 'all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right, in every state and territory, to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.'

The 5th amendment only applies to US Citizens as does the rest of the Constitution, this homo needs to stop sucking dick, and start reading up on law...

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So declare people illegally crossing the border enemy combatants. Done.

its what needs to be done, but will not be because too many progressives currently in office and too much fear by conservatives that doing so will erode their base

The Constitution of America protects American citizens.
Illegal immigrants are not American citizens.

those who are not citizens or guests of the state should require no trial, as any rights we afford them are merely afforded on principal and courtesy

Dindu Process

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you people are so fucking dumb lol

of course the fifth ammendment is valid for all people, due process is there to protect the citizens

if I dropped you butt naked in the sonora desert over at the border and called the border patrol on you you'd be asking for due process to prove you belong in the country


>Triggered federal circuit court judicial clerk here

I'm not even going to read this goddamn thread, but I'm going to point out that the 5th Amendment doesn't apply to deportations. Deportation is a CIVIL fucking action and not a criminal one.

Suck my dick liberals. And I hope every one of you deported spics gets decapitated.

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Says right there "without due process of law"
Getting illegals to leave the country they illegally entered is considered due process of law

only if its in Jewish interests

Check. This

Check. No you fucking retard. NATURAL BORN CITIZENS

Trips. Of. Truth.


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I'm a little drunk, but basically there is no deprivation "of life, liberty, or property" in an instant deportation since your taco bell ass isn't entitled to be here PERIOD.

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Check. This

defend the borthers
OP is a faggot

The retardation ITT is second to none

It was written long time ago when the US was an ethnostate. White and brown people cannot live understand the same law.

Where the fuck was I for all this? Can you red pill me on this please. Ty desu

They have to be subjugates of US law, inferring citizens. They are illegal aliens, therefore not citizens, and subsequently not entitled to due process.