Salt Water Fasting aka Snake Juice

>healthcare spending is 20% of GDP
>70% of population are fat fucks
>obesity has direct correlation with low birth rates
>fatties are soft, low confidence beta, that are easy to control and manipulate

Why isn't Jow Forums talking about something that would single handedly save the West? That is Salt Water Fasting.

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pot instructions. i've done fasting before but ended up with like 115 sodium level in blood

Only radical Ray Peatism can save the western diet

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>Drink only salt water
Can we spread this around on social media?

>putting the after before the before

>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF Evian or Fiji (high PH) WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.

hmm maybe I should visit Jow Forums sometime instead of wasting my time on Jow Forums

There are MANY people out there who go a month or more on just plain water but I know the concept of no food for a while is unimaginable to the average burger mind.

Body fat is 60% water. Most fatties can go almost 3 weeks without any food or water and would be much better off if they did.

That bitch started the meth diet. Don't lie. Just like that fat isn't of 350lbs and more like 500. We have my 600lb life on tv and see what 500 looks like.

err no, not water. anyone would die without water for that long.

cut out carbs, research insulin resistance, just read the wiki page, carbs make you hungry by locking up energy so you can't use it

Gastric bypass.

Fuck off with your bullshit.

in that manga Death Note one of the characters said you could be healthy by just eating cupcakes or something what did he mean by that?

stupid nip shit. L said he was thinking so much he burned calories so he could eat sweets like an autist

or drop carbs,since they spike insulin, and fat can't be used while insulin is high, thus generating hunger

>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max

And how do you plan on getting that much potassium per day? Supplements? I'm not spending like $10/day, since most potassium supplements are only 100mg per tab/cap.

Just do a 2-3 day water fast with distilled water. Throw in some lemon slices for improved cleansing of your digestive system and blood.

I don't know whats more gross being that fat or having all that lose skin

which sub-board is this meme depicting? /ck/?

most of the benefit of fasting is acheived in 12hours, then most of the rest in the next 24

just do regular 23 hour, it's easier, eat when hungry, once carb cravings go away, and

never skip legday

how'd she gain so much weight in negative one year?

It's a parody of Ray Peat, a scientist with dietary ideas too radical for mainstream society


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i mix epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) into my cider vinegar shot each morning and night and I'm doing great

unironically tried the whole water fasting meme, only lasted about 10 days. I'm about 240, 5'10. Although I felt lighter, I knew 90% of it was just water weight I loss. Probably gained it all back in just few days. Harder then it looks.