White men absolutely roasted

White men absolutely roasted.

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>only the bad things count for whites
Sounds about right


If we can give and take your lives, should you piss us off?

Women couldn’t vote because women weren’t forced to enlist in the army when they turned 18 and thus weren’t the ones DYING for their country.

Also, white people didn’t start slavery. Less than 3% of white people owned slaves in only 11 states at the time.

maybe it relates to biological reasons? being the weaker gender, perhaps? blacks being the weaker in
all areas when we conquered them too?

lads I can't take this anymore, this stuff was funny at first but now I'm weary when does the ride end

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Why do people pay attention to petersweden when he is clearly retarded and just trying to placate to the trend of shitting on sweden. There are tons of more credible and reliable individuals on the truth in sweden without believing that the Earth is 2000 years old and other primitive shit.

This is the thanks White men get for cucking. Why don't fucking people get this?

no women couldn't vote because women weren't people back in the good old days

This is what the world's come to: a bunch of whiny, entitled do-nothings judging their ancestors by standards of an entirely different era. I only hope one day 200 years from now, leftists will look at "cyanidecutie" and think "whoa, were people then fucked up."

Proper response: Literally everyone before the rights were given to you

Also slavery is meme-worthy, whites didn't start it and did it for centuries less time than others. There are still arabs and blacks who own slaves right now.

>whites invented slavery and were the only people who practiced it


It's in the talmud

Correct me if I"m wrong but didn't Black tribes start slavery?

Slavs were inslavrd before the blacks were.

Peter Sweden is a civ nat faggot.

>Less than 3% of white people owned slaves in only 11 states at the time.
So you’re saying all white people everywhere for all time then?

Yes, if it wasn't for the white male, niggers would still be working. Women would still be second class citizens instead of mindless thots

so when the dust settles these people are going to be shipped en mass to arab countries right?

>Chloe's practice gf
$100 it's a tranny communist or anarchist

>every single society on the face of the planet had women in the kitchen
>yes, even isolated tribes that we even still have today like in the likes of islands off the coast of india that still live like its 200bc
>every single society had slavery
but some how the white man created both women in the kitchen and slavery.

women rights where a mistake. keeping niggers in the US was a mistake. niggers should have been deported back to africa and we should have stood up to women.

Uhh, slavery has existed all over the planet and women weren't allowed to vote all over the planet.
Mainly because everyone knew that they were fucking stupid glorified children until white guys fucked everything up.

Black people started slavery. Also the only places in the world where women can't vote are non-white.


It doesn't

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Didn't both of those things preceded the very existence of the white race?

Women were never concerned with ruling the area, only the domicile so they didnt need the ability to vote
Slavery has existed since at least Eqyptian times, and if DEY WUZ KANGZ then they were slave masters as well

In ends with a bang user, get ready for it, we will stomp their little brainlet matter on the concrete soon

The sad part is that people literally think that

Slavery is pretty much a universal practice by people across the world. Whites were the first to feel guilty about it and try to stamp it out.

No fucking credit for that though.

>started slavery
Pretty much all primitive people and early civilizations either enslaved or were cuck slaves themselves

>decided women couldn't vote
The Greeks didn't let women vote. The founding fathers wanted the head of households of landed families to vote. Lrn 2 historical context nigger, women's suffrage wasn't even a concept anyone had conceived of during the founding

Also, fun fact - literally the first thing women did when they got the right to vote was push through prohibition, the only amendment shitty enough to he overwritten by a later amendment. U go grrl!

Actually them ignoring how good women had it in Anglo Saxon times ignores a large contribution of women to history. They're idiots

since we all came from africa, africans obviously.

Who Owned The Slave Ships?

Redpill me, is the Norman yoke shit just bad history?

niggers and kikeslims invented slavery, also the idea that women shouldn't vote, and still a thing in those countries nowadays

These people have no historical context in their small minds. petersweden (whoever the hell he is) should have known better. He walked right into that because he assumed that other people have at least a superficial knowledge of the past. He assumed incorrectly.

Rejecting liberalism and enlightenment values is a pretty advanced redpill. Ive been here for years and it took me a VERY long time to finally realize that women and minorities are going to vote antiwhite as an unflinching bloc regardless of personal political beliefs. Totally rejecting the tenants of libertarianism in their entirety and realizing that those beliefs are exactly what got is into this mess is a pretty big red pill even for a seasoned Jow Forumsack

Iirc the portuguese started the slave trade

Checked my dude.

>slavery is universal
>women not voting is universal
>"white men decided this"

So because white men didn't extend all the rights and freedoms they fought and died for to everyone fast enough they are the bad guy? That's like saying even if you donate all your spare money to charities you are evil because it was in your bank account temporarily.

>who started slavery to begin with
I sincerely do not know. But I am sure it is as old as Man himself and every race has participated - having slaves and being slaves. Slavery still exists in the Middle East and Africa and hardly a peep is said about it. It does exist in the Western countries but only by those of other races who bring their slaves with them.

>who decided that woman should not vote
Again, I sincerely do not know the history on this, but I do know that poor men could not vote for a very long time, and in some places, certain religions were unable to vote. I am sure there were reasons, whether good or bad, that made for such rules in those times. But as the times changed, so did the rules.

when we start getting violent and force society to return to being self-sustaining

>decided that women shouldn't vote
The first human like primate that had no concept of such thing as "democracy", I guess.
>and started slavery