Why won't politicians talk about pitbulls?

My neighborhood has 5 of these dumb nigger dogs in it.

You can't even go for a walk around the block. You don't know when one of these negroid beasts are going to burst through a wall and come chew on my neck for a light snack

Every week I hear about one of these negro dogs killing a kid or some 90 lbs woman. Yet I see 32 year old housewives walking these stupid nigger dogs constantly. They think their cute and trendy owning one of these four legged ticking time bombs, but these tiny frail women couldn't keep one of these nigger dogs under control if it decided to have a fucking chimpout.

How do we get politicians to start talking about banning these mutts?

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Because if they acknowledged the pitbull problem they'd also have to acknowledge the rather similar nigger problem.

Why not start a humanitarian campaign that its dedicated to "Rescuing" pitbulls and putting them to sleep like PETA.

That way you get to kill those fucks and maybe even get some donations from retards

The problem is that people own them and then bring them into neighborhoods

Then they lunge over a fucking fence and maul some old lady watering her flowers

The government should burst through pitbull owner's door at 3 AM and shoot every dog in sight and then rush out. I'd put my tax money towards that

>but muh pitbull is really nice dog if you raise it right.

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Why are you scared of a pit bull?
Hit it in the jaw and watch it squeel if it ever come's at you. Sure they're nigger tier, but you don't have to tuck your dick and be little fag got about it.

they aren't even cute


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Have pit bulls classified as dangerous assault weapons, then ring up the ATF.

This guy's got the right idea. As long as you disguise your true motives in leftist virtue-signaling buzz -words and -phrases, the media won't bother standing in your way. You gotta learn to use the other side's weapons against them.

Because there are millions and millions of these animals in the states and very few killings. The actual rate of deaths is incredibly low and they are safer than niggers by a longshot.

There are a few dangerous sub-lineages, mostly being bred by spics and niggers, but the vast, vast majority of them don't seem to pose any statistically noticeable risk.

>They think their cute and trendy owning one of these four legged ticking time bombs
They think that if they just hug these four legged niggers enough they'll stop being the viscous beasts they are.

Pitbulls can actually be shot and still keep mauling at it's prey

They were bred to be unstoppable killing machines, even inbred so they would have mutant retard strength.

Once a pitbull chimps out, there is nothing stopping it. They should be thought of like owning a lion.

>it's worse than niggers so it's okay

Nigbulls accounted for like 70% of all dog attacks in 2016

they must be gassed

that's a good comic. mind if I save it?

This is nonsense. Liberals, both left & right-wing, simply engage in special pleading when it comes to humans.

Point out to a right winger that the structure of their assertion regarding pits is very similar to the logic feminists use to condemn men and watch how quickly they do this.

Shut up you retarded niggerdog enabler

nigbulls should be shot on sight and so should their owners

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Pit bulls kill less than 20 a year on average, which I'd shit considering there are roughly 3 to 5 million of then in the USA.

It is estimated that there are between 3.5 and 5.5 million pitbulls in America. If we take the low end of that and apply the 2016 numbers on fatal dog bites attributed to pitbulls (22), than that means roughly 1 in every 160,000 pitbulls or 0.00000625%.

shitbulls are scum, it's a genocide we need

>it's only bad if the victim dies!

They bite and injure people constantly

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pitbull genocide now you fucking nigger


Yes, but if we are going for dig bite statistics, chihuahua and cocker spaniels are far more likely to bite.

