Does he deserve to win in the end? It seems like it would at least send a huge message to fucking drumpf supporters that they're being put on notice.
You lost. Go away Maddox.
Go away sexist.
She fucking won, dammit.
What are you doing here?
i fat fingered the C key twice in a row and didn't even notice. i'm going to fucking kill myself with a cinderblock
doesn't change the fact that maddox is a piece of shit who destroyed himself and a great podcast
Because Dick Masterson is such a huge Trump supporter
we'll see about that
dude the lolsuit is a literal joke. it reads like it was written by a baby retard. dick is a complete chad and was able to turn the ashes of a great project and spin it into something even greater. maddox is in insane denbts and his base shrinks every day. the only ones left are sjw commiefornians and losers.
She? What's the cans situation like?
delusional Xer thinks he's edgy, probably watches (((South Park)))
Anyone else getting really bored with the Dick Show lately? I don't think I've finished an episode in 3 months.
nah, you might just be drinking too much soy, boy
Eh I just find the dynamic a bit tired, Svaugn it always such a flat personality to play against that it's one note. I think it's that he hasn't been bringing on "co-hosts" lately.
Honestly, I've fallen 4 episodes behind. It's starting to feel more "safe" and I've been listening to more episodes of Legion of Skanks instead.
once he loses the suit it's going to get a lot more boring listening to a broke loser misogynist.
its true but i still enjoy it. maybe because I listened to TBPITU since the beginning and I feel involved. Anyways OP he should fucking lose
also fuck off mods this is political. It is about the 1A
Agreed. Dick had more to rage against when co-hosts/guests would bring up different topics.
the only boring point during the podcast is when he has a boring guest on skype for 90 minutes, like bunty and digibro last week
the show needs more JLH and Lacy reading news
I thought if he lost the state of NY will officially recognize him as a cuck
Dick show is okay, but Biggest Problem was fucking magical. I hate Maddox so fucking much for killing it and eagerly await his inevitable suicide.
yeah they are literal whos. I have no idea why he brings these retards on. Because of his plebbit and normiebook fans?
self righteous winey mutt loved his web site then herd his voice and it made me ill