Lebron James is a Muslim faggot

Lebron James is going to come out as Muslim this summer as a pre-emptive legal defense strategy. Calling it now. I have a strong feeling he is a sealed indictment, and that there is a massive steroid scandal brewing in the NBA involving him.

Remember Kyrie Irving said he left the Cavs last year due to “spiritual reasons.”

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fuck nigger ball

James has probably fucked little kids like the rest of the rich cultists have

Don't forget he actually campaigned for Crooked Hillary in Ohio days prior to the 2016 election.

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Lebron is growing a Muslim beard. He's also stopped eating pork recently.

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digits say he will immigrate to LAKERS to support "Lonzo" Balls Big Black Brand, which is being produced and pushed by Facebook

Does anyone even care about basketball anymore?

ohio going red for our lifetime boys

Lebum James is literally the biggest cry baby bitch the league has ever seen. Kobe, Duncan, MJ, Shaq, Malone, etc are real men.

>a man finds his true religion and decides not to work with people who wish to harm him or his religion

>this angers the stormweenie

Remember when Jow Forums wasn't so immeasurably retarded and full of trumpy identity politics back in the late 2000s?

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I can hardly imagine that they would actually let him break his contract over a dispute involving the owner's (?) vs James's politics?

>Does anyone even care about basketball anymore?

But it was nice to see "King James" get his shit pushed in on the Hillary front. He couldn't even swing OH for Hillary. Dumb faggot tool.

What kind of retarded post is this

Enjoy that flag while it still exists.

So, skip the arguments and go right to the empty threats and butthurt venting it is, then?

He's a free agent. But still, it's deeper than that. This involves POTUS. This involves sealed indictments and criminal proceedings and lots of money at stake here. He's waging spiritual war.

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no just telling it like it is
we have had enough of you scumbags

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No to kobe and mj

Clevelandfag reporting:
I hope Islam destroys LeBron's career

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>I'm not LARPing with muh day of da roap stormnigger memes after being exposed as a butthurt trump memester over some issue with a basketball player espousing a religion I don't like, I'm just going stating facts
Lmao, stormnigger white trash are pathetic as hell.

Good on him desu.

This faggot will never be MJ no matter how many teams he jumps on to win a championship

(((Liberals))) are still pissed we open carried AR's at the RNC they have to demoralize Cleveland.

This is the future of the NBA. Look at his parents. "BALL IN THE FAMILY" ohhhhh.......see what they did there???? Wouldn't it be the craziest thing if they came from interracial parents......ohhh what a great story and inspiriation and example for American households today....gee what are the odds I wonder who the producers of this quality entertainment are? What is their script???? Get the brothers on the same NBA team.....a cinderella story....with an all-star to boost them to sell tickets........and blow up a new sneaker company......think of the profits GOYS!!! Forget the news I want LaMelo!!!@@

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I'm pretty sure Kyrie is the Muslim, not Lebron. He's the conspiracy theorist whereas Lebron is the establishment cocksucker

Been a big LeBron fan since he was in college so I rep him whatever team he's on

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Hillary Clinton was the only sane choice.

i have no doubt he uses steroids

hes a dumb nigger fuck basketball

probably smokes pot everyday

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This will keep happening. More black people will convert to Islam to "spite" the white man. After sometime when
Trump is finally out, they'll import tons of mussies to the USA who've already conquered most of Europe by then. It's probably
one of their hidden agendas to take your guns, they don't want you fighting against your Islamic invaders. Honestly
if muslims become a huge percentage in the USA, and demand shariah law, that's when the next US civil war starts for

>Lebron not leaving cuz his team is weaksauce

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He looks retarded.

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>corruption incarnate was the only sane choice
I think it's time for 6 more years of self reflection buddy

LeBron never went to college

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People only hate on Muslims cause the kikes dragged us into fake (((war on terrorism))) so we'd spend trillions fighting their wars for them.

Never forget 9/11

That's sooo funny.....Lebron practically moved into OJ's old neighborhood, like a mile down sunset, before he goes to the LAKERS for a BIG stake in big BALLs brands

Christ, that's not a kid... it's a fucking lab experiment.

>demand shariah law, that's when the next US civil war starts for sure
Shariah law isn't that bad for men. Woman will need to do the fighting for this war while men stay at home with the family, it is 2018 afterall..

>That gif
What the fuck?

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Bullshit. He was going to leave anyway because like before his time in miami Cleveland thinks they can just pay for him and win championships. He’s getting older and tired of carrying teams. When he resigned with Cleveland they put in a clause that gives him the option to opt out every year. Lakers gave a TON of cap space at the end of this season. My money is on him leaving Cleveland and finishing his career as a Laker. What better way to stroke his ego than to revive the legendary franchise?

