>Dude tries to blow up a Sam's Club.
>Didn't even kill anyone.
>Check the trunk. He's a Dominoes driver
Can leafs get any more pathetic?
>Dude tries to blow up a Sam's Club.
>Didn't even kill anyone.
>Check the trunk. He's a Dominoes driver
Can leafs get any more pathetic?
>A failed terroist attack doesn't even get one second of news coverage
Canada everyone. Oh, but of course if some white person said the word "nigger" then it would literally be a national incident that would get 24/7 coverage
so recent happenings we have mcdonalds, carl's jr, and now domino's
Ontario, California.
Hey OP its Ontario California...brainlet
honda civic so it's either a gook or a weeaboo
Lol like there's a difference
>American education at its finest
It’s fucking Ontario, California, you absolute retard
I’m close to Ontario every day, I’m as pale as they come and let me tell you, there are more mudslides here than whites. So OFC I’m not surprised at this.
Sorry I heard the fruity sound of the citizen's fairy faggot accent in the video and I automatically assumed it was a Leaf shithole
naa lots of regular people drive civics because they're cheap and reliable
if it had a retarded wing and a fartcan i'd agree
just look at it, tons of nigger rigging going on
Probably just some faggot millennial pizza-driver whose heavily-modded vape exploded in his car in the sam's club parking lot.
Ontario California, Ontario Canada doesn't have Sam's Club.
It happened in california, but canadians are stupid tho lol
>buying your bomb parts from sams club
lel should went to target, then he would’ve hit his mark
Spics can't even set off bombs right.
It’s Ontario,California
Suspect claimed he was trying to stop a madman with that bomb, not realizing that the store has no relations to the Hyde corp.
I dunno, the car doesn't look like a Subaru WRX.
>dominos driver bombing a sam's club
>not embedding bombs into pizzas so he will forever be known as the 'Pizza Bomber"
So are all these shitty bombings all just false flags to get people to think that bombs aren't actually way more dangerous than guns?
TIL the US also has a place called ontario too
California might as well be Canada.
This and white hispanic.
I'm suspicious as fuck about whenever the mainstream press makes a claim about someone's race.
Presented without comment:
Bombing suspect Hugo Gonzales, 49.
>have cause
>try to convince people to said cause through fear and violence
>it doesn't work
The Ontario Bomber was a POC, (but not Muslim) here is why that's important
looks like an unmarked pig mobile
Nice viral ad
>when inbred arabs try to terror without kike psyOPs help
Wait, so we can spread our patheticness to ahmeds? That's good actually
Oh shit, that's my Sam's Club!
It's in Southern Califonia OP.