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that explains their stunted growth
4D chess to increase the white birthrate
we'll take em
We're past the looking glass here people.
My sides
Based Trump
That webm is the funniest thing I've seen all week.
>soyfarmers have billions of pounds of soy they can't sell in China
>they cut the price and start selling in the US for pennies because it's better than letting it rot
>millions of parents will start getting their children to eat and drink soy because it's so inexpensive
Is this the end?
feeding a billions people just got harder for china
This will make American soybean cheaper leading to more soyboys.
Chinese 4d chess
Or they could just... Grow a different, more profitable crop...
oy vey the soyim know shut it down
lol, China won't stick with it. It'll hurt their food production. They use cheap American soybeans to feed pigs. Even with that, they still have to import American pork because China simply cannot produce enough of it.
If they carry through, the result will be Americans pay more for solar panels and the Chinese starve.
Yeah, great plan, China.
just start growing corn alcohol again you stupid farmers.
Not how the Agricultural market works unfortunately. They're notoriously corrupt and monopolistic
they're just going to buy from south america now...
Question. Does China have its own soybean production going On? Like enough that their soy farmers compete against ours? The point of tarrifs is to encourage domestic industry. If they lack domestically grown soy they're just hurting themselves.
But the farmers already have billions of pounds of soy planted and in the ground right now. They're not going to just dig all of those soy plants up and throw them in the trash. If they can't sell it to China they'll sell it domestically instead. Even if they sell for less, it's more profitable than just destroying it all. I think this will just end up with us seeing millions of more American soyboys, whereas if we'd kept seeling this shit to China we'd see millions of chink soyboys.
well I guess it's time to stop inhaling soylent and actually do something with my life.
HAHAHA. Stupid ass farmers voted for Trump now they get to feel the consequences. Fuck rednecks and right wingers.
can you move to venezuela and repost this i want to make the joke that its not your sides its your empty stomach
me rike prastic lice
me no rike amelican soya
China cannot actually feed it's own population.
They already would be, if South America could produce the quality and quantity China needs for the price they want.
China doesn't trade with us out of a love for America. They do it because our huge automated farms produce shitloads of cheap soybeans that no South American country can match.
Minnespta is the largest geower of soy beans in the nation. I can promise you np farmers has seeds in the ground. But they probably have all of their seed.
Won't the soy farmers just sell the extra soy domestically or export it to a different country?
without the feminizing effects of soy in their diets they'll lose their passivity. chinese government might be shooting itself in the foot here.
That food pyramid is a slow motion death sentence. That diet could work but you would need to increase calories in fat to about 50% of your diet.
Brazil actually produces the best soybeans. American ones are cheaper and lower quality, but due to this tariff I think they'll gladly pay more for Brazilian soybeans..
Oh crap US farmers will have to plant wheat instead oh jesus
God dammit I can't stop watching.
This. It just means more soy for me. I don't care about the estrogen, I prefer soy milk.
Aren't most soybeans grown by big corporations?
They could proly get better prices
This fills me with so much soy.... joy i meant JOY..... fuck.
The current supply, yes, but they'd ultimately cut back on soy planting and plant something different if this trade war actually goes to blows
Lol china produces five times the pork the US does. It's a drop in the water for them.
Asians love their fucking sauces/soy milk/tofu, there is no way in hell that their consumer will stop buying soy. Fuck the ladyboy(trannies in case you don’t know) eat soy exclusively. If they eat meat, BAM they turn into gruffly old men.
LITERALLY SHAKING RIGHT NOW!! Without soy, how in the world can I tell you that your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.
Selling it domestically means lower prices due to higher supply. Exporting it all to other countries instead would be Dumping which is illegal, specifically in the EU where most of the potential consumers would be.
China can feed its own population in calories. But their growing middle class is creating demand for things they don't grow enough of or can't grow, like meat.
The power of communism.
I also agree about more fats, but there is no food pyramid for my diet. generally I swap the places of nuts/seeds/avocados/etc. with the fruits at the bottom
lol more for us!
2017 we saw record harvests down here, it's the only thing keeping us afloat
thank you trump and bye bye amazon
So I went and looked at the United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Services Import/Export data for China & Hong Kong.
It turns out USA exports of soy beans AND soy oil to China have declined from over $350M to just over $100M over the last 5 years. This tariff is literally Chink virtue signalling because the USA exports fuck-all soy to China.
