The Wajokowskis

Were the Wakjowskis brothers woke and did they make The Matrix to expose TPTB? Or, did they just make it because "this shit is cool, bruh"?

Subsequently, were they MKUltra'd for making it, which caused them to change sexes?

I only want yes or no answers in this thread. Also, please remember that this is a Christian thread so no cursing is allowed.

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Could you go into a little bit more detail with your answer, for fuck sakes?

What's funny is this one looks like my prom date today, but I graduated in 88. She didn't look like that then, and after the prom she dissed me. Now she's a never-married spinster druggy who looks like a tranny. And she looks like this tranny - except for real hair instead of yarn WTF

No, and fuck them for ruining the whole fucking Matrix shit with their god awful tranny garbage, can't even watch anything Matrix related anymore because all I think about is these fucking ugly retards


We didn't ask for your life's story. Stick to yes or no answers with the topic at hand.

Yes or no only, please.


nigga u old

how'd he diss you?

your thread sucks, gtfo


Get lost, canacuck.


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>Christian thread so no cursing is allowed.

Matrix is a basic cyber dystopian story not nessicarily left or right wing.

Commies and fascists both like it as an allegory for the NWO and ZOG, they just thought it was cool.

Matrix was all stolen ideas mashed together and was basically just a lefty meme about the evil of white businessmen. When it was new we were excited that it might have some franchise potential but it fell apart like a turn in the rain.

The Wakjowskis weren't MKULTRA'ed they were always degenerate. Their first movie was a Lebsian softcore porn, its not really surprising they both fantasized about being women.

As for actually becoming women so late in life, I suspect they did it to try and save their careers. What's odd is that it didn't work and they were passed over for the matrix reboot. They must have pissed somebody off.

they mostly stole the plotline from another artist and misunderstood baudrillard's theories

in spite of that, its still a good movie

they revealed too much with the knowledge they were given, as punishment they were forced to turn into trannies

Wachowskis INVENTED the Red Pill. Turns out that pill is blood and estrogen

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they completely exposed the NWO illuminati system and were subsequently forced to sex change

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is that the expiry date of his passport?

>I only want yes or no answers in this thread
Since when is /tv/ a dictat... oh wait.

They are fetishists living their perverted dreams under the guise of transsexualism.

ahahha I had no idea both of these clowns transitioned this is hilarious, they are fucking hideous... and I never realized they were behind that degenerate trainwreck sense8... hahahaha it all makes so much sense hahahahah

The trannies stole the entire plot from a schizophrenic black woman (she designed the oracle around herself) who submitted her science fiction to them years ago after they had put an ad in the paper asking for submissions. She never got a response.

>a schizophrenic black woman

fuck you nigger

Yup. If you think about it, the Matrix is basically one big plotified smorgasbord of classic schizophrenic symptoms. Persecution, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, etc

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>Were the Wakjowskis brothers woke and did they make The Matrix to expose TPTB?

No, they were shills, fucking transgender queer kikes. Note-- Episode one was fairly redpilled, but they probably wanted some commercial success, so they help back on the cuckoldry, and produced a gripping sci fi movie.

Once they had done that, they went full SJW cuck level. Point---- Notice how in the Matrix movies, 100 percent of the 'bad guys' were always white men.

The "good guys'' was heavily racemixed, and their oasis utopia? Zion. Yeah shut it down.

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