What happens here?

What happens here?

Attached: montana_1990.jpg (2224x1296, 516K)

Other urls found in this thread:


rich white cowboys with lotsa land

about a tenth as many injuns, but they're pretty much all on the reservations

winters are colder than Norway's

Attached: GlacierNationalParkMontana.jpg (1024x682, 740K)

God's land. Freedom, prosperity, white people, peace and quiet.

nothing, you'd hate it.
fuck off.

Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison lives there

Tons of land, open roads, big sky, plenty of land. Only went once and loved it.

Glacier National Park might be the most beautiful place in the world.

>this is a slide thread
>what happens in a slide thread?
nothing, mods don't give a fuck anyway why don't opniggers just say what they're doing?
>really makes one think

Not everything is a Jow Forums slide conspiracy you fucking nutta.

CIA here. You found us out. We called an agent in Australia to create a slide thread because we had to get a thread about Luciferian Jews off the front page as quickly as possible. We still don't know how to slide threads off of the auto archive websites however. Also Q is one of ours.

Btw is Wyoming pretty much the same?

Yea same idea, less meth.

It run by a cult called Eden's Gate and there's lots of explosions. It's pretty intense.

spitting in pitas

True happiness happens there. Don't tell the Jews or the niggers.

Nothing, really. A lot of snow in the winter and a lot of fires in the summer. A lot of meth and alcoholic natives, too. Also a fair bit of property crime.

Snow Texas.

Least niggered state in the union.

What this guy said.

In fact it snowed heavily today. Really tired of the weather.

cowboy-cowboy sex

This, except with Wyoming. Stay out

A lot of redneck "muh Master race" whales that drive late 90's to early 2000's Buick sedans with bad paint and 300,000 miles.

For this supposed white ethno-state "Utopia" it sucks balls.

bear rape attacks

Attached: onion bear rape man.jpg (902x960, 156K)

>that headline
>in the lighter side section.

>grin and bear it!

Attached: 1475938919083.jpg (251x251, 10K)

Of course it was the nigger bear.

Evil cultists take over and it's your duty to save Hope county


Farcry 5 happens.

Great Jewbisoy title, best of the franchise.

>grin and bear it

Attached: 1522792355489.jpg (720x747, 163K)

based PERC in Bozeman perc.org/

Attached: Screenshot 2018-04-05 at 23.08.06.png (2400x1600, 2.99M)

Next target to go blue via election subversion.