Forgot about this classic rape. Yet no one went to jail?

I think you need maybe 20 years of reflection if you think Donald Trump was an acceptable choice. Maybe four more if you think he still is.

I hear ya, but it prolly wouldn't. Lew Alcindor did okay. (Actually, reading about that guy, I suspect he (Kareem) is a bit of a black autist. A very strange bird. (As usual, Trump put his finger on it in something like as few words as possible.)

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what are you some kind of bigot

Gets more white pussy then you.

Sources tell me he's going to LA. He's trying to start a brand and only allow blacks to play. White bois BTFO

Clevelandfag reporting:
My meme magic is hardstyle

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mudslimes need to be wiped off the face of the earth. jews and mudslimes are two sides of the same fucking coin. both their evil cult books have literally the same fucking parables and ideology of lying and using their goyim/infidels and forgive acts of deceit and cruelty against non-believers and they are the one true religion/chosen by god. and theyve worked together for thousands of years. jihaads occur and they sell slaves to jews who ran the slave trades. spanish inquisition was started by the government (not the church like the kike lies spread) to route out the jews and muslims that were hidden in the population and all levels of government and were destroying the country.

the only time they have been at odds with each other is after wwi when jews took over palestine by force. they work hand in hand with many other muslims. only one small faction works against kikes and have legitimate beef. isis is funded and works for kikes. they publicly apologized for attacking israel. they formed a protective wall against israel in every syrian heatmap. never once turned on the israelis that they supposedly hate.

israel and saudi arabia are best buds. work together on everything. iran is only one they are against really. there are hundreds of thousands of jews spread out across muslim majority countries with zero issues.

there is no jew vs muslim narrative. there's jews vs palestinians, who the jews have done everything to wipe out. and there's jews vs iran because they want more land for greater israel and they are a threat to their power base. thats it.

Kyrie Irving is a flat-earther as a side note for what it's worth.

Buttblasted genetic abomination detected.

Makes sense. I don't like the team switching, but it seems common these days.

MJ stopped so many getting rings, Lebron hasn't been able to do that.

0% chance this is true

and iranians/palestinians are muslims, retard. Like it or not shia islam is the only force physically fighting the zog these days. I do agree the crypo kikes or sunni muslims are two sides of the same coin. But there are many caucasians who are muslim and are anti-kike. Most of them are in Iran, Syria, Lebanon.

Trump has higher approval ratings than Obama did at an equivalent point.

Kiss your blue wave, and impeachment, goodbye.

Also of note: Big Bubba LaVarr BALL is pushing his thieving kids to by pass college altogether to go for gold while the gettings good.....he wants to setup a fastpass for gifted athletes to skip college altogether and go straight to the pros.....do you remember his sons got popped stealing while reppin' ucla in China for Christ sakes hahahahhahahahha you just can't make this shit up

couldn't care less

considering he skipped college he probably is

>iran, syria, lebanon

fuck off. they arent white. hispanics arent white. you knwo they arent. everyone knows they arent.

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according to one retard level poll, yeah. The blue wave will happen. No need to impeach because he will effectively be a lame duck. Hopefully we can pass some law to where he cannot launch a nuclear strike.

>Also of note: Big Bubba LaVarr BALL is pushing his thieving kids to by pass college altogether to go for gold while the gettings good

Don't particularly like the guy or his kids, but I can't really blame him on that front. Why not get the money while the getting's good? College ball is a bit of a racket -- it's not slavery, but everyone gets rich off it except the players.

>according to one retard level poll, yeah. The blue wave will happen.

Nah, according to the likely voter poll -- it's the other polls that are retarded, the ones that poll registered voters, or merely "adults." Likely voter polls are the most accurate, and it's a likely voter poll that pegs Trump at 50%.

No blue wave, sorry my shill friend.

And as for 2020, Trump will be able to stroll into his second term without breaking a sweat. Who's going to stop him -- Joe Biden??

Riiiight. Lmfao....

Whats this? A newfag posing as the oldfag? Jesus christ, blow your own head off with a shotgun spic nigger

Reminder that all professional sports are rigged and the top stars are just like the WWE actors. It's all scripted, but they still have to be athletic enough to do the body slam, make the basket, score the goal, etc.

Dumb fucking spic,I hope the Yankees rape and kill every spic in Mexico. Worse than God dam niggers,I hope you fuckers just die. Why won't you just die

>You don’t have a clue about what life is
>confident tone in the language
>power signature

Punished Trump/Biblical Trump is real isn’t it? What a fucking redpill.

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