The war is live, and it will not be televised. Watch the water. War has begun.
A large subterranean base off the coast of California has just been destroyed by benevolent factions. Expect a large event as retaliation. April showers bring May flowers.
The Alliance received credible intelligence that another dimensional portal machine was being developed by the Cabal at a secret underground base under Seefin Mountain, near Glenbeigh, in County Kerry, Ireland. The Alliance stormed the base fatally wounding a number of Cabal foot soldiers. After searching multiple laboratories, they captured and interrogated 2 Cabal scientists who revealed secret documents of a massive Mirader Invasion of the Earth, possibly as early as August 2018. A study of the dimensional portal machine revealed technology that could not have been made by human beings. Rather than destroy the machine, the Alliance attempted to turn it on. A howling hellish screeching sound was heard and the mountain began to vibrate. A Strange alien beast-like creature began to materialize at the portal epicenter. The base's ceiling began collapsing and the CERN machine's components began to explode. The Alliance immediately destroyed the portal with the fail-safe they set up and escaped just as the underground base collapsed. 2 Alliance members were injured in the process and were treated with first aid on the spot. A large plum of smoke emitted from the mountain for about an hour during a dark moonless night. No suspicions arouse from the local villagers in Glenbeigh. More info as it arrives...
Underground basis do exist according to Phil Schnieder and they are all connected
Brayden Murphy
Notice how there is no build up on the California EQ on the right. And on the left a normal EQ how there is some build up with sustained shaking. Cali EQ decays immediately with no small aftershocks after. This is highly indicative of explosions or man made disturbance.
Not to mention eyewitness accounts saying it was a strong jolt with a decay rolling quake after.
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, an April shower is rain during the month of April. One of the major causes of the often heavy downpours is the position of the jet stream.[1] In early spring, the jet stream starts to move northwards, allowing large depressions to bring strong winds and rain in from the Atlantic. In one day the weather can change from springtime sunshine to winter sleet and snow. The track of these depressions can often be across Ireland and Scotland bringing bands of rain followed by heavy showers (often of hail or snow) and strong blustery winds
yeah he said something like this shit would happen today. interesting as I've always though that shit was a slide op, guess there is something to the guy. bumperino
I don't know what Q's obsession with bunkers is. Maybe he was dare I say right, and we fucked up clowns in an underground bunker off the course of Jewifornia?
Jose Butler
what in the literal fuck am I looking at? gonna need the QRD
Benjamin Butler
>December 3, 2011 Kys larper SAGE ALL FIELDS
Bentley Smith
you need to go back
Carter Carter
theres a hyperloop that goes from that underwater base, through the getty center, to edwards air force base. its how they planned on getting all the valuable art out in the event of war. also whats under the getty center? hmm
Aiden Moore
i felt it. it was a big bump, and then the ground shaking like we were on a boat, slow and liquid, not up and down bumping.
Henry Cox
Is it the underground Nazis? Have they come to save us?
I still kinda think you're larping. But if you're not don't put cryptic phrases in your op like "watch the water" and "april showers bring may flowers". It makes you seem like a fag. You did bring all these maps and "evidence" so I take back my low effort accusation. I'll play along. Where did you get this info btw?
For what it's worth I used to mess around with audio engineering as a hobby and the waveform on the left immediately stands out to me as being created by something and not a natural occurence. In audio engineering the term is actually called a "plosive". No lie. The pic related isn't great but you get the point.
I was quoting Q, I know yall dont like him round these parts.
Anyways, sources of info.
1. EQ data came directly from IRIS so its legit, and the signatures are very unnatural compared to other regular EQ's.
2. That picture was taken today from the LA Times, cant repost it but its in the thread. There is deff smoke billowing out from that Island.
3. Underground base map is from Phil Schneider, who was a former USGS Geologist and Engineer for the gov. He has numerous presentations on YouTube, this underground base/tunnel map is one of the few online. They are very hard to find.
Julian Foster
Isaiah Bell
i hope. current world is getting a bit stale.
James Adams
APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS. I knew I felt a disturbance in the force over the past week. Now it makes sense. Thank you, I am still learning how this works.
It's an earthquake creating bomb. Explosions are a lot more efficient underground, where the displacement is ground and earth, not just air. It causes shockwaves that would surely destroy open cavities like a bunker.
Did you idiots really think an earthquake destroyed NK's nuclear bases? LOL
Carson Sanders
Hyperloop passes under dyess afb as well... speculating it connects to Denver airport
Yeah at this point when Q posting it's probably best to not refer to him or any of his phrases. Pol is so poisoned against him that you have to leave any reference to Q out of it to get the info across. Reminder to everyone that Phil Schneider was murdered by cia niggers or the like.
Im in florida. Over the past month there have been several instances where there was a prolonged, and very thunderous booming sound that rattled houses. I was convinced one of them was either an earthquake or a massive sink hole opening up because it had enough energy to make the windows rattle and picture frames slap against the wall. When I checked online there were no recent earthquakes anywhere nearby. Wonder if that shit was related. I've felt earthquakes before.. this didnt feel like it.. it had a rolling quality to it and it felt like it was travelling north fairly rapidly. Much more like a concussion from an explosion than anything else.. I didnt really sperg on it too much at the time.. Wonder if that was related.
This is important to understand, so read carefully. The explosion from the MOP is not the damage. They send in surveyors to make sure the phenomena they are trying to achieve can be done. The shockwaves are more efficient in earth, and when they hit the cavity it creates a resonance, the structure collapses and that is registered as the earthquake, not the explosion. The reason the thing is so heavy is because it must breach the soil deep enough for this to occur.
Liam Lee
Hi newfriend,
You'll want to be taking your name off unless you're a chick or homo, in which case post tits or leave, respectively.
Additionally, it's suggested that you delay posting for at least six months while you absorb our diverse culture.
>I was quoting Q, Why do you boomers and schizos insist on shilling him here? You are not welcome. Go to cripplechan or your reddit containment board and larp freely, but don't shit this board up with your fanfiction.
No wonder the local Air Force station has been busy. The local personnel look concerned about some bombing out west. When I asked about Sam’s club they said they didn’t know what I was talking about
Not a boomer or schizo. Just thought his posts were relevant to this.
Anyway he is not the focus. Need help in evidence gathering, find any anomalies such as EQ data, air traffic, radio messages or anything that could of signaled a potential habbening.