Let's also be clear about this too the following breeds are pit bulls
American pit bull terrier
Staffordshire terrier
Cane Corso
Dog Argentina
African mastiff
American bulldog
American bully
Boxers (when they attack)
Bull terrier

I had one as a kid and he was just a total bro all his life. We got him in the late 70's and nobody had any idea what a pitbull was, I had no idea until decades later when looking at old pictures. My parents are not the type to even care about a dog's breed. I don't think we even paid for any dog, ever. My grampa used to shoot dogs if they showed aggression to humans, so I highly doubt my parents had any idea what a pitbul was, they probably still don't know.
We lived on a farm, there were other dogs and a bunch of different animals, cattle, hogs, horses, a few goats, chickens, sheep, and usually a dozen cats or so. He never caused us any shit at all with any of them that I can remember.
He was "my" dog, not a working dog though, so he followed me everywhere and slept in my room.
He was really, really good at tug of war.
My dad built me an awesome heated fort with plush carpet on the floor ceiling and walls, basically it was a mini house but an adult couldn't stand up in it and I used to hang out reading comics in a room in the basement the size of a closet with that dog, I used him as a pillow.
Sometimes my brothers and our friends would be packed in there with the dog and he never so much as growled.

Coyotes try to lead dogs out away from our yard, I wonder if they ever tried that shit with him.
Now that I think about it, he died when I was 14, and I was 15 when I had to start dealing with coyotes. I wonder if he kept them away. He was not our only dog, but the coyotes started causing problems when we still had a bunch of other dogs.

I bet the breed could be rehabilitated.

The Pitbull is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a mutt, inbred, flea bag, mongrel, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Nigger Dog and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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This is your brain on right-wing liberalism.
Only one step removed from telling me that there are more whites on welfare and that men are bad because they commit the vast majority of rapes and sexual assault.

Comparing pits with toy breeds provides doesn't probe the actual risk to you from pits. When we actually look at that here:
We can see you guys are pussies who can't into math.

>I bet the breed could be rehabilitated.
Based on things like the Belyayev project that the number of generations to very selectively breed out traits is surprisingly few.

That said, there is no evidence that all or even most modern lineages of pitbulls are selectively bred for aggression, let alone the feminist-tier hyperbole these liberal faggots are saying: that of complete undomesticated slaughter.
This is a complex dynamic and not remotely something intrinsic, if it were intrinsic to these dogs then all or the vast majority of pits would be regularly attacking and killing (which based on the data isn't even remotely the case).

Rather there is likely a particular set of alleles (like the 2 repeat allele of MAOA gene found in nearly 5% of blacks associated with "shooting and stabbing behaviors") that leads very small group of pits to be incredibly dangerous. In fact looking at the data suggests that there is a sharp divergence of pit-lineages going on.

>potato nigger calling people niggers

Fuck off nigbull enabling faggot nobody cares about your feminist logic

Everybody knows they are the niggerdog and their mauling kids/old ladies on a weekly basis.

I stopped reading halfway through the second sentence but I'm going to go back in time and shoot your stupid niggerdog right in it's nigger face.

Except that NigBulls make up a small percentage of actual dogs owned but account for the majority of dog attacks.

There's nothing NigBull lovers can say to defend these four legged niggers. Both the "dogs" and their owners must be stuffed into the dog-pound gas chamber

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If liberals acknowledge the nigger dog dindu problem is do to breeding and genetics then they just might need to address the actual nigger question. Not gunna happen.

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Why would someone with that hairline have that haircut?

I've never had a dog. I know nothing about them. But these pitts are ugly as shit and I can't imagine why anyone would want one.

Also, just as an outsider with no dog in this fight, there is not much worse than a damn Pitt bull defender. Typically if you have to defend anything that hard there is some sort of problem.

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Fuck off, we have too many laws as is.

>muttnigger defending niggerdogs
like pottery

>that's a good comic. mind if I save it?



We have a bunch of laws that protect the weak/degenerate and restrict the strong/righteous

Listen here, you cunt.

Who tells you pitbulls are bad? The same fucks who literally lie to your face constantly to push a bullshit narrative to support their liberal bullshit ideology.

Where are pitbulls banned? Libshit cities and counties.

So, with that in mind, do you think it might be possible that you are being a fed heaps of bullshit?

>Except that NigBulls make up a small percentage of actual dogs owned but account for the majority of dog attacks.
This is only true if you narrowly define dog attacks to exclude the vast majority of dog-bites, which is just another reason why it doesn't probe at the risk pitbulls pose to compare pits with toy breeds.

