Online sales of the Bible banned in China

>online sales of the Bible banned in China

The condition of Christians in China is becoming increasingly desperate. How can we protect and strengthen our brothers and sisters in Christ?

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No matter what China does it will become a Christian nation by the end of the Century.


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What kind of Christianity though.

Unironically based

he better be wearing padding under that coif

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Based China.

Christcucks are a cancer.

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Mostly protestants
Which explains the degeneracy honestly

Knowing China, probably the most ghetto-ized Made-in-China version of Protestantism available. They'll make American Evangelicals look like an Apostolic church

>How can we protect and strengthen our brothers and sisters in Christ?

I dunno man but I tell you what, it doesn't matter whether you're Christian or Muslim in China. The Chinese government wants ZERO religious people in China because China has a bad history with religion/religious uprisings. That's their whole reason. Obviously they (the government) also wants to stay in power.

There's nothing to do to "strengthen" our brothers and sisters in China; they've been basically breaking the law for a long time and I am absolutely amazed I know anyone on QQ who is Christian.

Bump for Christcuck tears.

Catholic, they historically hate protestants, they are now geopolitically aligned with South America and they have slowly been trying to figure out how to let Catholicism in without Francis fucking their shit up

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You know what's actually hilarious

The "flying spaghetti monster" is in actual fact what the "gods" look like.

Take a high dosage of mushrooms + cactus juice and you'll see them.

I want to tear down their government precisely because it's atheistic. It needs to go.

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The Chinese Communist Party effectively operates like a massive criminal syndicate / Mafia.

The CCP's persecution various religions and forms of qigong / taichi is used to strike fear in the hearts of the populace and create an enemy to distract them from the evils of the CCP.

Also, it's a way to "test" the loyalty of members of the Communist Party. If you're ruthless enough to follow orders in genociding / persecuting large groups of people, you're capable of anything, and you now have blood on your hands, too. Easy to control you, then.

The CCP, since the time of Mao, has been marred by constant infighting among high-ranking members. The whole Cultural Revolution was started because Mao was paranoid about losing his power. He purged many top officials, including his successor. After Mao's death, the "Gang of Four" were all arrested.

The "stability" bullshit constantly touted by the CCP is merely a meme.

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This. Fuck protestards.
t. el chino

Catholics are retarded, as usual.

Your Pope got a Christian man kidnapped by police.

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This, there's a part of your frontal cortex which function is to help you deceive yourself into believing what is more convenient. If you inhibit that and the threat center people stop believing in gods, same as with the antipsychotic they're testing in Europe. This proves that the only reason you believe in fairies is because you're a scared queer who can't control himself with the power of reason; literally defective, unevolved, better suited for a primitive environment where wild animals could eat you at any moment.

There's a growing Christian population in China that they're trying to suppress.

they don't want them to know of the prophecies

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Christ died for you too, Mexibro.

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Why do communists fear organized religion?

It's growing because of the persecution, when people see that others are willing to die/seriously risk their lives for a cause they get interested in that cause

Nah it's growing because 50+ illiterate jobless rural babushkas in non-farming seasons had nothing else to do.

((( )))
You're glowing right now Schlomo ((( )))

Look at the fuckin state of Europe, You want that for the chinks too?

Your point being?

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surely there is an approved version of the Bible where Jesus praises the party

NWO commie shithole revealing its End times level.

Let's not forget these fuckers will foster the Antichrist.

>This proves that the only reason you believe in fairies is because you're a scared queer who can't control himself with the power of reason; literally defective, unevolved, better suited for a primitive environment where wild animals could eat you at any moment.

Look, it can say "frontal cortex" but still can't practice the restraint expected of adherents to the scientific method! It still manages to let confirmation bias lead it to conclude that the happiest, most prosperous Christians are worse people than the most lonely, autistic basement atheists!

ya, so is most of japan and korea. you want to tear down their governments also?

This is not hard to understand. Christianity and Communism are competing forms of totalitarianism.

Christian flourish when being persecuted. It's the reason why we're the superior religion.

t. Middle Eastern Christian

Yes. Do you think the crusades end? The yellow threat must fall and assimilate

>dying Mao in his late 70s without any potent heir obsessed with keeping the power just to himself
Really strikes your neuron.

I stopped my pagan shilling against Christians on this board. Yet that doesn't mean i'm going to support them in countries where they don't belong in the first place.

they literally made Christians eat their own shit,in their reprogramming camps. There is a reason the USA didn't do business with them until the jews embedded in

You people would be surprised by how many Muslims are adopting Christianity in Iraq. My family used to live in Baghdad and there was a huge underground Christian scene.

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fucking jesus. keep your retarded dead kike on a stck worshipping to urself.

Cool story, show your flag

Canadian, more like Chinadian. Take your dog eating, atheist, Communism elsewhere.

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So edgy


chrsitains are going to win
we make up most of the right
and we make up a large porstion of of the trationalists

In the power of God we will win.
No political power has taken us down in over 2000 years.

Its time to spread more.
Use this as a weapn to bring more people to us.

God wills it
Deus vult !
brothers and sisters
we pray for our brothers and sisters in the oppressive lands to hold for god and bring the message of jesus to the masses.

Spreading the good news of god to everyone.
drown out the haters and save gos children for humanity


You should worry about helping yourselves (and by proxy; the rest of us) first.


Well, they are pagan so it makes sense.


Choose one. Christianity is the most cancerous ideology ever created. It is patently and verifiably false, and promotes dysgenic breeding, cuckoldry, weakness, cowardice, and has lead white men to ruin.

Good on China for banning the toxic mess that is the Bible. I belongs in the trashbin of history.

Eh, there will always be struggle- struggle between a small group of party members is a lot better than having an entire nation in a constant state of a cold but total civil war where every aspct of society- school, entertainment, the courts, commerce- is a battleground, and one side is literally importing a new popularion from the third world to replace the old one.


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ew china is fucked then

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>Google Easter in 2000

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>online sales of the Bible banned in China

Fuck why are religious people retarded?

Jesuit Christians mixed with Taoist tradition.

A formula for success if they become a colonial power.

>Get concerned that China might actually be getting its shit together
>See this article
>Taiping Rebellion 2.0
How do you repeat history this fucking much, China?

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Ohhh ye of little faith. Think ye not that the lord god creator of heaven and earth cannot open the doors of china?

the more China seeks to represse christianity the more powerful the faith of the believers will become.

China may ban them, outlaw their meeting and their books, may even kill them, but the word of god will go forth, mightly and independantly until it has swept over the entire continent.

Any attempt to crush it will make it stronger, any attempt to silence it will make its message more powerful, any attemt to suppress it will make it grow.

God has chosen the foolish things of this world to bring to not the powers that be and the wise man and the disputer, that no man should glory in his pressence but all be in subjection to him.

On this very night I tell you a marvelous work and a wonder will begin in the land of China. Angels shall begin their ministrations. They will preach from the pulpits, in the homes, on the rooftops, and in the streets. From the halls of pewer to the humblest home their testation shall sound in the ears the lowliest serf to the highest official. The spirit of God will be poured out upon this people and they will throw open the doors of china to the work of salvation.

Keep dreaming.
>Inb4 someone posts the typical over exaggerated western news about muh increasing Chinese Christians.


We Americans should repent of or many sins and pray to be delivered from the degeneracy that surrounds us.

Good. Christians need to piss off from China
>inb4 hurr durr they have the right to be christians and expland their religion
Literary mudshit tier