Yfw you realized god exists

>yfw you realized god exists

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>yfw these threads are back

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perfect pic
Anons just have to have faith—if you want to win the lottery, you must buy a ticket

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Then why did he forget about me?

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user, you have two queens
It’s not a winning hand

But that's false and I can proof it

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Do it, faggot.

You're a dummy.


How to fuck does that prove OP didn’t make that face when he realized God exists?

What the fuck exactly do you think that does indicate?

You're retarded

Attached: Horb.png (718x560, 320K)

tbqh, this was literally exactly what I did when I first realized. Well done OP

>tfw you realize bigfoot exists but he has bigger cannibal relatives and the dimensional portals are opening allowing increasing numbers of hostile cryptids into this reality at alarming rates soon it will be too late

Can't wait to gas some (((shits)))

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End it. If Yahweh exists then that means the Jews are the rightful masters of this planet, rather than a bunch of desert tribal parasites.

Lol, nice to know I wasn't the only one to screencap this abomination.

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>mfw parents never took me to church
I'm not even baptized Jow Forums

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>worshiping a Jew on a stick

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>mfw god exists but we are living in the Kali Yuga

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>yfw you realized someone has a memory

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Which one?

when i was 17 i woke up paralyzed and then fell back asleep. i woke back up in the the middle of my room floating and i could see all around me like 360 degrees.
it was very disorienting. i flew through my bedroom wall, the kitchen counter, front door and out the road and went way above the street and blacked out again.
had a super weird adrenaline rush when i woke up all over my spine and head, like a ton of tingles.
didn't know what the FUCK happened a few years later until i learned it was an out of body experience and started reading jurgen ziewe and robert monroe and shiet.
you niggers can think what you want but i only say what i experienced. have repeated it multiple times. shit blows your mind and anally decimates atheism. i think this is the kinda shit himmler was into also.

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What do you mean you aren't baptized? Go meditate.

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I've known all along.

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I'm so sick of this jewry user, when does it stop?

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Not just that, user!

Our God stared death in the face, fought it for three whole days, and won! Our God conquered death, so that we may live forever in peace and happiness if only we accept his gracious gift!

Our God truly is the most powerful! Hallelujah!

its called a lucid dream into sleep paralyzes

fucking checked m8

hallewhat? get that kike bullshit out of here

Amen user, see you in church this Sunday

tfw you consumed the OPIATE OF THE MASSES

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Everyone who reads this post will be blessed with positive energy for the next 24 hours

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God? Who the fuck are you?

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could have swung the thread either way with those digits, feels bad

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