Why did Trump cut U.S aid to almost every country, but increased the aid to Israel?

Why did Trump cut U.S aid to almost every country, but increased the aid to Israel?

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zoophilia is illegal in many jurisdictions, user


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does this never get old?

Who dat 1s?

not in canada it ain't

its 4D chess

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Because he's a fucking jew lover?

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Why are we subsidizing countries that haven't developed the means to support themselves?

Proofs faggot. Until then sage.

it won't ever get old. Stale overused jokes that appear 20 times in a thread are the bread and butter of this place.

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Israel is traditionalist, pro-borders, anti-diversity, and anti-Islam. They're about as close to Jow Forums:the country as will ever exist. Why shouldn't we support them?

Counterfeit bills


Israel is a US military outpost and Jews control USA

Choice 1) Start a war with Syria to shut Israel the hell up.
Choice 2) Increase aid to Israel to shut Israel the hell up.

1 was Clinton. 2 Was Trump.


Those billions that could go to helping "Americans First" will go to enriching the globalist Zionist agenda.

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no u

I cry a little inside everytime I see that picture. He didn't deserve what happened to him.

Israel is our ally in a hostile part of the middle east. It's in our best interest.

Everywhere else is just a handout.

Thanks for the laughs, friend!

What else is the US military even for if not dying for Israel?
Israel #1!!

mere coincidence

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man darth vader looks weird

Living in Canada, one could say the same.

and to Saudi??

isn't this obvious?

things will change. soon.