Yea I bet his investment account is taking a huge hit right now. Fuck globalists.
The whole thing is going to be messy because if Mexico/Canada want NAFTA to continue they will have to completely disavow China and their dishonest trade practices. I'm interested in seeing what happens.
Matthew Edwards
Pic related is how. What about the Homocaust being questioned more?
Canada already started. None of our rich like dealing with those Chinks they've just had to since the US was for (((some reason))) letting itself get fucked by them.
>Trump's Establishment-Defying Plan to Exit Syria Likely to De-Escalate Conflict
>Analysts told Sputnik on Thursday that an evacuation of US combat forces from Syria would ease tensions and lead to a reduction in fighting in the country that has been plagued by conflict for the past seven years. >"The exit of US forces from Syria will almost certainly help to de-escalate the conflict inside the country," Just Foreign Policy advocacy group Policy Director Robert Naiman.
>Trump’s announcement would discourage rebel opposition forces from their dreams of pulling in the United States and its allies to topple the Syrian government for them, Naiman explained. >Trump’s pullout policy would eradicate "from the Takfiri oppositionists the hope they have long harboured that they might easily be able to ‘jerk’ the United States into giving them the kind of full-fledged support from the US/NATO military that their counterparts in Libya won so easily back in March 2011," he said.
>The US military establishment wanted to remain in Syria, but Trump remained opposed to this, Naiman maintained. >"My assessment is that Trump doesn't want to be boxed in by the Pentagon to an indefinite presence and is pressuring them, apparently successfully, to prepare plans to withdraw US military forces when the Islamic State [terror group outlawed in Russia] is defeated within the next few months," Naiman said.
>Yea I bet his investment account is taking a huge hit right now. Fuck globalists. >Trump is throwing Kristol's shekels into the oven Nice. >The whole thing is going to be messy because if Mexico/Canada want NAFTA to continue they will have to completely disavow China and their dishonest trade practices. And border stuff too. I think Mexico will chimpout and kill the deal.
Do they care more about money or their concocted fake histories?
Tyler Adams
Fag acceptance is on a downward trend, and they're less worried about that. They can always try another form of degeneracy to hurt civilization, but take away their jew gold and they don't have the means to keep up the culture war.
Still waiting on that shoop of the bolton WAR mustache on an awoo >also might need to change this to read Invade Mexico
>A storm system moving toward Northern California's burn areas could dump as much rain this weekend as the area usually receives during the entire month of April, the National Weather Service said Thursday.
>The incoming atmospheric river is loaded with tropical moisture that is expected to bring between 3 and 6 inches of rain to coastal mountain ranges, up to 3 inches in the Bay Area and up to 4 inches in Napa and Sonoma's wine country, said meteorologist Roger Gass. >
That's good news, looks like most of the pressure will be on Mexico then. If Mexico doesn't get on board US/Canada may have to make a separate agreement.
Charles Rodriguez
no: pic related is the ultimate truth other ultimate truths are dogs do not make good pets, red delicious is the only good apple, flat chests are supreme, tea of any kind is shit and the 3D meme is forever wrong
>This weekend's storm is expected to be so big and warm that its rain will likely accelerate snowmelt along the Sierra Nevada, sending runoff down into the reservoir about a day later. The state has increased releases from the reservoir's power plant this week to make room for the anticipated surge of water.
Bigger image? I love this. We need more anti-awoo memes. These spammers have ruined /ptg/ with their faggotry.
Adam Taylor
So it's not going to happen? What does Randlet think about this?
Eli Cooper
Exactly why I converted to Islam. Inshallah
Aaron Adams
>Shit, what are your parameters?
Just add their pastas to the comment filter, images to the MD5 hashes throughout the day. They recycle everything, since it's mid-western house wives cutting and pasting for $7.50 / hour.
Aiden Kelly
Oh God, yes... Where's Roosya when we need him (f)?!
Adam King
I think Roosya is still around. Let me summon him
The second rule is to protect the institutions, because they won't do it themselves. They go down like dominoes unless each is defended from the beginning. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
If anyone repeals that ruling, I'll die of laughter.
Thomas Phillips
Austin Jackson
>you know remember those edited Tweets from a couple years back portraying Crowder as a nazi Those tweets were hilarious
Landon Jenkins
Jace Parker
No no, it's some random faggot
Owen Lee
Steve go away we are busy Awoo-ing
Logan Bailey
1st and 2nd option are the same though.
Gavin Kelly
You frens are great
Nathaniel Gonzalez
I never did like toe hoes anyway.
Jace Harris
Are you even Gookleaf???
Noah Wright
The third rule is that symbols of loyalty will be used to control you. When everyone else follows the same logic, reality itself is viewed through signs of loyalty, and resistance becomes unthinkable. Outsiders become a threat.