>decent grades in school >told parents I want to be a carpenter >dad is a plumber, who is a libtard, flips out >forces me to go to college >graduate 5 years later with some shitty degree >been in the industry for 12 years now >looking online for jobs >see a job for a plumber at a university >plumbers make 47.50 an hour >must be 21 to apply >i wasted my life listening to my liberal fuck parents
Why aren't we promoting the trades more? I am married with children now and I wrecked my credit, still have a ton of student loans... I should have just done what I wanted.
>be plumber >have to work hard and have my body break down from years of hard labor >have a son >encourage him to study hard in school so he can have a better life then me >he falls for the trades meme because the people he talks to on the internet have convinced him that studying and being smart is for liberals
When I went through high school, any time someone said they might not want to go to college, the teacher would literally stop class and talk for ~5 mins about how thats not a bad idea
Yeah but teachers never want anyone to succeed besides like 1-2 people in the entire class, usually the ones who have their tongues the deepest up the teacher's ass.
If you're not a self-motivated, driven, and brilliant person, you should definitely get as much education as you can possibly get. Granted, nowadays education doesn't have much value, what with the brainwashing and the repeated attempts to defy science and history and rewrite everything, but the point remains the same.
Camden Cook
Plumbers make $16/hr and that's master plumbers
Connor Carter
looks like he's carpenting to me bro
Jacob Torres
Could be worse OP
>dad an engineer >makes well over 200k a year >refuses to pay for my college >cant get loans >end up being a truck driver
Nothin gets the ladies wet like telling them you're a truck driver
Ryan Hughes
I went to college and got a double major in econ/accounting.. i do a little accounting on the side but I mostly work in trade, trade that an illegal immigrant that can read English could have the same job as me lol...
Leo Davis
he's framing bud. Carpenters would be too scared to go up that high
Caleb Torres
>have degree in biochemistry >Go to medical school because my blue collar family never stops telling me how smart I am and how talented I am >3rd year of medical school, completely hate my life
I wanted to do something related to forestry. I'm going to be in debt until I'm 45.
Logan Torres
Trades (excluding electricians) destroy your body by 40 or work in dangerous environments. There are still white-collar options (STEM, business, healthcare) that pays well
Nolan Sanchez
Tertiary study and intelligence are barely correlated these days. >meme flag. Oh.
Angel Hernandez
should have done engineering dumb nigger. You could have had the best of both worlds
Carson Walker
How about making your own decisions, cunt? My cousin was a DJ for over 15 years, then he recently joined a union and installs 12-foot glass windows into skyscrapers
Hunter Campbell
You could have joined the coast guard....
Josiah Robinson
I have a mechanical engineering degree and I am interviewing on the 11th for my first job as an engineer. It's an entry level position. What kind of wage should I ask for if I land the job and they make me an offer?
I'll have to move to Illinois if I get the job. When I search the internet for "entry level mechanical engineer salary in illinois" it says the average base pay for entry level mech engineers is ~65k a year. Should I just ask for 65,000? Or perhaps state a range like "I'd like to make 60-65k" a year?
Easton Ramirez
>Nothin gets the ladies wet like telling them you're a truck driver
Thanks for the laugh
Jace Sanchez
Your fucking stupid. He's cutting and building out of wood. Sure he's a framer. All framers are carpenters but not all carpenters are framers. God damn.
Joseph Powell
Sure your dad's an engineer, but he's a shit father so he's a failure. Chasing dollars like a good goy isn't sucess.
Dylan Ramirez
>besides electricians Try pulling 500 kcmil wire and working around high voltage. It's hard work and dangerous but the pay is substantially higher than other trades.
if your parents are still alive leech the living fuck out of them as much as you possibly can to pay for the loans and most importantly, retaliate
Leo Jones
>Nothin gets the ladies wet like telling them you're a truck driver Or telling them you used to run an chinese finger painting image board.
Owen Hall
plumbing is just bending over and shit, even old fucks do yoga
Blake Gutierrez
hello me
Christian Bell
whats wrong with the coast guard?
Gabriel Evans
Thats a totally bullshit generalized whitewashed statement...I'm 53, have worked as a cabinetmaker for 27 years now, and my body is in better shape than most 25 yr olds...even have all the fingers I started life with...
Jose Campbell
Nothing. I was saying he could have received the GI bill
I don't get it, out of all things you want to do a peasant job? I mean no offence but isn't carpentry and plumbing just menial jobs and isn't there less respect for them in society whatsoever?
Austin Bailey
Anyone know anything about this? Never had a professional job before so I legitimately do not know what to ask for and don't want to get lowballed especially considering I am moving from FL to Illinois for this job if I get it.
It is not viewed as prestigious work by most people, but pays more than many jobs
Nolan Howard
If you knew anything about economics you would know your parents were right.
College educated people expand the economy through technological progress and process innovation. Trades people simple responds to changes in demand for their specific service.
The income distribution of college graduates is both wider and centered around a higher mean income.
The top 1% of trades people make a cool 10ish million a year after they open their own business in their field l.
The top 1% of college grads make a cool 100 mill.
Don't blame your parents for having high hopes. Blame your self for being such a waste of human capital.
Jose Davis
I was in e-x-a-c-t-l-y the same position as you. Harassed into going to uni, no interest, dropped out. Pretentious, class-conscious cunt of a mother determined to tell her similarly pretentious peers that her little johnny was a doctor or a lawyer. Drive a truck for a living now. Don’t really like it. Should have become a builder/carpenter. News flash, people: let your kids be what they want to be, not what you want them to be.
always go up from their original offer. My rule of thumb has been under 100k per year, ask for 5k more. You will get it. All you have to do is ask. >t.microsoft hiring manager
Austin Morris
>Why aren't we promoting the trades more?