Find the data yourself here
I hardly play video games anymore, and I know they're a god damn waste of time. But for the sake of childhood memories, I ALMOST bought a Switch. But I didn't, because I used the soyboys meme as a way to resist. Instead I bought actual life experiences. So thanks for that.
>thinking you can just as easily change global trade routes and agreements as boycotting gamestop and buying from walmart
They're doing this to target trump voting states. This is a personal blow to trump and his hopes for winning a second term.
>Exporting it all to other countries instead would be Dumping which is illegal
Could you elaborate? Why can't we just sell the beans to anybody who wants to buy?
Like I said, they can't feed their own population. I don't see modern China reverting back to peasant rice farmers paddy shitting.
corporate farmers in bed with the usda will be able to plant something else in time. theyll likely figure out a way to swap some shit around and make it out.
>Exporting it all to other countries instead would be Dumping which is illegal
No, dumping is when you flood international markets with product well below the nominal price of the product.
As I've posted above, the USA barely exports any soy to China anyway. For context, the USDA FAS resource I linked in my post above says that the USA exports over $2.1 billion of soy meal/oil to the world every year. China therefore represents less than 5% of US soy exports despite having about 1/6 of the world population.
Could you be any more of a redditor?
Sure, while destroying the livelihood of our nation's farmers.
Trump has seriously fucked up, as if that's much of a surprise anymore.
fuck off leaf i hope you burn in hell
farms program will just buy it all user
This is the best timeline
cause nobody wants to be a soy boy
oh no. please. stop
>farmers put corn in this year
>cost of meat drops
>grocery bills go down
>the American tax payer has a little bit more money to spend
Yeah we are so fucked. What is China thinking?
>while destroying the livelihood of our nation's farmers.
But it was okay when Monsanto was doing it for decades under a DNC ran government?
You fucking retard.
odd, i've been living it for 4 years and lost over hundred pounds. vegetarianism, raw, abstinence, and fasting is a scared european tradition of the most enlightened in and of the craft(s).
As I alluded to above, China & Hong Kong are less than 5% of US annual soy exports. This is literally nothing.
Compare pic related to What is more interesting from this data is that soy exports to the entire world have been declining for years, even though US soy production has been increasing every year. Domestic demand for soy is increasing by more than enough for US soy farmers to make up for any drop in Chinese demand for soy after tariffs.
good, fuck agribusiness homos. we should produce food for ourselves, not chink pigs.
>my wallet
why would it mean anything for my wallet?
I'm not over in China buying soybeans with tariffs placed on them
More likely to see soy used in livestock rations and we eat more meat.
soy price will domestically deflate now, thanks trump.
>eating corn fed beef
Technically, they fucked up already, when they agreed to be subsidized in exchange for producing GMO soybeans. A person who tosses away their principles for more money should not be all that surprised if they get screwed later. Lies down with dogs, come away with fleas, etc
Pay the farmers to grow poppies instead and start shipping poppy derived products to China.
Nicely done, was going to say the same thing
US farmers have been growing more soy every year for the last 5 years, but exports of soy have collapsed in that same time-frame. They are growing soy for domestic consumption. Exports are a fraction of the US soy farmer's income, and Chinese exports are less than 5% of that fraction of US soy farmer's income.
6D Majong
It called corn. The reason my uncles plant soy in rotation is because as a legume it fixes nitrogen in the soil. Im not going to pretend Im a market analyst or anything but It seems to me the chins are only hurting themselves with this one. Its not like they are going to do without. Here in the states the price of corn and corn inputs like nitrogen fertilizer will probably go up. Ask a farmer. They actually understand this stuff.
Don't know what that is, but I grew up farming in KS. Still talk to family there every once in a while. They're not just worried about the bean crops, but others addition to the livestock/pork issues related to these tariffs. Markets reacting very negatively, not sure how this will play out. The large corporate farms are concerned too but can absorb losses better than the small farms.
Ohhhh, increase to already massive government spending.
Go Trump! Winning!
that's not a very convincing list
chinks are already soyboys
Find another buyer.
What else do you feed the damned things? Wheat is to hot and grass fed tastes like shit.
Not that you Brazilians know what good beef is with all that brahma blood in your country.
Jow Forumsequeasting Pink Soyjak memes
>china turns US into soyboy nation
4d go
>grass fed tastes like shit.
You've never eaten Scottish beef then.
Criminally underrated