Actual risk assessment comes from comparing their total numbers to the rate in which they actually inflict severe harm. Saying that a pit poses more risk than a morky tells us nothing about the actual risk of a pit.



that's an old meme you retarded nufag

So, ban assault dogs? Why do you keep doing this to yourself?

I lived in an apartment complex and a woman tenant had a german shepard, she couldn't keep it under control. it was always jumping on people. luckily it wasn't violent cause that dumb bitch COULD NOT control it

>I bet the breed could be rehabilitated.
maybe, i actually do think a lot it has to do with the people that own them despite what retard Jow Forums says. in my experience the majority of people that owned pitbulls were either niggers, wiggers and single, bitter, never married, dried up, trailer trash women. all three groups of people loved to front an intimidating death machine on a chain in public and it stroked their egos and flattered them to some degree to own one. maybe pitbulls have a propensity to bite but way too many shit their pants and overlook the shitty kind of people that typically own them that encourage the behaviors.

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This is a stupid theory. Even if they conceded your particular view of pitbulls, which is probably a stupid one, they would just say that this isn't analogous to humans. You act like there isn't a long history of tabula rasa-posting.

>I stopped reading halfway through the second sentence but I'm going to go back in time and shoot your stupid niggerdog right in it's nigger face.

Well that didn't happen so you can go ahead and put it next to living as a heterosexual in the pile of things that you will never ever accomplish.

anyone have the link for that story where the guy fed poison steaks to a bunch of pitbulls in the ghetto?
>Doing Gods work

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>Who tells you pitbulls are bad?
Nobody because the liberal establishment decided they are good boys who dindu nuffin
>Where are pitbulls banned
Literally just small conservative towns who don't want their kids getting mauled by NigBulls
>Libshit cities and counties
Libshits are the only ones who own these retarded pieces of shit
>are you a fed?
Oh yes there is a deep state plot to ban pitbulls!!!

Holy shit how did niggers find Jow Forums?

>So, ban 90 lbs liberals who own 250 lbs dogs who are purposedly in-bred with the purpose to kill?

We don't let people own lions, why would we let them own pitbulls?

How much dog dick do you have to suck to be this retarded?

>irish calling other people mutts

>Nobody because the liberal establishment decided they are good boys who dindu nuffin
no, it's liberal cryfags who call for and legislate outright dog bans based solely on feels you fucking retard.

>maybe, i actually do think a lot it has to do with the people that own them despite what retard Jow Forums says

If you raise a yellow lab wrong, it's probably not going to maul someone to death

If you raise a nigbull wrong, it will maul someone to death

Not even close
German Sheppard s had the most deaths and golden retrievers have the most bites.

Id shoot every one of those dogs in the fucking face too if I saw them on my property.
>walk in the front door from being at work all day long
>some young black lab is running around my living room with my german shepered
>chase it around the living room but little nigger is fast
>eventually chase it into the basement and out the dog door
>see it run to through a hole it dug from the fence in the back of my yard
>my GS just looks at me like wtf
If my neighbor had a pitbull and I found it randomly in my house, it certainly wouldn't have been chased around like some stupid little black lab. Actual dogs and nigger dogs have two different proper ways of managing. One is with a 9mm to the head, the other is to just push it out the door.

no joke i have probably the nicest pitbull you will ever meet, if someone tried to break into the house she would probably just sit there waiting to get pet, but she does have her violent tendencies whenever she sees another dog, its fucking annoying.

just the slightest glimpse of an animal and she just goes bat shit crazy for no fucking reason and i just wanna shove my foot down her dumb fucking throat when she does that shit at 4 am

fucking kek

>based soley on feels
>not death and mauling statistics

Liberals are the only people to champion these filthy nigger dogs. Claim their good boys who dindu nuffin.

There are 0 conservatives who own one of these nigger dogs and they are banned in many conservative small towns.

I live in Chicago and you see 90 lbs coal burners and fat latinas walking these shit dogs constantly, they love them

>are you a fed?

