Another fuckin SJW agitprop image

Another fuckin SJW agitprop image

So let's break it down
I have no fuckin idea how to use a flute.
I had a business plan, to make flutes. I went to the library/youtube, and see how to make it.
I invest money, bought materials, and after countless failure and work hour, I made the flute.

The "ARTIST" route
Day one:
A self proclaimed "artist" came and demand to hand over the flute I made, of course free, because she has no money.
Fuck off babe, the flute is 100$, or you can suck my other flute, and you can have it.
Later she came back with a bunch of SJW antifa scum, they raid my shop, break my nose, and took my flute with force, so the "artist" can entertain them, like in the ancient Roman times. Bread an circus. Of course, an hour later they raid the bakery, because they were hungry.
There is no day two.
Me and the baker made a descision:
We will never make a flute/bread/civilisation again for these scum, and walk away for a better place to live, and make business.
We can survive on our own. The scum will die as there is no flute/bread/any other product makers left to be robbed.


The capitalist route
Day one:
I sold the flute to a dude, who had no idea how to use it, but he:
a> bought it as a present for his child
b> want to learn to use it.
I used the money: 50% to buy new crafting materials, pay the bills, and the rest for to
a> feed my family
b> cokaine&hookers
Day two:
I made another flute. The flute became a thing, I had lots of order for flute. I don't have enough hour in a day to keep up the demand.
Day three:
I bought new equipment, and hire workers from the street. Now I have a flute factory, my employees have a better life as they not living on the street begging for leftover food, one of them even want to buy a flute. I start saving money, because the flute will go out of fashion, than I might be make other instruments, like violin.
Day ten:

Attached: flute.png (960x720, 226K)

Other urls found in this thread:

One of my employee told me, he can do some elecronics, and he'd

like to try how to make an electric guitar. So I gave him a workplace and materials to do his research. He'll gona get 10% of the

guitar business if we can make this.


The "opressed beggar"
A beggar come and demand me to hand over the flute, for whatever reason. GO TO WORK!
The beggar get angry, later on that day he get back with a bunch of SJW antifa scum, they raid my shop, take away my flute, and break

my nose. Than they raid the bakery...
There is no day two.

To let's get BASIC for the retards:
We can have business, but if you want to buy something from me, you will have to pay the price I make, or you can walk away. Of course, if I want to buy something from you, I'll have to pay the price you made, or I can walk away.

I have the right to protect myself and my stuff with lethal force from you.
You have the right to protect yourself and your stuff from me with lethal force.
If I don't have these right, than neither have you.
Can you understand this BASIC shit?
All of the boats moving towards capitalist countries filled with brown people risking their lives to get away from non capitalist paradises.
thousands of people died at the Berlin wall while try to get away from the loving embrace of the socialist state. At the north Korean border, all of the guns aimed to their own people.
If the people does not have the right to own property, the result of their own work, all of them are state owned slaves.
If you want to keep up production, you have to force them to stay where you want them.
You may achieve some tech advance by selecting the smart ones, giving them surplus, than threatening them with their loved ones lifes to make new things.
Of course those smart ones would be rich as fuck in the corporate world, so you have to keep them behind barbed wire and guard towers like North Korea.

Weve already established you keep the flute none of the childrwn get it.
Sage and hide

bruh we had three threads on this image in the past two days


I'm just going to say it I would just break the flute and tell them all to fuck off

Its a paradox you idiot.

It implies a post scarcity world but then incorporates scarcity.

This confuses your pea brain. Because in a post scarcity world there would be flutes for everyone who wants one.

why would B make the flute if he doesn't get anything out of it...

Attached: 1522381414142.png (351x351, 141K)

>Retard Hungarian doesn't know that Lee Kwan Yew was /ourguy/

Attached: time for caning.png (339x400, 261K)

>implying I would steal the flute from child B
Leftists are scum.

It's easy, all we have to do is completely change human nature. Anyone who won't adapt will be shot. It's for the greater good. It's gonna be awesome!! Capitalism is so evil and exploitative anyway!

Attached: hurrdurr_imma_retard.jpg (300x300, 54K)

Fuck off and do actual important shit. Let them fight for it like normal kids are supposed to do.

I'd give them my flue if you know what I mean

I was thinking. why the fuck would you make a flute if you don't know how to use it? But then I realized she could have just sold it to child A or learned to play it, possibly from child A for some money. Child C needs to fuck off he's a leech who adds nothing to the scenario

Stab each child in one eye with that flute.
After that they won't give a fuck about it.

who took the flute off child b in the first place?

the element of the equation that universally gets ignored is that of the role of the prime mover, i.e. you.

You are supposed to be the arbiter of this situation. What YOU represent in the equation is absolute authority. You can do anything with the flute. This is the ultimate fallacy of socialism. A King may have the final say, but there is no sole proprietor of society, nor can singular power be scaled to represent the complexities of governing.

Child B is the proper owner.

Child A's point is dumb, because it's possible for the others to learn how to play it.

Child C is basically just saying, I'm poor, GIBS ME DAT. It should be a black child in C.

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And I thought rule34 couldn't surprise me anymore.

>Lee Kuan Yew?
If I are Li Kuan YOU. I would gas the kid who sounds like a commie for being a russian spy, with no trial. (That's Child C.) Then I lock up the flute in my billion dorrar trust fund. Child A and B get nothing. I send the IRA to check their taxes anyway.

Why would I give any of these children MY flute? Notice how none of them said they bought the damn thing

Free labour to help Glorious motherland

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What kind of commie scum would pick anyone but B?

It's never said that it's your flute, you just say who you think should have it.

that wasnt an answer

Child C is a literal nigger. GIBS ME DAT FO FREE. He can't even play the flute.

As the only adult in the room I hold the monopoly of force. The flute is mine, and I use as a rod to smack the entitlement right out of child C.

It's the socialist/communist answer. There is no other way (and that's why socialism/communism is fucking retarded).

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Attached: clapping horse.gif (600x338, 1.76M)

Attached: american socialism.png (960x720, 137K)

I fuck child a, kill child c, marry child b so she can make more flutes.

I'd let her have my flute

Child B makes deal with Child C, she'll give the flute to Child C and Child C has to sell it and give half profits to Child B. Child A comes along and buys the flute from Child C. Everyone benefits and the flute is given to the one who can use it.

B would have never made the flute if she knew that she would be forced to give it away without compensation. B has every right to break the flute over her knee, and stick up both middle fingers to point at A and C.


bump for more r34 of middle child



this is the true answer for who gets the flute in life.


Attached: flute.png (1582x491, 221K)

I keep the flute of course, fuck those three little cunts. That'll stop their bitching and moaning for sure. Easily solved and I don't have to feel like a commy answering the question /thread

the flute belongs to child b until child b gives it away or sells it. seeing as how child b provided both the labour and materials. it is child bs property and cannot be removed without theft.

however i am biggest and i will take the flute and sell it to a pawn shop to pay a prostitute for sex

Attached: tuck.jpg (1200x675, 44K)

Don't question it just fap

you break the flute into three and give them whistles. just make sure that a and c get the ones with splinters

we've been having these fucking threads every day the past couple weeks

Obviously ownership is declared in child B.

So B should get the flute. And other solution without the owner's consent is essentially theft.

At that point B could choose whichever other child should get it if she wants, and with what ever means she wants. She could sell at whatever price she wants or just give it away. It's up to her.

This was easy.