Genuine question
Answer this Drumpfies
You pee off the roof we throw you off of
Gendered bathrooms make no sense and serve no purpose.
fpbp everyone
also sage
Wrong. You are a boy or girl.
The toilet for the disabled.
also, instead of chimping out as if you have no other options, just use the fucking handicap single washroom... it's there to be used by the disabled after all.
We need government funded litter boxes for all faggots.
In Hell.
Wtf? There are only two genders what are you talking about?
The mental asylum has gender neutral bathrooms
We've seen how the law of unintended consequences worked when the children screaming for gun control got clear backpacks.
So the answer is simple... make all bathrooms in high schools unisex. Let them choke on that for a while.
I know this is a shitty bait thread but I would say use which ever bathroom you look the most like.
>That gif
In the oven
Just because it's bait doesn't mean we can't have fun with it.
Pee in a synagogue
In the Forrest.
They should ask the Indians??
>calling a webm a gif
every time a burger
In the padded cell we put you in.
You pee in the loony bin we send you to.
Look at the area between your thighs.
Is there a fleshy appendage, 3+ inches long, down there?
If yes, the "Male" bathroom is for you.
If no, the "Female" bathroom is for you.
If you don't know, the Mental Health Institutions is for you.
Same place where you put the trash
In the fucking bathroom
>ending a sentence in a preposition
You uneducated regards will never get anyone to listen to you.
Retards* Fucking Samsung
>You uneducated regards will never get anyone to listen to you.
They were originally implemented to protect women which is why we now need to >make all bathrooms in high schools unisex. Let them choke on that for a while.
Which will eventually lead to them wanting bathrooms to protect women again
Wherever we place the gallows.
In the alley like the whore you are
on my face and body pls
Wherever alien lifeforms pee.
>no one will listen to you because you can't into english
>can't spell
You're either a woman or a retarded phoneposter
in the gas chamber before passing out dead
In the oven.
the gas chamber
Phone poster. Should I sit at my computer all day like you cringy fat fucks? Yeah, no. Fuck yourself, nigger lover.
pee pee in my bum bum
In a diaper with the rest of the babies
In an adult diaper because you fail at life
seriously do we have to tech these retards how to use the bathroom now
Just go to San Fran and piss in the streets. You can shit there too if you so's trending these days! :)
They've moved on to snorting condoms.
Outside with the other animals
in the gas chamber
At home.
It’s a bogus question for one simple reason, you ARE a boy or a girl fuckstick, now act accordingly and stop whining about your piss as if anybody else on earth gives a flying fuck
In the toilet!
Just piss and shit yourself in public. Your kind only want attention anyway, so thats another good way to get it.
In hell faggot
In the woods like the animal you are.
In the Looney bin
Don't give them that idea.
They might do it.
came here to post this
at the doctors office while you wait for them to fix you
I found your solution
What's on your birth certificate?
from the bullet hole in your brain
And just to top it off, this disgusting human being is also wearing a choker
first post halal post
awful post, but correct intent
Go pee in the sink for all I care.
Listen. If you're above the age of 4 and you don't know where to pee, that's YOUR FUCKIN PROBLEM. That is a problem for the disabled/handicapped and infants
That's your future gang.
How about,
you put a Bullet in your malfunction of a brain, and your dilemma is solved
based islam WINS
>where do i pee?
the toilet hopefully, but with these people you never know
close the thread, that's good enough
You get to go to the oven.
Based Islam always has your back when it comes to gays and trannies.
Jow Forums here
Go innawoods
There is only one gender. Women are objects
Just stick XY on one door and XX on the other.
diaper, next question
Your pants.
We have clear backpacks, obviously now we need clear bathrooms
somewhere else
Then you don't exist, sorry.
Outside by the tree
The gas chamber.
Piss on your parents graves for raising you so badly.
FP Akbar
That thing won't need to worry about peeing in a gas chamber.
How did mankind manage to cope for hundreds of years with gender segregated defecation facilities before millennials showed up with their translogical idiocy ? Show a little common decency. If your sexual fetish (all this gender bullshit is sexual fetish based) is uncontrollable then you should not be allowed in public restrooms. You are a mentally unstable sexual pervert, and may be dangerous.