I never asked that you illiterate shit.

No one is denying that 'breeds' have temperament ranges you fucking moron.

That said, if tomorrow all the niggers and trailer trash decided to raise a bunch of yellow labs, and fought a minority of them, give it a decade and watch how a sub-lineage of yellow labs emerges that is more violent. How? Because there are now selection pressures for violence etc.

That's the point, there are some shitty sub-lineages of pits.

lab kill rates would be higher if they had the jaw strength of bully's.

Happening to kraut bros too.


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you are so new it hurts

>We don't let people own lions
We do, but with a license. Just saying, unrelated.

This is America, suck a dick.

oh sweet summer child

>do you think it might be possible that you are being a fed heaps of bullshit?
>you are being a fed

Learn to type nigger

>>not death and mauling statistics
>doesn't cite statistics actually demonstrating risk but instead cites difference stats explicitly for the purpose of drawing flawed inferences
You're literally a liberal.

It is estimated that there are between 3.5 and 5.5 million pitbulls in America. If we take the low end of that and apply the 2016 numbers on fatal dog bites attributed to pitbulls (22), than that means roughly 1 in every 160,000 pitbulls or 0.00000625%.

LOL at all the faggots still defending shitbulls after all these years. What the fuck are you doing on here if you can't even come to terms with the pitbull question?

>Liberals are the only people to champion these filthy nigger dogs. Claim their good boys who dindu nuffin.
no they aren't politicians of all stripes will default to blaming the object rather than the cause whether it be a gun or a dog. i live in shitty liberal land and the province, liberal government, banned them because of feels

Animal aggression is normal for them.

Human aggression is not.

>This is America, suck a dick.

Strange, I don't recall my grandparents or any of their friends owning nigdogs.

They would be shooting these cunts on sight dumbass

>Feminist: Biological males are more likely to commit a rape than biological female
>MRA: Fair enough, that's common knowledge

You're literally a nigger enabler

>come on just because male niggers make up 7% of the population and commit over 50% of all violent crimes doesn't mean it's going to happen to you!!!!

Something tells me you have not lived around pitbulls or niggers, you sound very sheltered.

>the following breeds are pit bulls
>any decent guard/hunting dog is a pit-bull
How much glue have you been huffing?
I had no idea I owned a pit-bull (according to your list). Lay off the soy
>if they conceded your particular view of pitbulls, which is probably a stupid one
Yeah it's all nurture, not nature. Of course the faggots would claim that, without any scientific evidence. See James Watson (co-discoverer of DNA structure)
>father of modern genetics
>gets told by the left he doesn't know shit about genetics
You have to be retarded to not make the connection between genetics and behavior

White farmers do have a history of pitbull ownership that actually predates spics and niggers adopted them to be proxy-penises.

>politicians to start talking about banning
STOP right there. Change your thinking. Dumbass faggots, third-wave feminists, niggers, and idiots own these killing machines - and fail to control them. It is the PEOPLE that are the problem. Banning the dog is a band-aid. The owners will find other ways to be in the way of civil sanity. The solution to to USE the pitbull maulings and murders as a backdoor to redpilling people about race and genetics.

Do you frequently spout bullshit without reading the full sentence?

Why do you NEED a pitbull?

When the founding fathers permitted pitbulls, a pitbull could only maul one kid every 30 seconds. Modern pitbulls can take out 20 kids in a single spergout

Even some literal liberal dogfuckers have the sense to ban these four legged negroids

>default to blaming the object
Dogs aren't an object you absolute fucking leaf

I don't care about how many fucking school shooters go haywire because I want my guns for the DOTR, not because of some stupid higher ideal like some cocksucking Steven Crowder viewer or some gay shit

fist your own ass with finger-strap on dildos

>owning nigdogs
I'm sorry you don't have better memories of what is fundamentally an English breed.
Literally marketed as 'nanny dogs'.


I grew up on a farm, farmers WOULD NOT own a fucking nigbull. Those things are as useless as dogshit

>Why would someone with that hairline have that haircut?

