Ban Ads

America spends over 200 billion dollars a year on advertisements a year. What is the net benefit of the ads? There's no value created. All they do is try to brainwash the populace. If people really want to find out more about a product, they can go to a consumer review site or even the company's website.

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The point IS to brainwash you, retard.

When advertising works correctly, you don't *think* about the purchase

Most adults don't have time to research consumer products, they just want what's familiar and accessible

>ban ads
>what is the purpose?
>are they just trying to brainwash the populace
t. baby's first redpill
watch "They Live" and read a couple of the meme dystopian books and just learn to roll with it

>Ban ads
>Now all those companies have two hundred billion dollars of spare cash
>they pay shills to flood consumer review sites
congratulations, you're retarded

Great idea..... Lets start a campaign

>The point IS to brainwash you, retard.
No shit, sherlock. There's just no NET benefit to them.

>they pay shills to flood consumer review sites
those ARE ads, idiot

So much about advertising is just being aware that the product exist in the first place. Sure you might not watch the avengers movie anyways but nobody would watch it if there weren't any ads for it.

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Let's dissect your pic, OP.

The fruit company is licensing familiar characters to attract the children that mothers bring to the grocery store.

What's the child more likely to WANT to purchase and eat, the bananas with capeshot on it? Or the bananas without fun stickers?

Mom's happy, the child wants healthy food.

What's the harm?

>no net benefit

Advertising undeniably drives purchases more effectively than most other factors within a company's control.

Do you think they'd dump billions into it if they didn't?

I boycott any product whos ads annoy me.

Aleve is the latest perpetrator with their race mixing bullshit in the commercial.

Good fucking lord, you are dense. Someone else can explain what's going on. I'm not wasting any more time on you

Fuck off back to high school, commiebabby

Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together could see that any company that pays for advertisements could have invested that money into a better product, or the same product at a lower price.

>America spends over 200 billion dollars a year on advertisements a year. What is the net benefit of the ads? There's no value created.

ok let's try to break this down for you since you are apparently retarded

"America" doesn't spend anything. It's individual companies and corporations that spend money on advertising. The companies aren't spending "America's money" on advertising, they are spending their own money on advertising.

The companies benefit from advertising because the increased product awareness results in increased sales. They wouldn't spend money on advertising otherwise.

The benefit to the consumer is that they learn about a product that will somehow improve their life, that they might not have otherwise known about.

>"But no one really NEEDS an iPad! They're being TRICKED into WASTING their money on it!"

>"But unhealthy food gets advertised and people buy it and it's bad for them!"


Ads drive sales
Beyonce just mentioned red lobster in her song at the Superbowl
Niggers flooded to red lobster.
Their sales went up 33%. Google it
Though I agree id ban them in my state. They are brainwash, people should be valued higher than mindless consumers

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We should tax ads, crush big tech

>Jow Forums thinks ads are a silicon valley concept
how do you manage to breathe

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're still in school.

In the real world, companies don't NEED to put out top notch quality products to stay in business.

Most business models are structured to encourage repeat purchases, due to designed obsolescence.

The cold truth is that a major corporation would make less money with a long-lasting, durable product than one that is "just good enough" to get the job right

We live in an economic climate that demands perpetual growth. Businesses need to show that they're increasing profits annually, to keep shareholders pleased and the investment capital flowing

Also, as stated earlier in this thread, advertising exists to act as a virtual salesperson. The companies need it to prime a consumer, as well as stay relevant and on the mind.

It's strange how predatory brainwashing is seen as a legitimate occupation.

Maybe we can buy some ads to promote our campaign

>into a better product
Everything is funneled into making a cheaper product, while spending more on ads to brainwash people into buying your garbage anyway.
I can think of maybe a handful of outliers, but what I said is the norm.

It is, brainlet.

Tell me more about these "bananas"


>It is, brainlet.
So is hitman, then.

>it's okay to murder because it's okay to put logos on things

>because it's okay to put logos on things
If that was the extent, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

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Advertising has never done anything even remotely close to the scale of murder

Manipulation of the mind if a true kino art form, and only brainlets are susceptible/triggered by it

Jow Forums should be practicing it's persuasion techniques on a daily basis

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70-80% of consumer market decisions are made by women
ads are literally for women. ban assault roasties

>Advertising has never done anything even remotely close to the scale of murder
The amount of people addicted to adderall says otherwise.


Also, performance enhancing drugs have nothing to do with advertisers and everything to do with personal/societal expectations

It's not the ad part that's illegal its the stalking/extortion with a dash of infant genital mutilation thrown in.

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fuck fags always trying to ban shit. let the simpletons be under the spell. i dont care its what they want anyway. they like the mind rape.
to be honest tho i do miss the days of "hi, this is me, this is my product, this is why its better". i dont give a fuck what faggy athlete drives this or what some dumb bitch likes to eat. if you want me to buy the product tell me about the fucking thing and i might check it out!
which is why i bought a my pillow. but theyre making gayer commercials and im regretting my purchase. good pillow though.

You're effected by ads realize it or not Mr my pillow