They revolve around natural materials, which are slowly disappearing.
Hudson Martinez
It's always better to atleast get a job and then a high raise.
Keep your hopes high but make sure if your degree/University/grade/skills match the price you're asking for, judge yourself.
Parker Diaz
Well yeah but you wanted to be a truck driver and now you hate it. I think the better advice would be "if your child disappoints you thoroughly, disown them so they can take credit for their failure accordingly"
Adrian Perry
Better than running syskey scams on elderly people.
Elijah Wood
So move back you filthy Slav.
Owen Nelson
>the "i have no argument so i must correct that one word"
William Stewart
>Nothin gets the ladies wet like telling them you're a truck driver
I know sarcasm. But what if you offer them shelter?
Hunter Campbell
>people: let your kids be what they want to be, not what you want them to be. >Dad! I want to go to a 45k a year private university to major in modern art!
Levi Sullivan
> (OP) >I don't get it, out of all things you want to do a peasant job? I mean no offence but isn't carpentry and plumbing just menial jobs and isn't there less respect for them in society whatsoever?
poo doesn't respect plumbers
Christopher Lee
>1 post Nice slide thread
Josiah Hernandez
If I could go back in time I would have become a plumber.
Henry Hall
>lives in a building >could not have built it himself >sneers at those who built his home
Btw I'm a south slav, but that probably makes me worse in your eyes. At least my ancestors removed kebab.
Bentley Walker
:::leans in to mic:::
Dominic Watson
Is there a certain way I should go about asking for more? I assume they will give me an initial proposal package including the salary and benefits. If they offer 60k a year do I just say "The salary figure is a little low, I was hoping to make 65k a year."
Jonathan Campbell
Are you retarded?
Oliver Peterson
Chill you fuckin tradies... Plumbers and Carpenters barely make anything here and are mostly from rural areas so I have such perception about them.
Nolan Perez
hmm, still text swaps, so they kept "desu" but got rid of "roody-poo" when you typed in "nigger"
Wyatt Young
I meant more that there’s no real point in living in a country if you’re miserable. If I had my way Europoors would have a fast track for US citizenship rather than José and his 13 children.
James Evans
>tfw you will never be an artist or athlete or musician and just do what you love for a living
Alexander Morgan
I'm a fucking Janitor and make $17/hr.
Liam Peterson
You will get around 45-50k starting
in three years you can pull 75 easy
t.mechie solidworks pro
Jayden Jackson
India has plumbers? I hadn’t figured you lot even discovered running water yet.
Matthew Smith
Oh well that’s completely different then. Carry on sneering.
Think what you actually want to use the money for and then add up how much it costs, e.g. retirement fund, kids college, supporting a wife, expensive hobbies, let your imagination run wild. Did you skip the free financial adviser at your school?
Jaxon Martin
I won't be doing solidworks though the position is a test engineer. I'll be doing lab and field tests on industrial equipment such as tractors and trucks.
Benjamin Lewis
Yeah, state employed custodialfag here, no degree, been here 1.5 years, and i make $15/hr with amazing benefits.
Benjamin Campbell
>TFW you’ll never be born a German and work in production where you’re synonymous with Quality.
Adrian Morales
I know what I want to use the money for did you read my post correctly? I was asking how to get the salary not how to spend it. I know how to save and allocate money.
Adam Smith
Most of the well paying trade jobs are union.
Nolan Reed
It means you don't know what you want because you're a fucking idiot and you blame it on that one time your mom made you go to college, you stupid fucking sunleaf
Nathaniel Morales
I'd say We wuz the first one to plumbin and sheit.
Adam Wright
In India, a plumber is a person who picks up PIPING hot poo from designated shitting streets
Joshua Lewis
This is why the Jews are winning - they care for their children unlike dumb goys.
David Morgan
In India a plumber is a guy that picks up plums and drives them in his rickshaw to the market
Jonathan Martin
you won't be getting a package or anything like that right away. The initial offer will be verbal. Thats where you get your salary agreed on. Just say something like "due to rising cost of living". They never offer you the amount they actually can pay you for a position. Hence the easy 5k wiggle room. Even if your starting salary is 40k, id still say go for 45k. $5,000 is actually a large amount of money to just miss out on for being a shy beta virgin.
Josiah Adams
sounds pretty intro but also interesting....the BEST absolute piece of advice I have for you taken from a rich friends dad - write down every unique project or situation or problem you solve. Will make editing your resume easy and fast when it comes time.
Nicholas Morales
This user is correct.
>t. Professional installer of high quality custom cabinetry
As a lifelong shut-in NEET, reading this thread is like listening to foreigners.
Noah Evans
In Sweden, plumber is Tyrone who sleeps with Alfreds wife. Sad state broda
Logan Peterson
>he thinks plumbing is hard labor Post body, twink
Josiah Ortiz
>join army as 21B combat engineer >deploy as personal security to Iraqi head of state and other tier 1 diplomats >get degree in GIS/geomatics - satellite imagery analysis >end up working as an appliance delivery / installer
Not knowing the right answer to this is why millennials such as myself are generally in perpetual existential crises
Andrew Campbell
Try $200 an hour and he won't show up for less than a thousand, retard. Go brush your teeth
Tyler Harris
Desu is desu Miserable is a slight exaggeration. I'd say I'm unhappy and my dad found this country to be not what he expected.
A large part of this also comes from me being in college in jew york city. The bullshit they preach in colleges, good lord. Everywhere is just niggers and the only white millenials are pretty much self hating faggots.
I wouldnt mind moving to another state either. Y'know stock up on muh guns and wait for civil war 2.
Joshua King
>Burger education Who's Alfred Nobel again you fuckin tool?