Don't know. My hairline isn't quite that bad, but it's getting there, and it's best covered up if you just do a normal messy side part. That haircut just accentuates it.

Pitbulls were so white and American they were a symbol for America back in world War 2. They were so common place a family pet that is how Petey the pitbull was picked for the little rascals.

>Banning the dog is a band-aid
Fucking this.
Apparently nobody remembers when hood rats loved rotties and ruined the Rottweiler rep. If you ban the dogs, they'll breed down some other dog.

>English breed

English inbred retards literally inbred the pitbull for fighting and exported them to rome for Colosseum dog fighting matches

>sorry you don't have memories of what people did 1800 years ago

you dumb dogcock sucking retard

soyboy detected

Why is no one talking about the size of the things head holding the dog in comparison to its body?

like i said, you are the kind of hypocrite and fag who bases their politics on their feefees, not sure what else can be said. cry moar about scary nigger dogs

Jesus Christ on a fucking stick dude. No. Stop.

You had a good pitbull. Great. Don't kill that particularly dog -AND- don't let it breed. There is no cruelty in preventing breeding, unless you feel bad for it not getting its rocks off, in which case no one would know if you put peanut butter on its dick and licked it off.

If you were to do this to the Pit Bulls, it would just mean turning them into German Shepherds or some other non-nigger dog... which already exists!

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>implying ideas are not feefees

Blow more niggerdog dick retard

next you'll be on your knees jerking of a horde of POZ'd niggers and explaining how they dindu nuffin

The point is the false inferences drawn from the data.
False, when I moved to a city I was too poor to live anywhere else but a nigger infested area (internship years). My household was literally the only white household on the street.
My recommendation for any young white bachelor in a similar situation is to actually purchase two pits, because their presence will decrease the chance of a nigger breaking into your home by so much.
Niggers fear and respect pitbulls, they are a great deterrent in the right hands.

>>come on just because male niggers make up 7% of the population and commit over 50% of all violent crimes doesn't mean it's going to happen to you!!!!
That isn't what is being said you no-nuance eeediot. That kind of comparison tells us about the rate of criminality compared to other groups of humans, it doesn't however tell us very much about the actual risk any random nigger poses to you.

Likewise, comparing the category of pits, which is a grouping of like 8 different breeds, with other individual breeds doesn't actually tell us much of anything about the risk any random 'pit' poses to you. Especially since the physical variance between dog breeds is significantly greater than the physical variance between human populations.

>AND- don't let it breed.
>Letting nigs determine the phenotype
You are retarded.

ITT: pic related

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>Likewise, comparing the category of pits, which is a grouping of like 8 different breeds, with other individual breeds doesn't actually tell us much of anything about the risk any random 'pit' poses to you. Especially since the physical variance between dog breeds is significantly greater than the physical variance between human populations.

K-9 autism

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no one gives a shit about your ideas, you're the complete fucktard with 24 posts in this thread getting homotional after you got btfo numerous times already

>Yeah it's all nurture, not nature.
Nurture/nature is a sociological distinction that predates evo-bio. It is a heuristic to simplify a complex picture (mostly for idiot grad students) but also introduces serious error into the picture.
In evo-bio properly understood, the distinction is overwhelmingly a false one, genetics are just the environment interiorized while environmental effects are necessarily limited to genetic disposition (in a very totalizing way).

>You have to be retarded to not make the connection between genetics and behavior
You're a fucking illiterate moron because I'm saying no such thing. I'm shitting on tabula-rasa posting and I point out here how genes that directly impact behavioral propensities.

>no one gives a shit about your ideas

I literally just said this, but your brain is clearly rotten from years of POZ'd niggerdog jizz

Anybody defending shitbulls automatically BTFO themselves

Hence the word "predating" niggers and spics owning them at all, it was a historical claim, not one about present day farmers. Pitbulls were owned by white farmers in the 1800s etc.

just go through all of your posts in this thread. you're an absolute tear filled wreck. are you a woman and a liberal?
